Registration and Benefits
To answer your questions, click FAQ, for general information about auctions, click Participate in Auctions.
Registering with ArsValue is easy, quick, and free. Registration allows you to have a customized account that reflects your interests.
Participate in Auctions
Participating in auctions through your device is a great convenience; you can win lots without leaving your home. So why not do it with a provider that has been synonymous with security and performance for years? Participate with ArsValue.
It's Free!
Registration is completely free! ArsValue does not require any costs, not even for your participation in auctions; it is a free service.
The payments you will have to make are related to any successful bids, the price of the won lot, and commissions due to the auction house. These payments go directly to the selling auction house, and they are applicable to anyone who participates in the auctions, regardless of the method of participation.
Each auction catalog contains the "Information" menu, which includes the "Terms of Sale" for the auction, a document that informs you about the auction rules and the commissions due for purchases made during that specific auction.
ArsValue: Save time, be everywhere.
Can’t keep up with every live auction? You’ve got your things to do - you can’t spend all day chasing bids. Still, it’s frustrating to miss out on lots you're interested in or settle for less just because you couldn't stick around. What if you could have placed that winning bid? You’ll never know.
That’s where ArsValue comes in. With our platform, you can submit pre-auction bids by setting a maximum limit, and no one will know your top offer. During the auction, the system automatically handles your bids, no matter how many, up to your hidden maximum.
With ArsValue, it's like having extra time and being in multiple places at once. Your hidden bids are protected even when auctions overlap, ensuring you never miss an opportunity again.
Many Auctions, One Account
With a single account, you can participate in auctions from all the auction houses present on ArsValue, without having to register on multiple sites and manage different accounts for each site.
The wide range of options available on ArsValue, thanks to solid collaborations with numerous auction houses, allows you to use your account to participate in numerous auctions of all kinds, offering you a significant variety of catalogs.
Pre-Auction Bidding
You can place your bids as soon as the lots are published on ArsValue and up to half an hour before the start of the auction. So, if you can't follow the live auction, we will automatically manage your bids during the auction. Otherwise, you can bid in real-time during the auction.
Pre-auction bids on ArsValue are anonymous, and the identity of the bidder is revealed to the auction house only in case of a successful bid.
Furthermore, you can place maximum bids at the counter, which will be automatically defended during the auction. If you want to bid up to a certain amount, you can set the bid up to the maximum amount you are willing to spend. During the auction, if there are competing bids, ArsValue will defend your bid up to the maximum amount you entered.
The maximum bid amount at the counter is hidden, so no one knows how much you are willing to bid. ArsValue only shows the best bids received up to that point. Your bids will be defended during the auction without anyone knowing the maximum amount you decided to bid.
Real-Time Bidding
Our bidding interface for real-time bidding is easy to use and functional, making participating in an auction from your desktop or mobile device as convenient as being present in the auction room, if not more.
On the panel, you will find the lot currently under auction (image and description), the current bid, and the button proposing the next bid. With a single click on the button, you can place the best bid immediately, so as not to waste precious time compared to other participants. If your bid is surpassed, the panel will inform you of the current bid again and the bid button will propose the new amount to bid in order to become the highest bidder again.
The communications on the live online panel keep you updated on what is happening, both in general and in case of your bids. Furthermore, in case of a successful bid, you will be immediately informed both on the panel and via an email confirming your successful bid.
Audio-Video Streaming
Streaming for auctions makes sense only without substantial delays: it is inconceivable for the bidder to communicate a price or any other information while the audio-video with the auctioneer lags behind. ArsValue is at the forefront of this field, boasting almost real-time audio-video streaming with excellent quality.
Bid History
All your bids, both past and current, and your successful bids will be accessible. This way, you will always have an overview of the situation. You don't need a steel memory or to write down your movements; everything will always be at your fingertips.
The "Bid History" on ArsValue also has the obvious advantage of referring to participation in different auction houses, so you can keep track of your movements even if they are scattered across catalogs of different auction houses. One place that preserves your bidding freedom.
Personalized Page
Through the choice of preferences, you can build a personalized page to search for items of interest to you. You can add to favorites: auction houses, lots, keywords, and categories of what you are looking for. With easy settings, you have all the essential tools at your disposal to stay updated on the items that interest you.
Stay informed on your email. Based on your choices, and nothing invasive, you will receive informative newsletters that reflect your needs.
No choice is final; you can always rethink and make different choices, adapting your MyArsValue to your current needs.
Through newsletters, by setting keywords, you can stay informed about the lots you are interested in being auctioned, with the great advantage of receiving updates about all the catalogs published on ArsValue, thus monitoring lots from different auction houses with a single account.
Auction with Virtual Auctioneer
Virtual auctions with an automatic auctioneer have the same functionalities as traditional auctions broadcasted online by ArsValue. This means that the user can bid pre-auction and during the auction, following the same steps and procedures used in traditional auctions.
The only difference to keep in mind is that the management system (automatic auctioneer) is fully automatic. In terms of pre-auction bids, nothing changes: they can be made on the site up to half an hour before the start of the auction and will be considered by the automatic auctioneer during the auction. The same applies to real-time bids during the auction.
For your knowledge, here's how the automation for auctions with an automatic auctioneer works:
Each lot is put up for auction for 30 seconds, during which registered users can place bids on the lot. If bids are made within the first 15 seconds, the time continues to run regularly. Each time a bid is placed within the last 15 seconds before the lot's scheduled closing time, the duration is extended by another 15 seconds: this process can happen multiple times if new bids are placed within the last 15 seconds. The closing notice is activated 5 seconds before the lot's closure.
Auction Results
You have access to the entire database of auction results, free of charge and with no restrictions.