ASTA 107 - Glittica
Lotto 121 A roman banded agate intaglio. Centaur.
2nd century A.D.
A fine depiction of a bearded centaur, holding a laurel wreath in his left hand, and a branch in the right hand. The mythological creature is facing left. Beautiful banded stone charaterized by a progressive transition from dark to honey and transparent tones, interrupted in the middle by an elegant white band. Slight wear marks.
11 x 14 x 2 mm. -
Lotto 122 A roman carnelian intaglio. Ganymede with the eagle.
2nd century A.D.
The young Ganymede is kidnapped by Zeus who turned into an eagle. The majestic bird of prey spreads its wings to ascend to Olympus, carrying the beautiful Ganymede who wears the phrygian cap. Beautiful composition for this mythological episode referable to the Love. Slight wear marks.
9 x 12 x 4 mm -
Lotto 123 A roman carnelian intaglio set in a gold ring. Perseus and Andromeda.
2nd century A.D.
The hero is standing, with the body turned to the left but with the head to the right. With his right hand he holds the sword, while with the left he holds the head of Medusa. The hero is naked and wears only a cloak and a phrygian hat. On the right is Andromeda, seated on a rock, holding her shield. Chip on the edge. The scene is well composed, probably inspired by a lost mosaic or fresco (mosaics show a similar scene, with Perseus holding the sword in the act of showing Andromeda the head of Medusa as from Pompei, than Naples, Archeological Museum). The large gem is set in a fine later mounting; the hoop of the ring ends with three leaves to support the bezel. Wear marks. Rare.
Stone 17 x 21 mm; ring size 13 x 19 mm; 7,74 gr.
Lotto 124 A fine roman nicolo intaglio. Hercules with Cerberus.
2nd century A.D.
The hero is standing under a tree, facing left, with the body and the head slightly in three quarter. With his right hand he supports the leontea and keeps Cerberus on a leash; with the left he holds the club. The stone is broken in two parts and has numerous cracks and a lack. Beautiful execution.
16 x 20 x 4 mm. -
Lotto 125 A fine early roman carnelian intaglio set in a gold ring. Omphale.
1st century B.C.
Very fine representation of Omphale, standing and facing left. The young figure holds the club with both hands, and wears the leontea. Every detail is engraved with great technical and artistic mastery. The hair is engraved with great refinement, as the soft anatomical volumes and the pose of the legs, inspired by greek statuary models. Groundline. Presence of two letters in the field. The gem is broken into two pieces, held in place by the ring.
Stone 9 x 16 mm; ring size diam. 17 mm; 4,79 gr. -
Lotto 126 A large early roman carnelian intaglio. Apollo.
1st century B.C.
The divinity is standing, with the frontal body and the head turned to the right in three quarters. The god leans on a column with his left arm, while with his right he holds the lyre. The young body is partially draped, with the torso and hips uncovered. The head is characterized by long hair that falls to the shoulders. The pose is elegant, inspired by the hellenistic greek models. Intaglio engraved with great technical and artistic skill. Mirror polishing. Slight wear marks.
15 x 24 x 4 mm. -
Lotto 127 A late roman gold ring with filigree set with a nicolo intaglio. Apollo.
3rd - 4th century A.D.
Hoop composed of a fluted band of gold, with a beaded wire on either side of it. These wires branch outwards at the shoulders, and the spaces thus formed are filled with double spirale in wire, with globules interspersed. The bezel is formed by an oval nicolo intaglio in gold setting. The intaglio depicts the god Apollo standing naked, with crossed-legs, his right arm leaning on a column, his hand holding an olive branch, meanwhile his left hand rests on his pelvis. Beautiful conservation of the ring and quality of the stone.
Parallel: Marshall, F.H., Catalogue of the finger rings, British Museum, 1968, Pl.XXII, 868-869
Stone 12 x 16 mm; ring size 17,5 x 19 mm; 8,62 gr. -
Lotto 128 A fine roman amethyst intaglio. Fortuna-Tyche.
1st - 2nd century A.D.
The allegorical figure is standing, facing right. With her left hand she holds the rudder; the cornucopia in her right. This gem is characterised by an extraordinary color, mirror polished, with cabochon surface. The intaglio is executed with great refinement.
11x15x6 mm -
Lotto 129 A rare roman green chalcedony intaglio. Hercules defeats Anteus.
