Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

lunedì 14 dicembre 2020 ore 16:00 (UTC +00:00)
in Diretta
Lotti dal 409 al 432 di 656
  • M. Junius Brutus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,45; mm 20; h 5); Head of L....
    Lotto 409

    M. Junius Brutus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,45; mm 20; h 5); Head of L. Junius Brutus (Cos. 509) r.; behind, BRVTVS, Rv. Head of C. Servilius Ahala (Mag. Eq. 439) r.; behind, AHALA. Crawford 433/2; Junia 30; Sydenham 907.
    Lightly toned, minor area of weakness on reverse, anyway extremely fine - good extremely fine.; ;

  • M. Junius Brutus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,52; mm 18; h 6); Head of L....
    Lotto 410

    M. Junius Brutus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,52; mm 18; h 6); Head of L. Junius Brutus (Cos. 509) r.; behind, BRVTVS, Rv. Head of C. Servilius Ahala (Mag. Eq. 439) r.; behind, AHALA. Crawford 433/2; Junia 30; Sydenham 907.
    Cabinet tone, nice style, extremely fine.; ;

  • Q. Pompeius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,73; mm 17; h 6); Portrait...
    Lotto 411

    Q. Pompeius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,73; mm 17; h 6); Portrait of Sulla r.; before, SVLLA COS, Rv. Portrait of Q. Pompeius Rufus (Cos. 88) r.; before, Q POM RVFI; behind, RUFVS COS. Crawford 434/1; Pompeia 4, Cornelia 48; Sydenham 908.
    Rare. Old cabinet tone with some deposit, extremely fine.; ;

  • Q. Pompeius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,65; mm 17; h 12); Curule...
    Lotto 412

    Q. Pompeius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,65; mm 17; h 12); Curule chair; on l., arrow; on r., laurel branch; above, Q POMPEI Q F / RVFVS; below on tablet, COS, Rv. Curule chair; on l., lituus; on r., wreath; above, SVLLA COS; below on tablet, Q POMPEI RVF. Crawford 434/2; Pompeia 5; Sydenham 909.
    Cabine tone, extremely fine - good extremely fine.; ;

  • L. Vinicius, Denarius, Rome, 52 BC; AR (g 3,80; mm 19; h 3); Laureate head of...
    Lotto 413

    L. Vinicius, Denarius, Rome, 52 BC; AR (g 3,80; mm 19; h 3); Laureate head of Concordia r.; before, CONCORDIAE, Rv. Victory advancing r., holding palm branch decorated by wreaths; before, L VINICI. Crawford 436/1; Vinicia 1; Sydenham 930.
    Rare. Two small banker's marks on obverse and a minor test cut on edge. Cabinet tone, die breack on reverse, anyway good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 51 BC; AR (g 3,63; mm 18; h 11); Head of...
    Lotto 414

    C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 51 BC; AR (g 3,63; mm 18; h 11); Head of C. Coelius Caldus (Cos. 94) r.; before, C COELIVS CALDVS; below, COS; behind, tablet inscribed L D, Rv. Radiate head of Sol r.; behind, S and oval shield; before, macedonian shield and CALDVS III VIR. Crawford 437/1b; Coelia 4; Sydenham 892.
    Rare. Cabinet tone, extremely fine - good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 51 BC; AR (g 3,78; mm 18; h 6); Head of C....
    Lotto 415

    C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 51 BC; AR (g 3,78; mm 18; h 6); Head of C. Coelius Caldus (Cos. 94) r.; before, standard in the form of a boar and C COELIVS CALDVS; below, COS; behind, standard inscribed HIS, Rv. Table inscribed L CALDVS VII VIR EPVL, with figure behind preparing epulum; on l., trophy with Macedonian shield and C CALDVS; on r., trophy with carnyx and oval shield decorated with thunderbolt and IMP AN (ligate) X; below, C CALDVS III VIR. Crawford 437/2a; Coelia 7; Sydenham 894.
    Rare. Lightly toned, extremely fine - good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 51 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 17; h 6); Head of C....
    Lotto 416

