Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

lunedì 14 dicembre 2020 ore 16:00 (UTC +00:00)
in Diretta
Lotti dal 313 al 336 di 656
  • Mn. Fonteius, Denarius, Rome, 108-107 BC; AR (g 3,82; mm 19; h 3); Jugate,...
    Lotto 313

    Mn. Fonteius, Denarius, Rome, 108-107 BC; AR (g 3,82; mm 19; h 3); Jugate, laureate, heads of Dioscuri r.; before, X, Rv. Ship r., displaying doliolum in stern; above, MN FONTEI; below, control letter. Crawford 307/1b; Fonteia 7; Sydenham 566.
    Cabinet tone and about fdc.; ;

  • M. Herennius, Denarius, Rome, 108 or 107 BC; AR (g 4,03; mm 18; h 12); Head...
    Lotto 314

    M. Herennius, Denarius, Rome, 108 or 107 BC; AR (g 4,03; mm 18; h 12); Head of Pietas r., wearing diadem; behind, PIETAS, Rv. One of the Pii fratres (Anphinomos or Anapias) running r., bearing his father on his shoulders; behind, M HERENNI; before, control mark. Crawford 308/1b; Herennia 1; Sydenham 567a.
    Lightly toned, well centered, about fdc.; ;

  • L. Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus, Denarius Serratus, Rome, 106 BC; AR (g 3,92;...
    Lotto 315

    L. Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus, Denarius Serratus, Rome, 106 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 3); Laureate head of Jupiter l., Rv. Jupiter in quadriga r., holding reins, sceptre and thunderbolt; above, control letter; in ex. L SCIP ASIAG. Crawford 311/1d; Cornelia 24; Sydenham 576b.
    Lustrous, well centered obverse, good extremely fine - about fdc.; ;

  • L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 20; h 8); Head of...
    Lotto 316

    L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 20; h 8); Head of Juno Sospita r., wearing goat-skin; behind, I S M R, Rv. Bull charging r.; above, control letter; below, L THORIVS; in ex. BALBVS. Crawford 316/1; Thoria 1; Sydenham 598.
    Lustrous, about fdc.; ;

  • L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 20; h 3); Head of...
    Lotto 317

    L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 20; h 3); Head of Juno Sospita r., wearing goat-skin; behind, I S M R, Rv. Bull charging r.; above, control letter; below, L THORIVS; in ex. BALBVS. Crawford 316/1; Thoria 1; Sydenham 598.
    Lustrous, some deposits, about fdc.; ;

  • L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 4,00; mm 19; h 1); Head of...
    Lotto 318

    L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 4,00; mm 19; h 1); Head of Juno Sospita r., wearing goat-skin; behind, I S M R, Rv. Bull charging r.; above, control letter; below, L THORIVS; in ex. BALBVS. Crawford 316/1; Thoria 1; Sydenham 598.
    Gold toning, about fdc.; ;

  • L. Appuleius Saturninus, Denarius, Rome, 104 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 9);...
    Lotto 319

    L. Appuleius Saturninus, Denarius, Rome, 104 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 9); Helmeted head of Roma l., Rv. Saturn in quadriga r., holding reins and harpa; above, control letter; in ex. L SATVRN. Crawford 317/3a; Appuleia 1; Sydenham 578.
    Lustrous, some deposits, fdc.; ;

  • L. Appuleius Saturninus, Denarius, Rome, 104 BC; AR (g 4,00; mm 19; h 9);...
    Lotto 320

    L. Appuleius Saturninus, Denarius, Rome, 104 BC; AR (g 4,00; mm 19; h 9); Saturn in quadriga r., holding reins and harpa; in ex. ROMA, Rv. Saturn in quadriga r., holding reins and harpa; below, control letter; in ex. L SATVRN. Crawford 317/2; Appuleia 3; Sydenham 580.
    Rare. Lightly toned, extremely fine / good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 104 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 17; h 4); Helmeted...
    Lotto 321

