Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

lunedì 14 dicembre 2020 ore 16:00 (UTC +00:00)
in Diretta
Lotti dal 289 al 312 di 656
  • M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 3);...
    Lotto 289

    M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, GEM; before, *, Rv. Sol in quadriga r., holding reins and whip; below, M ABVRI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 250/1; Aburia 6; Sydenham 487.
    Lustrous with delicate gold toning, fdc.; ;

  • M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,98; mm 19; h 3);...
    Lotto 290

    M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,98; mm 19; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, GEM; before, *, Rv. Sol in quadriga r., holding reins and whip; below, M ABVRI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 250/1; Aburia 6; Sydenham 487.
    Lustrous, good extremely fine - about fdc.; ;

  • M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 18; h 4);...
    Lotto 291

    M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 18; h 4); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, GEM; before, *, Rv. Sol in quadriga r., holding reins and whip; below, M ABVRI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 250/1; Aburia 6; Sydenham 487.
    Lustrous with delicate gold toning, fdc.; ;

  • T. Cloelius, Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 19; h 3); Helmeted head...
    Lotto 292

    T. Cloelius, Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 19; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, wreath; below, ROMA, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins; below, corn-ear; in ex. T. CLOVLI. Crawford 260/1; Cloulia 1; Sydenham 516.
    Gold toning, large flan, good extremely fine.; ;

  • Cn. Domitius (Ahenobarbus or Calvinus), Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,94;...
    Lotto 293

    Cn. Domitius (Ahenobarbus or Calvinus), Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 19; h 2); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, corn-ear; before, *, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and whip; above, ROMA; below, man fighting lion; in ex. CN DOM. Crawford 261/1; Domitia 14; Sydenham 514.
    Lightly toned, high relief, good extremely fine.; ;

  • Cn. Domitius (Ahenobarbus or Calvinus), Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,85;...
    Lotto 294

    Cn. Domitius (Ahenobarbus or Calvinus), Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,85; mm 19; h 12); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, corn-ear; before, *, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and whip; above, ROMA; below, man fighting lion; in ex. CN DOM. Crawford 261/1; Domitia 14; Sydenham 514.
    Lightly toned, some deposits on obverse; high relief, well centered reverse, good extremely fine - about fdc.; ;

  • Elephant’s head series, Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 6);...
    Lotto 295

    Elephant’s head series, Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, *, Rv. Goddess in biga r., holding sceptre, reins and branch; below horses, elephant’s head with bell attached and ROMA. Crawford 262/1; Caecilia 38; Sydenham 496.
    Lightly toned, about fdc.; ;

  • C. Servilius Vatia, Denarius, Rome, 127 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 18; h 7); Helmeted...
    Lotto 296

    C. Servilius Vatia, Denarius, Rome, 127 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 18; h 7); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, lituus; before, *; below, ROMA, Rv. Battle on horseback between two warriors; the shield of horseman on r. inscribed M; in ex. C SERVEIL. Crawford 264/1; Servilia 6; Sydenham 483.
    Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.; ;

  • C. Cassius, Denarius, Rome, 126 BC; AR (g 4,01; mm 19; h 1); Helmeted head of...
    Lotto 297

    C. Cassius, Denarius, Rome, 126 BC; AR (g 4,01; mm 19; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, voting urn and *, Rv. Libertas in quadriga r., holding reins, vindicta and pileus; below, C CASSI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 266/1; Cassia 1; Sydenham 502.
    Lightly toned, high relief and well centered, undoubtedly fdc.; ;

  • C. Cassius, Denarius, Rome, 126 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 3); Helmeted head of...
    Lotto 298

    C. Cassius, Denarius, Rome, 126 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, voting urn and *, Rv. Libertas in quadriga r., holding reins, vindicta and pileus; below, C CASSI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 266/1; Cassia 1; Sydenham 502.
    Delicate red toning in the interstices, high relief and well centered reverse; about fdc.; ;

