Guidoriccio Casa d'Aste - Via ferraris 128, 52100 AREZZO Antiquariato, dipinti, porcellane, argenti e complementi da arredo Thursday 28 November 2024 hours 15:00 (UTC +01:00) Information LiveAuction Lots from 1 to 24 of 164 Show 122448Elementsgo Page1234567 > Filter* Filter byDefault Sorting Lot number (Lowest) Lot number (Highest) Starting Price (Lowest) Starting Price (Highest) Lowest Estimate Highest Estimate Number of Bids (Lowest) Number of Bids (Highest) Bid amount (Lowest) Bid amount (Highest) SessionAll sessions sessione unica Filter Cancel Lot 1 Cassettone in palissandro, noce ed olivo Estimate 600.00 / 800.00 €Starting Price 500.00 € Lot 2 Cassapanca in legno dolce Estimate 400.00 / 600.00 €Starting Price 400.00 € Lot 3 Pittore Toscano del XVIII secolo, Noli me tangere (Cristo e la Maddalena),tavola in legno Estimate 500.00 / 700.00 €Starting Price 400.00 € Lot 4 Scuola Toscana della seconda metà del XVII secolo,Santa Caterina da Siena Estimate 5,000.00 / 10,000.00 €Starting Price 5,000.00 € Lot 5 Placido Fabris (Pieve d¿Alpago / Belluno 1802 - Venezia 1852), attribuito a, Nudo virile Estimate 1,500.00 / 2,500.00 €Starting Price 800.00 € Lot 6 Placido Fabris (Pieve d¿Alpago / Belluno 1802 - Venezia 1852), attribuito a, Nudo virile con clava Estimate 2,500.00 / 3,500.00 €Starting Price 1,400.00 € Lot 7 Giacomo Favretto (Venezia 1849 - 1887), attribuito a, Figura maschile nuda Estimate 1,500.00 / 2,500.00 €Starting Price 500.00 € Lot 8 Emile Vermeersch (Belgio 1870 - 1952), attribuito a, Vaso con fiori Estimate 150.00 / 250.00 €Starting Price 100.00 € Lot 9 Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (Losanna 1859 - Parigi 1923), attribuito a, Deux jeunes filles Estimate 15.00 / 30.00 €Starting Price 15.00 € Lot 10 Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (Losanna 1859 - Parigi 1923), attribuito a, Jeune femme au repos Estimate 15.00 / 30.00 €Starting Price 15.00 € Lot 11 Cassapanca in noce Estimate 200.00 / 400.00 €Starting Price 200.00 € Lot 12 Cassapanca in noce Estimate 100.00 / 200.00 €Starting Price 100.00 € Lot 13 Tavolo da gioco in noce intarsiato Estimate 200.00 / 300.00 €Starting Price 150.00 € Lot 14 Cinque sedie Luigi Filippo, in noce intagliato Estimate 200.00 / 400.00 €Starting Price 200.00 € Lot 15 Tavolo da pranzo circolare in noce Estimate 400.00 / 600.00 €Starting Price 350.00 € Lot 16 Angoliera in noce Estimate 300.00 / 500.00 €Starting Price 250.00 € Lot 17 Tavolo circolare in noce Estimate 300.00 / 500.00 €Starting Price 300.00 € Lot 18 Sei sedie in noce Estimate 250.00 / 450.00 €Starting Price 250.00 € Lot 19 Grande lumiera in metallo dorato Estimate 250.00 / 450.00 €Starting Price 250.00 € Lot 20 Grande specchiera a psiche in noce Estimate 600.00 / 1,200.00 €Starting Price 600.00 € Lot 21 Cassettone scrivania in noce a patina scura Estimate 500.00 / 700.00 €Starting Price 500.00 € Lot 22 Tavolino da lavoro in noce e legno dolce tinto a noce Estimate 150.00 / 300.00 €Starting Price 150.00 € Lot 23 Poltrona reclinabile in ciliegio Estimate 150.00 / 300.00 €Starting Price 150.00 € Lot 24 Poltroncina in noce intagliato Estimate 80.00 / 160.00 €Starting Price 80.00 € Lots from 1 to 24 of 164 Show 122448Elementsgo Page1234567 >