Lot 2450 | CARNE, John (1789-1844) - Syria, the Holy Land & Asia Minor illustrated in a...

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Tuesday 21 November 2017 hours 15:30 (UTC +01:00)

CARNE, John (1789-1844) - Syria, the Holy Land & Asia Minor illustrated in a...

CARNE, John (1789-1844) - Syria, the Holy Land & Asia Minor illustrated in a series of views drawn from nature by W.H. Bartlett, William Purser and Thomas Allom. Londra: Fisher, Son and Co., [1840-42?].
Seconda edizione? di questi testi con numerose incisioni che raffigurano i pellegrini alla Mecca, scene di vita quotidiana in Libano e Siria, vedute delle rovine di Balbec, le città fortificate di Tripoli, Alessandria e molti altri siti archeologici. Alcuni esemplari hanno i frontespizi datati 1868-39.
3 volumi, 4to (272 x 214mm). Antiporta con ritratto inciso in rame nel vol. I e carte geografiche in antiporta al II e III, frontespizi incisi in rame e 117 tavole incise in rame (macchie di umidità più marcate all'inizio del vol. III). Marocchino rosso coevo con decorazioni e tagli in oro (lievi graffi). (3)

CARNE, John (1789-1844) - Syria, the Holy Land & Asia Minor illustrated in a series of views drawn from nature by W.H. Bartlett, William Purser and Thomas Allom. London: Fisher, Son and Co., [1840-42?].
Second edition? of these text containing illustrations of pilgrims at the Mecca, a Turkish Divan, ancient cedars in Lebanon, cafes in Damascus, as well as views of the ruins of Balbec, the fortified cliffs of Alaya, Alexandria, Tripoli, Damascus, Sidor, and numerous other historical sites.
3 volumes, 4to (272 x 214mm). Engraved portrait in vol. I and engraved maps as frontispieces in the other vols, engraved titles and 117 plates (some waterstaining heavier at beginning of vol. III). Contemporary red morocco decorated in gilt, gilt edges (lightly rubbed). (3)