  • Q. Fabius Labeo, Denarius, Rome, 124 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 3); Helmeted...
    Lotto 299

    Q. Fabius Labeo, Denarius, Rome, 124 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 18; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, ROMA; before, X LABEO, Rv. Jupiter in quadriga r., holding sceptre, reins and thunderbolt; below, rostrum; in ex. Q FABI. Crawford 273/1; Fabia 1; Sydenham 532.
    Lustrous and good extremely fine / extremely fine.; ;

  • Q. Minucius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 122 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 18; h 8); Helmeted...
    Lotto 300

    Q. Minucius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 122 BC; AR (g 3,89; mm 18; h 8); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, RVF; before, X, Rv. Dioscuri galloping r.; below, Q MINV; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 277/1; Minucia 1; Sydenham 421.
    Lightly toned, an invisible scratch on obverse, good extremely fine.; ;

  • M. Furius L.f. Philus, Denarius, Rome, 119 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 20; h 1);...
    Lotto 301

    M. Furius L.f. Philus, Denarius, Rome, 119 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 20; h 1); Laureate head of Janus; around, M FOVRI L F, Rv. Roma standing l., wearing Corinthian helmet and holding sceptre, crowning trophy flanked by a carnyx and shield on each side; above her head, star; behind, ROMA; in ex. PHILI. Crawford 281/1; Furia 18; Sydenham 529.
    Lustrous and about fdc.; ;

  • M. Calidius, Q. Metellus and Cn. Fulvius, Denarius, Rome, 117 or 116 BC; AR...
    Lotto 302

    M. Calidius, Q. Metellus and Cn. Fulvius, Denarius, Rome, 117 or 116 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 18; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, ROMA; before, *, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and wreath; below, CN FOVL ligate; in ex. M CAL Q MET. Crawford 284/1b; Calidia 3, Caecilia 36, Fulvia 1; Sydenham 539a.
    Cabinet tone, high relief, about fdc.; ;

  • Q. Curtius and M. Silanus, Denarius, Rome, 116 or 115 BC; AR (g 3,81; mm 19;...
    Lotto 303

    Q. Curtius and M. Silanus, Denarius, Rome, 116 or 115 BC; AR (g 3,81; mm 19; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X; before, Q CVRT, Rv. Jupiter in quadriga r., holding thunderbolt and sceptre; above, lituus; below, M SILA; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 285/2; Curtia 2, Junia 9; Sydenham 537.
    Cabinet tone, high relief, good extremely fine.; ;

  • M. Sergius Silus, Denarius, Rome, 116 or 115 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 7);...
    Lotto 304

    M. Sergius Silus, Denarius, Rome, 116 or 115 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 7); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, EX S C; behind, ROMA and *, Rv. Horseman l., holding sword and a severed gallic head; before, Q; below, M SERGI; in ex. SILVS. Crawford 286/1; Sergia 1; Sydenham 534.
    Cabinet tone, high relief, good extremely fine / extremely fine.; ;

  • M. Cipius M.f., Denarius, Rome, 115 or 114 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 17; h 10);...
    Lotto 305

    M. Cipius M.f., Denarius, Rome, 115 or 114 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 17; h 10); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, M CIPI MF; behind, X, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and palm-branch; below, rudder; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 289/1; Cipia 1; Sydenham 546.
    Lightly toned, high relief, fdc.; ;

  • P. Licinius Nerva, Denarius, Rome, 113 or 112 BC; AR (g 3,85; mm 17; h 1);...
    Lotto 306

    P. Licinius Nerva, Denarius, Rome, 113 or 112 BC; AR (g 3,85; mm 17; h 1); Helmeted bust of Roma l., holding shield and spear; around, crescent and *; behind, ROMA, Rv. Voting scene in the Comitium: one voter on l. of pons receives ballot from attendant below, another voter on r. of pons places ballot in cista; above, P NERVA; on top of coin, bar on which stands tablet bearing letter P. Crawford 292/1; Licinia 7; Sydenham 548.
    Pleasant cabinet tone, well centered reverse, about fdc.; ;