1st - 2nd century A.D.
The hero defeats Antaeus by lifting him off the ground. The scene refers to an episode of the myth of Hercules. Rare subject. Chipping below, on the feets of the figures. Wear marks. Parallel: Cabinet des Médailles - BNF database: intaglio inv.58.1771B. bague à intaille "Hercule luttant contre Antée". Hercule luttant contre Antée qu’il a soulevé de terre. La massue est tombée par terre, entre les pieds d’Hercule. Ligne de sol.
8 x 11 x 3 mm. -
Lotto 130 A fine roman amethyst intaglio set in a gold ring with diamonds. Seated Mercury with attributes.
1st - 2nd century A.D.
The god is seated naked on the rocks, facing right. With his left hand he holds the caduceus, and with his right he points towards the cock, his sacred animal, which is near him. Frontally, he places the foot on a small altar, on which a lamb rests. Below the groundline, a turtle. Magic-votive gem characterized by a rare composition. Attractive stone color. The gem is mounted in a silver setting with chrysoberyls, subsequently attached to a chiseled gold ring. The mounting can be dated to the 19th century.
Stone 10 x 14 mm; ring size 18 x 19 mm; 5,56 gr.
Lotto 131 A roman chalcedony intaglio mounted on a 19th century gold ring set with garnets or spinels. Zeus.
2nd - 3rd century A.D.
The intaglio depicts Jupiter standing and facing right holding in his left hand and eagle, and a scepter in his right hand. He wears a long cloak, and a band in his hair. In front of him, an altar. Groundline. The 19th century mounting with rounded hoop and a large oval box-setting set with a series of garnet or spinels (one missing) containing the intaglio.
Stone 11 x 14 mm; ring size 16 x 17 mm; 5,04 gr. -
Lotto 132 A roman green chalcedony intaglio mounted in a gold ring. Pastoral scene.
3rd century A.D.
Hoop angular, flat within. The shoulders are fluted and in the form of small leaves. The oval box-setting with conical section is set with an oval green chalcedony intaglio. The scene depicts an old man standing turning left toward a tree. He wears a long cloak and a hat. Groundline. Crack and restoration on the stone.
Parallels: Marshall, 1968, n°1405-1406, p.216
Stone 7 x 10 mm; ring size 16 x 17 mm; 2,60 gr. -
Lotto 133 A roman two-layered agate intaglio mounted on an early 19th century gold ring. Muse with mask.
1st century A.D.
The scene depicts a dramatic Muse standing right with drapery around legs. Her right foot is raised on a stone. Her face is covered with a mask and she looks down on another mask which she holds in her right hand. In her left hand is an attribute. Groundline. Slight wear marks on the surface of the stone. The mounting is formed by a a round hoop of two sections soldered together, extending to the shoulders and dividing into part like branches.
Parallels: National museum of wales, inv. 25.212/2.1
Stone 12 x 14 mm; ring size 16,5 x 18 mm; 1,32 gr.
Lotto 134 A roman dark green chalcedony intaglio set in a gold ring. Venus Victrix.
2nd - 3rd century A.D.
The intaglio shows the goddess standing on three-quarters, her left turned right. She wears a thin drapery that she holds with her right hand meanwhile her left hand holds a crested helmet. Behind her, the weapons of god Mars. Groundline. Slight wear marks on the surface of the stone. The gold mounting is with rounded hoop and broader shoulders, and an oval box setting with frame.
int diam 17 mm, intaglio 8x12 mm; 2,67 gr. -
Lotto 135 A fine roman red jasper intaglio set in a gold ring. Grape harvest scene with Erotes.
1st - 2nd century A.D.
The two graceful characters are depicted harvesting grapes bunches from the same plant. One of them is on a scale, to reach the higher grapes. Very fine depiction. Light chipping is on the lower edge of the stone. Parallel: Jeffrey Spier, Ancient gems and finger rings, Catalogue of the Collections. The J. Paul Getty Museum, p. 103, n 252.
Stone 10 x 13 mm; ring size 17 x 18,5 mm circa; 6,78 gr. -
Lotto 136 A roman red jasper intaglio set in a gold ring. Hades with Cerberus.
2nd - 3rd century A.D.
