Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale
Lotto 5097 Piccola placca in giadeite color lilla raffigurante bambino sorridente con in mano un lingotto
Cina, prima metà sec. XX
A small lavender jadeite plaque carved as a smiling boy carrying an ingot
China, first half 20th century
(l. 4 cm.)
A small lavender jadeite plaque carved as a smiling boy carrying an ingot
China, first half 20th century
(l. 4 cm.) -
Lotto 5098 Coppia di vasi in porcellana Famiglia Verde decorati con dame, montati a candelabri in bronzo dorato
Cina, sec. XIX
A pair of Famille Verte porcelain vase decorated with ladies, mounted as candleholders in ormolu bronze
China, 19th century
(h. 52 cm.)
A pair of Famille Verte porcelain vase decorated with ladies, mounted as candleholders in ormolu bronze
China, 19th century
(h. 52 cm.) -
Lotto 5099 Portasigari in argento decorato a sbalzo con draghi e bambù e con monogramma inciso
Cina, seconda metà sec. XIX
A silver-export cigarette-holder decorated with dragons and bamboo and incised with a monogramme
China, second half 19th century
(h. 12,5 cm.)
A silver-export cigarette-holder decorated with dragons and bamboo and incised with a monogramme
China, second half 19th century
(h. 12,5 cm.) -
Lotto 5100 Coppia di vasi con coperchio in avorio in stile arcaico scolpiti con dragoni
Cina, sec. XX
A pair of archaistic ivory vases carved with dragons
China, 20th century
(h. 24 cm.)
A pair of archaistic ivory vases carved with dragons
China, 20th century
(h. 24 cm.) -
Lotto 5101 Coppia di sculture in avorio raffiguranti imperatore ed imperatrice su troni, indossano lunghe vesti elaborate, su base in legno
Cina, sec. XX
A pair of ivory models of an Imperial couple seated on thrones and wearing decorated robes, with wood base
China, 20th century
(h. 13 cm.)
A pair of ivory models of an Imperial couple seated on thrones and wearing decorated robes, with wood base
China, 20th century
(h. 13 cm.) -
Lotto 5102 Tara verde in bronzo dorato raffigurata seduta su base a petali di loto in posizione lalitasana, il volto adornato da corona elaborata con acconciatura (difetti)
Nepal, sec. XX
A gilt bronze model of a gree Tara seated on a lotus base in lalitasana, the face surmounted by a crown and elaborate hair (some losses)
Nepal, 20th century
(h. 33 cm.)
A gilt bronze model of a gree Tara seated on a lotus base in lalitasana, the face surmounted by a crown and elaborate hair (some losses)
Nepal, 20th century
(h. 33 cm.) -
Lotto 5103 Piatto in porcellana Famiglia Verde decorato con figure in processione, marchio apocrifo Xuande a sedici caratteri alla base
Cina, sec. XIX
A Famille Verte porcelain dish enamelled with figures in procession, with an apocryphal Xuande sixteen-characters mark to the base
China, 19th century
(d. 46 cm.)
A Famille Verte porcelain dish enamelled with figures in procession, with an apocryphal Xuande sixteen-characters mark to the base
China, 19th century
(d. 46 cm.) -
Lotto 5104 Buddha in bronzo dorato, raffigurato seduto in dhyanasana su base a doppio loto, le mani in bhumisparsa mudra
Cina, sec. XIX
A gilt bronze figure of a Buddha seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus base, the hands in bhumisparsa mudra
China, 19th century
(h. 9 cm.)
A gilt bronze figure of a Buddha seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus base, the hands in bhumisparsa mudra
China, 19th century
(h. 9 cm.) -
Lotto 5105 Buddha in bronzo dorato, raffigurato seduto in dhyanasana su base a doppio loto, le mani in bhumisparsa mudra
Tibet/Cina, sec. XIX
A gilt bronze figure of a Buddha seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus base, the hands in bhumisparsa mudra
Tibet/China, 19th century
(h. 12 cm.)
A gilt bronze figure of a Buddha seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus base, the hands in bhumisparsa mudra
Tibet/China, 19th century
(h. 12 cm.) -
Lotto 5106 Scultura in bronzo laccato raffigurante mandarino con tavoletta hu, con copricapo e lunghe vesti, seduto su trono, con base in legno
Cina, fine sec. XVII/inizio sec. XVIII
A lacquered bronze model of a seated official, wearing long robes and a hat, holding a hu tablet, with wood base
China, late 17th/early 18th century
(h. 41 cm.)
A lacquered bronze model of a seated official, wearing long robes and a hat, holding a hu tablet, with wood base
China, late 17th/early 18th century
(h. 41 cm.) -
Lotto 5107 Modello di sampan in giada bianca, con base in legno
Cina, tarda dinastia Qing
A white jade model of a sampan, with wood base
China, late Qing dynasty
(h. 22 cm.)
A white jade model of a sampan, with wood base
China, late Qing dynasty
(h. 22 cm.) -
Lotto 5108 Piccolo intaglio in giada color celadon raffigurante un gatto accovacciato
Cina, sec. XX
A small celadon jade carving depicting a recumbent cat
China, 20th century
(l. 4,5 cm.)