  • T. Didius, Denarius, Rome, 113 or 112 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 19; h 7); Helmeted...
    Lotto 307

    T. Didius, Denarius, Rome, 113 or 112 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 19; h 7); Helmeted head of Roma r.; below, *; behind, ROMA in monogram, Rv. Battle between gladiator armed with whip and gladiator armed with stave; in ex. T DEIDI. Crawford 294/1; Didia 2; Sydenham 550.
    A superb coin, with a centered and detailed reverse as if it were a painting. Grey toning, perfectly struck on a good metal: fdc.; ;

  • L. Caesius, Denarius, Rome, 112 or 111 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 21; h 12); Togate...
    Lotto 308

    L. Caesius, Denarius, Rome, 112 or 111 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 21; h 12); Togate bust of Apollo Veiovis l., holding thunderbolt; behind, monogram APV, Rv. Lares Praestites seated r., with dog between; above, bust of Vulcan with tongs over shoulder; on l., LA; on r., RE; in ex. L CAESI. Crawford 298/1; Caesia 1; Sydenham 564.
    Reddish tone, large flan, good extremely fine.; ;

  • Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus and Q. Urbinius, Denarius, Rome,...
    Lotto 309

    Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus and Q. Urbinius, Denarius, Rome, 111 or 110 BC; AR (g 4,20; mm 17; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, quadrangular device, Rv. Victory in triga r., holding reins; in ex. AP CL T MAL Q VR. Crawford 299/1a; Claudia 2, Mallia 1; Sydenham 570.
    Lightly toned, good extreney fine.; ;

  • Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus and Q. Urbinius, Denarius, Rome,...
    Lotto 310

    Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus and Q. Urbinius, Denarius, Rome, 111 or 110 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 17; h 4); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, quadrangular device, Rv. Victory in triga r., holding reins; in ex. AP CL T MAL Q VR. Crawford 299/1a; Claudia 2, Mallia 1; Sydenham 570.
    Gold toning, good extreney fine - about fdc.; ;

  • Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus and Q. Urbinius, Denarius, Rome,...
    Lotto 311

    Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus and Q. Urbinius, Denarius, Rome, 111 or 110 BC; AR (g 3,87; mm 18; h 4); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, quadrangular device, Rv. Victory in triga r., holding reins; in ex. AP CL T MAL Q VR. Crawford 299/1a; Claudia 2, Mallia 1; Sydenham 570.
    Lightly toned, large flan, about fdc.; ;

  • C. Claudius Pulcher, Denarius, Rome, 110 or 109 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 18; h 6);...
    Lotto 312

    C. Claudius Pulcher, Denarius, Rome, 110 or 109 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 18; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r., Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins; in ex. C PVLCHER. Crawford 300/1; Claudia 1; Sydenham 569.
    Lightly toned, good extremely fine / about fdc.; ;

Lotti dal 289 al 312 di 656

Auction 87 - Ancient Coins

Auction Times: 

14th December 2020 at 4 pm GMT (17:00 CET) for lots 1-187

15th December 2020 at 2 pm GMT (15:00 CET) for lots 188-655


Bertolami Fine Art, 1 Harewood Place, Mayfair (London W1S 1BU- United Kingdom).


  • 14 dicembre 2020 ore 16:00 Prima sessone (1 - 187)
  • 15 dicembre 2020 ore 14:00 Seconda sessione (188 - 656)


Viewing Times

The lots are available for viewing only and exclusively by appointment from the 7th december to the 13th december from 11 am GMT to 6 pm GMT, at Bertolami Fine Art, 1 Harewood Place, Mayfair (London W1S 1BU- United Kingdom), or 14 Hanover Square, Mayfair, (London, W1S 1HP - United Kingdom). Contacts on +44 7737 034525 or write an email at

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