The intaglio shows the seated god Hades, in three-quarters, the head turned right and wearing a long chiton with cloak. In his right hand he holds a scepter meanwhile with his left toward his three-headed dog, guardian of the gates of the Underworld, Cerberus. Groundline. Slight wear marks on the surface of the stone and deposits. The ancient gold mounting is quite large with rounded hoop and broad shoulders. On the bottom of the hoop: owl french hallmark.
int diam 18 mm; intaglio 11x13 mm; 8,73 gr. -
Lotto 137 A roman carnelian intaglio set in a gold ring. Athena with Nike.
2nd century A.D.
The intaglio shows the goddess Minerva seated turning left. She wears a crested helmet, a long dress, and holds a spear in her right hand. Her right knee bent, she looks at the winged Nike, holding a laurel wreath in her hands. On the ground, a shield. Groundline. Slight wear marks and chips on the edge. The ancient gold mounting is with rounded hoop, flattened within and broader at the shoulders. Owl french hallmark on the bottom of the hoop.
int diam 18 mm; intaglio 9x11 mm; 4,29 gr. -
Lotto 138 A roman carnelian intaglio mounted on a modern gold ring. Ritual scene with herm.
2nd century A.D.
The intaglio shows two male characters worshipping an hermaic pillar. The seated one is holding a crown (?) meanwhile the standing one is putting a garland on the bust. Groundline. The gold mounting is with rounded hoop and with french owl hallmark. Slight wear marks on the surface and slight chip on the edge. Allegorical scene.
int diam 18 mm; intaglio 12x14 mm; 7,39 gr. -
Lotto 139 A late roman gold ring set with a burnt agate intaglio. Athena nikephora.
3rd century A.D.
With rounded hoop, flatten within, composed of braided plaited wires with pellets soldered on either side at the ends. The bezel is in the form of an oval box-sexting containing a burnt agate intaglio. Athena standing and turned right. She wears a long belted chiton, an helmet, shield and spear in he wright hand. On her left hand she holds a Victory.
Restoration on the mounting around the bezel.
Parallel: Marshall, F.H., Catalogue of the singer rings, British Museum, 1968, Pl.XV-XVI, 515,560.
Stone 10 x 14 mm; ring size 17 x 21 mm; 4,73 gr.
Lotto 140 A roman gold ring set with a red jasper intaglio. Fortuna-Tyche.
2nd century A.D.
With rounded hoop, flatten within, extending with broader shoulders on an oval bezel set with a red jasper intaglio. The scene depicts a seated woman, turned left. She wears a chiton and hold a cornucopia, poppy flower and ear of corn in her hands. At her feet, a rudder. Groundline. Signs of wears on the surface of the stone.
Stone 8 x 9 mm; ring size diam. 14 mm; 6,24 gr.
Lotto 141 A roman gold ring with carnelian intaglio. Eros with weapons.
1st - 2nd century A.D.
With large rounded hoop, flatten within extending on an oval bezel containing a carnelian intaglio. The stone depicts a winged helmeted eros standing and turned left, his right leg bent rests on an helmet. In front of him, spear and shield. Groundline.
Stone 0,9 x 13 mm; ring size diam 17, 5 mm circa; 10,06 gr. -
Lotto 142 A roman carnelian intaglio set in a gold ring. Pastoral scene.
3rd century A.D.
The hoop is plain, the shoulders extending from two plaited ribbons in leaf and volute shapes and raised in an oval bezel.The box-setting contains a carnelian intaglio figuring a pastoral scene. A shepherd seated turned left and milking a goat. Signs of wears on the surface of the stone.
Stone 11 x 13,5 mm; ring size 19 x 20 mm; 9,12 gr. -
Lotto 143 A roman carnelian intaglio set in a gold stick pin. Female figure with attributes.
1st century A.D.
Female allegorical figure, with attributes. Probably Artemis, goddess of the Moon and Hunt. The draped figure, frontally depicted, is crowned by a Victory; two dogs and a pray close her feet. She is depicted holding two ears of wheat and a fasces (fascio littorio?), with two cornucopiae on the top. Chips on the edge. Rare.
Stone 14 x 18 mm; H. 66 mm; 4 gr
Lotto 144 A roman carnelian intaglio set in a gold stick pin. Pastoral scene.
2nd century A.D.
A shepherd is sitting, facing left, on top of a rock, milking a goat. Behind his back, the curved stick. Slight wear marks.
intaglio 13x17x6 mm; overall 15x18 mm; length 74 mm; 4,44 gr.