    C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 51 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 17; h 6); Head of C. Coelius Caldus (Cos. 94) r.; before, standard in the form of a boar and C COELIVS CALDVS; below, COS; behind, standard inscribed HIS, Rv. Table inscribed L CALDVS VII VIR EPVL, with figure behind preparing epulum; on l., trophy with Macedonian shield and C CALDVS; on r., trophy with carnyx and oval shield decorated with thunderbolt and IMP A X; below, C CALDVS III VIR. Crawford 437/2a; Coelia 7; Sydenham 894.
    Rare. Attractive rainbow tone, a minor banker's mark on reverse, extremely fine - good extremely fine.; ;

  • Q. Sicinius, Denarius, Rome, 49 BC; AR (g 3,82; mm 18; h 9); Diademed head of...
    Lotto 417

    Q. Sicinius, Denarius, Rome, 49 BC; AR (g 3,82; mm 18; h 9); Diademed head of Fortuna Populi Romani r.; before, FORT; behind, P R, Rv. Palm branch tied with fillet and winged caduceus, in saltire; above, wreath; below, Q SICINIVS; in field, III - VIR. Crawford 440/1; Sicinia 5; Sydenham 938.
    Lustrous, about fdc.; ;

  • Mn. Acilius Glabrio, Denarius, Rome, 49 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 19; h 5); Laureate...
    Lotto 418

    Mn. Acilius Glabrio, Denarius, Rome, 49 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 19; h 5); Laureate head of Salus r.; behind, SALVTIS, Rv. Valetudo standing l., resting arm on column and holding snake; on r., MN ACILIVS; on l., III VIR VALETV. Crawford 442/1a; Acilia 8; Sydenham 922.
    Amazing coin. Centered and well struck on a full flan, with a light gold toned patina; nice style, fdc.; ;

  • C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Military mint travelling with Caesar, 49-48 BC;...
    Lotto 419

    C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Military mint travelling with Caesar, 49-48 BC; AR (g 3,80; mm 18; h 5); Pontifical emblems: culullus, aspergillum, axe and apex, Rv. Elephant r., trampling dragon; in ex. CAESAR. Crawford 443/1; Julia 9; Sydenham 1006.
    Lightly toned, about fdc.; ;

  • C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Military mint travelling with Caesar, 49-48 BC;...
    Lotto 420

    C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Military mint travelling with Caesar, 49-48 BC; AR (g 4,00; mm 21; h 1); Pontifical emblems: culullus, aspergillum, axe and apex, Rv. Elephant r., trampling dragon; in ex. CAESAR. Crawford 443/1; Julia 9; Sydenham 1006.
    Lustrous, large flan, about fdc.; ;

  • L. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Claudius Marcellus, Denarius, Military mint...
    Lotto 421

    L. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Claudius Marcellus, Denarius, Military mint travelling with Pompey in the East, April-June 49 BC; AR (g 4,07; mm 17; h 3); Triskeles with winged head of Medusa in centre and corn ears between legs, Rv. Jupiter standing r., holding eagle and thunderbolt; on l., LENT - MAR; on r., harpa and COS. Crawford 445/1a; Cornelia 64, Claudia 9; Sydenham 1029a.
    Rare. Lightly toned, high relief, good extremely fine.; ;

  • Cn. Pompeius Magnus and Cn. Calpurnius Piso, Denarius, Military mint in...
    Lotto 422

    Cn. Pompeius Magnus and Cn. Calpurnius Piso, Denarius, Military mint in Greece, 49-48 BC; AR (g 3,39; mm 19; h 7); Bearded head of Numa Pompilius, wearing diadem inscribed NVMA; behind, CN PISO PRO Q, Rv. Prow r.; above, MAGN; below, PRO COS. Crawford 446/1; Calpurnia 30, Pompeia 8; Sydenham 1032.
    Rare. Lustrous and good extremely fine.; ;

  • L. Hostilius Saserna, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,03; mm 19; h 11);...
    Lotto 423

    L. Hostilius Saserna, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,03; mm 19; h 11); Bearded and draped male bust r. (Vercingetorix ?); behind, Gallic shield, Rv. Biga r., driven by charioteer holding whip and reins; behind, on biga, warrior holding shield and spear; above, L HOSTILIVS; below, SASERN. Crawford 448/2a; Hostilia 2; Sydenham 952.
    Rare. Attractive rainbow tone with some deposits on obverse, good extremely fine.; ;