    C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 104 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 17; h 4); Helmeted head of Roma l., Rv. Victory in biga l., holding reins; above, control letter; below, C COIL; in ex. CALD. Crawford 318/1a; Coelia 2; Sydenham 582.
    Lightly toned, high relief, good extremely fine.; ;

  • L. Julius, Denarius, Rome, 101 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 6); Helmeted head of...
    Lotto 322

    L. Julius, Denarius, Rome, 101 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, corn ear, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins; below, L IVLI. Crawford 323/1; Julia 3; Sydenham 585.
    Cabinet tone, high relief, about fdc.; ;

  • M. Lucilius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 101 BC; AR (g 4,00; mm 20; h 2); Helmeted...
    Lotto 323

    M. Lucilius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 101 BC; AR (g 4,00; mm 20; h 2); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, PV; all within laurel wreath, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and whip; below, M LVCILI; above, RVF. Crawford 324/1; Lucilia 1; Sydenham 599.
    Lightly toned, large flan, good extremely fine.; ;

  • P. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus M.f., Denarius, Rome, 100 BC; AR (g 3,77;...
    Lotto 324

    P. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus M.f., Denarius, Rome, 100 BC; AR (g 3,77; mm 18; h 12); Bust of Hercules seen from behind, with head turned to r. and club over shoulder; on l., shield; on r., control letter; below, ROMA, Rv. Roma helmeted and standing facing, holding spear; on r., male figure crowning her and holding cornucopiae; on l., control letter; in ex. LENT MAR F; all within laurel wreath. Crawford 329/1b; Cornelia 25; Sydenham 604a.
    Lightly toned, high relief, about fdc.; ;

  • L. Caecilius Metellus, C. Poblicius Malleolus and A. Postumius Sp.f. Albinus,...
    Lotto 325

    L. Caecilius Metellus, C. Poblicius Malleolus and A. Postumius Sp.f. Albinus, Denarius, Rome, late 90s BC; AR (g 4,02; mm 18; h 12); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, L METEL; before, A ALB S F; below, star, Rv. Roma seated l., on pile of shields, holding sword and spear, crowned from behind by Victory; on l., C MALL; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 335/1b; Caecilia 46, Poblicia 3, Postumia 3; Sydenham 611a.
    Lustrous, high relief, about fdc.; ;

  • D. Junius Silanus L.f., Denarius, Rome, 91 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 17; h 4);...
    Lotto 326

    D. Junius Silanus L.f., Denarius, Rome, 91 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 17; h 4); Diademed head of Salus r.; below, SALVS; before, control letter; torque as border, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins, whip and palm branch; below, ROMA; in ex. D SILANVS L F. Crawford 337/2c; Junia 18; Sydenham 645.
    Lustrous and good extremely fine.; ;

  • D. Junius Silanus L.f., Denarius, Rome, 91 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 18; h 1);...
    Lotto 327

    D. Junius Silanus L.f., Denarius, Rome, 91 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 18; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, control letter, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins; above, control numeral; in ex D SILANVS L F / ROMA. Crawford 337/3; Junia 15; Sydenham 646.
    Lustrous and about fdc.; ;

  • Q. Titius, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 17; h 12); Bearded head r.,...
    Lotto 328

    Q. Titius, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 17; h 12); Bearded head r., wearing winged diadem, Rv. Pegasos r.; below, Q TITI in linear frame. Crawford 341/1; Titia 1; Sydenham 691.
    Cabinet tone, well centered and high relief, about fdc.; ;

  • C. Vibius C.f. Pansa, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 19; h 5);...
    Lotto 329

    C. Vibius C.f. Pansa, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 19; h 5); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, PANSA; before, control mark, Rv. Minerva in quadriga r., holding reins, spear and trophy; in ex. C VIBIVS C F. Crawford 342/5b; Vibia 2; Sydenham 684.
    Lightly toned, about fdc.; ;

  • C. Vibius C.f. Pansa, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 5);...
    Lotto 330

    C. Vibius C.f. Pansa, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 5); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, PANSA; before, control mark, Rv. Minerva in quadriga r., holding reins, spear and trophy; in ex. C VIBIVS C F. Crawford 342/5b; Vibia 2; Sydenham 684.
    Cabinet tone, about fdc.; ;

