Lot 298 | Arte Himalayana Importante stele in pietra scura raffigurante Vishnu e...

Capitolium Art - Via Carlo Cattaneo 55, 25121 Brescia
Friday 16 December 2016 hours 14:00 (UTC +01:00)

Arte Himalayana Importante stele in pietra scura raffigurante Vishnu e...

Arte Himalayana Importante stele in pietra scura raffigurante Vishnu e Lakshmi Nepal, XIV secolo . -. . Stele in scisto grigio raffigurante Vishnu con quattro braccia recanti come attributi: La mazza, il disco, la conchiglia ed il fiore di loto. Ai suoi piedi Garuda, il suo veicolo, e alla sua sinistra la sua consorte Lakshmi con le mani in varadamudra, poggiante sul suo veicolo, la tartaruga. Dietro i due personaggi una prabha con bordi cesellati. Provenienza: Collezione Privata Nord Italia, acquistata da Spink, asta The Art of Nepal and Tibet, December 1979
Arte Himalayana An important dark stone stele with Vishnu and Lakshmi Nepal, 14th century . . . Stele in grey schist depicting Vishnu with four arms bearing the following attributes: the mace, the discus, the conch and the lotus flower. At his feet is Garuda, his mount, and on his left his consort Lakshmi with her hands performing the varadamudra gesture, and resting on her mount, the tortoise. Behind them is a prabha with chiseled edges. Provenance: Northern Italian private collection, acquired from Spink, auction: The Art of Nepal and Tibet, December 1979.