  • L. Hostilius Saserna, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 19; h 9); Female...
    Lotto 424

    L. Hostilius Saserna, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 19; h 9); Female head r., with long hair (Gallia ?); behind, carnyx, Rv. Artemis facing, holding spear and placing hand on the head of a stag; on r., L HOSTILIVS; on l., SASERNA. Crawford 448/3; Hostilia 4; Sydenham 953.
    Lustrous and good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm...
    Lotto 425

    C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 18; h 3); Mask of bearded Pan r.; behind, pedum; below, PANSA, Rv. Jupiter seated l., holding patera and sceptre; on r., C VIBIVS C F C N; on l., IOVIS AXVR. Crawford 449/1b; Vibia 19; Sydenham 948.
    Delicate gold toning, high relief, good extremely fine - about fdc.; ;

  • C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm...
    Lotto 426

    C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 6); Head of Liber r., wearing ivy wreath; behind, PANSA, Rv. Ceres walking r., holding two torches; before, plough; behind, C VIBIVS C F C N. Crawford 449/2; Vibia 16; Sydenham 946.
    Lightly toned, good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,08; mm...
    Lotto 427

    C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,08; mm 19; h 8); Head of Liber r., wearing ivy wreath; behind, PANSA, Rv. Ceres in biga of snakes r., holding torch and reins; below, C VIBIVS C F C N. Crawford 449/3a; Vibia 17; Sydenham 945.
    Scarce. Lustrous and about fdc.; ;

  • D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 18; h 2);...
    Lotto 428

    D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 18; h 2); Helmeted head of Mars r., Rv. Two carnyces in saltire; above, oval shield; below, round shield; around, ALBINVS BRVTI F. Crawford 450/1a; Postumia 11, Junia 26; Sydenham 941.
    Old cabinet tone, struck on a broad flan, good extremely fine - about fdc.; ;

  • D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,08; mm 18; h 3);...
    Lotto 429

    D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,08; mm 18; h 3); Head of Pietas r.; behind, PIETAS, Rv. Two hands clasped and holding winged caduceus; below, ALBINVS BRVTI F. Crawford 450/2; Junia 25, Postumia 10; Sydenham 942.
    Nice gold toning, good extremely fine - about fdc.; ;

  • D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 18; h 9);...
    Lotto 430

    D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 18; h 9); Head of Pietas r.; behind, PIETAS, Rv. Two hands clasped and holding winged caduceus; below, ALBINVS BRVTI F. Crawford 450/2; Junia 25, Postumia 10; Sydenham 942.
    Gold toned, good extremely fine.; ;

  • D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,18; mm 17; h 7);...
    Lotto 431

    D. Junius Brutus Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 4,18; mm 17; h 7); Head of A. Postumius r.; around, A POSTVMIVS COS, Rv. ALBINV / BRVTI F, within wreath of corn-ears. Crawford 450/3b; Postumia 14; Sydenham 943a.
    Scarce. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Military mint travelling with Caesar, 13 July...
    Lotto 432

    C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Military mint travelling with Caesar, 13 July 48-47 BC; AR (g 4,07; mm 18; h 12); Female head r., wearing diadem and oak wreath; behind, LII, Rv. Trophy with Gallic shield and carnyx; on r., axe; below, CAE - SAR. Crawford 452/2; Julia 26; Sydenham 1009.
    Cabinet tone, large flan, about fdc.; ;

Lotti dal 409 al 432 di 656

Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

Auction Times: 

14th December 2020 at 4 pm GMT (17:00 CET) for lots 1-187

15th December 2020 at 2 pm GMT (15:00 CET) for lots 188-655


Bertolami Fine Art, 1 Harewood Place, Mayfair (London W1S 1BU- United Kingdom).


  • 14 dicembre 2020 ore 16:00 Prima sessone (1 - 187)
  • 15 dicembre 2020 ore 14:00 Seconda sessione (188 - 656)


Viewing Times

The lots are available for viewing only and exclusively by appointment from the 7th december to the 13th december from 11 am GMT to 6 pm GMT, at Bertolami Fine Art, 1 Harewood Place, Mayfair (London W1S 1BU- United Kingdom), or 14 Hanover Square, Mayfair, (London, W1S 1HP - United Kingdom). Contacts on +44 7737 034525 or write an email at

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