  • M. Porcius Cato, Denarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 3); Draped...
    Lotto 331

    M. Porcius Cato, Denarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 3); Draped female bust r.; behind, ROMA; below, M CATO, Rv. Victory seated r., holding patera and palm branch; below, ST; in ex. VICTRIX. Crawford 343/1c; Porcia 6; Sydenham 596a.
    Gold toning, good extremely fine.; ;

  • L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus, Denarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 3,68; mm 17; h 1);...
    Lotto 332

    L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus, Denarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 3,68; mm 17; h 1); Head of Titus Tatius r.; behind, SABIN; before, palm-branch, Rv. Rape of the Sabine women; in ex. L TITVRI. Crawford 344/1b; Tituria 2; Sydenham 698a.
    Lustrous, extremely fine - good extremely fine.; ;

  • The Bellum Sociale, Denarius, Bovianum, ca. 89 BC; AR (g 3,60; mm 19; h 7);...
    Lotto 333

    The Bellum Sociale, Denarius, Bovianum, ca. 89 BC; AR (g 3,60; mm 19; h 7); Laureate head of Italia l.; behind, Viteliu in Oscan characters, Rv. Soldier wearing helmet and cloak, standing facing, head r., holding reversed spear; his l. foot is placed on a Roman standard; by his r. side, recumbent bull; in ex. M. Sydenham 627; Campana 140.
    Rare and in exceptional condition for the issue. Cabinet tone with Some cleaning traces on fields, otherwise good extremely fine.

  • Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus, Quinarius, Rome, 88 BC; AR (g 1,94; mm 16;...
    Lotto 334

    Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus, Quinarius, Rome, 88 BC; AR (g 1,94; mm 16; h 9); Laureate head of Jupiter r., Rv. Victory crowning trophy; in ex. CN LENT. Crawford 345/2; Cornelia 51; Sydenham 703.
    Cabinet tone, large flan, about fdc.; ;

  • C. Marcius Censorinus, Denarius, Rome, 88 BC; AR (g 4,07; mm 19; h 12);...
    Lotto 335

    C. Marcius Censorinus, Denarius, Rome, 88 BC; AR (g 4,07; mm 19; h 12); Jugate heads of Numa Pompilius, bearbed, and Ancus Marcius, not bearbed, r., Rv. Desultor r., wearing conical cap and holding whip; below, control letter; in ex. C CENSO. Crawford 346/1f-g; Marcia 18; Sydenham 713.
    Cabinet tone on obverse and lightly toned on reverse, about fdc.; ;

  • L. Rubrius Dossenus, Denarius, Rome, 87 BC; AR (g 3,54; mm 16; h 4); Helmeted...
    Lotto 336

    L. Rubrius Dossenus, Denarius, Rome, 87 BC; AR (g 3,54; mm 16; h 4); Helmeted bust of Minerva r., wearing aegis; behind, DOS, Rv. Triumphal chariot with side panel decorated with eagle; above, Victory in chariot r.; in ex. L RVBRI. Crawford 348/3; Rubria 3; Sydenham 707.
    Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.; ;

Lotti dal 313 al 336 di 656

Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

Auction Times: 

14th December 2020 at 4 pm GMT (17:00 CET) for lots 1-187

15th December 2020 at 2 pm GMT (15:00 CET) for lots 188-655


Bertolami Fine Art, 1 Harewood Place, Mayfair (London W1S 1BU- United Kingdom).


  • 14 dicembre 2020 ore 16:00 Prima sessone (1 - 187)
  • 15 dicembre 2020 ore 14:00 Seconda sessione (188 - 656)


Viewing Times

The lots are available for viewing only and exclusively by appointment from the 7th december to the 13th december from 11 am GMT to 6 pm GMT, at Bertolami Fine Art, 1 Harewood Place, Mayfair (London W1S 1BU- United Kingdom), or 14 Hanover Square, Mayfair, (London, W1S 1HP - United Kingdom). Contacts on +44 7737 034525 or write an email at

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