A small celadon jade carving depicting a recumbent cat
China, 20th century
(l. 4.5 cm.) -
Lotto 5109 Ciotola ottagonale in porcellana con decoro rosso ferro, rosso rame e dorature, marchio apocrifo Yongzheng sul fondo
Cina, sec. XIX
An octagonal porcelain bowl decorated in iron and copper red with gilt details, with apocryphal Yongzheng mark to the base
China, 19th century
(d. 17 cm.)
An octagonal porcelain bowl decorated in iron and copper red with gilt details, with apocryphal Yongzheng mark to the base
China, 19th century
(d. 17 cm.) -
Lotto 5110 Quattro sculture in giada color celadon e ruggine raffiguranti animali fantastici
Cina, sec. XX
A group of four celadon and russet jade carvings of mythical beasts
China, 20th century
(l. max 8.5 cm.)
A group of four celadon and russet jade carvings of mythical beasts
China, 20th century
(l. max 8.5 cm.) -
Lotto 5111 Tre creature mitologiche in stile arcaico in giada color celadon
Cina, sec. XX
Three archaistic celadon jade carvings of mythical beasts
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.)
Three archaistic celadon jade carvings of mythical beasts
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.) -
Lotto 5112 Zanna in avorio scolpita e traforata con scena di paesaggio, con base in legno
Cina, sec. XX
An ivory tusk carved and pierced with a landscape, with wood base
China, 20th century
(l. 26 cm.)
An ivory tusk carved and pierced with a landscape, with wood base
China, 20th century
(l. 26 cm.) -
Lotto 5113 Quattro tavolette hu in giada con decorazione geometrica incisa
Cina, sec. XX
Four jade hu tablets incised with geometric motifs
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.)
Four jade hu tablets incised with geometric motifs
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.) -
Lotto 5114 Quattro dipinti raffiguranti le quattro stagioni, con iscrizione calligrafica, inchiostro e colore su carta, montati come scroll orizzontale
Cina, sec. XIX
Four paintings depicting the Four Seasons, with inscription, ink and colours on paper, mounted as a horizontal scroll
China, 19th century
(130x19,5 cm. ognuno/each)
Four paintings depicting the Four Seasons, with inscription, ink and colours on paper, mounted as a horizontal scroll
China, 19th century
(130x19,5 cm. each) -
Lotto 5115 Paravento a quattro ante in seta ricamata con decorazioni floreali e montatura in legno (difetti e mancanze)
Giappone, fine sec. XIX
A four-fold screen, each silk panel embroidered with flowers, with wood frame (losses and flaws)
Japan, late 19th century
(117x63 cm.)
A four-fold screen, each silk panel embroidered with flowers, with wood frame (losses and flaws)
Japan, late 19th century
(117x63 cm.) -
Lotto 5116 Quattro pannelli dipinti con i fiori delle quattro stagioni con iscrizione calligrafica, inchiostro e colore su seta, con cornice
Cina, sec. XIX
Four panels depicting flowers of the four seasons, with calligraphy, ink and colours on silk, framed and glazed
China, 19th century
(282x60 cm.)
Four panels depicting flowers of the four seasons, with calligraphy, ink and colours on silk, framed and glazed
China, 19th century
(282x60 cm.) -
Lotto 5117 Coppia di piatti in porcellana Famiglia Rosa con retro color rubino decorato con elegante dama e bambini in scena d'interno
Cina, sec. XVIII
A pair of ruby-back Famille Rose dishes finelly enamelled and gilt with an elegant lady and two children in an interior scene
China, 18th century
(d. 16 cm.)
A pair of ruby-back Famille Rose dishes finelly enamelled and gilt with an elegant lady and two children in an interior scene
China, 18th century
(d. 16 cm.) -
Lotto 5118 Piccola ciotola in porcellana Famiglia Rosa su fondo giallo, decorata con fiori di loto, marchio apocrifo Daoguang alla base
Cina, inizio sec. XX
A yellow-ground Famille Rose bowl decorated with scrolling lotus flowers, apocryphal Daoguang mark to the base
China, early 20th century
(d. 12 cm.)
A yellow-ground Famille Rose bowl decorated with scrolling lotus flowers, apocryphal Daoguang mark to the base
China, early 20th century
(d. 12 cm.) -
Lotto 5119 Ciotola in pietra dura di colore bianco lattigginoso e grigio scolpita a rilievo con creature mitologiche e motivi geomtrici
Cina, sec. XX
A white and greyish hanrdstone bowl, carved in high relief with mythical creatures and geometric motifs
China, 20th century
(d. 21 cm.)
A white and greyish hanrdstone bowl, carved in high relief with mythical creatures and geometric motifs
China, 20th century
(d. 21 cm.) -
Lotto 5120 Coppia di piatti in porcellana policroma decorati con il tema degli Otto Cavalli di Wang Mu, con marchio apocrifo Qianlong alla base
Cina, sec. XX
A pair of polychrome porcelain dishes decorated with the Eight Horses of Wang Mu, with an apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
China, 20th century
(d. 31,5 cm.)
A pair of polychrome porcelain dishes decorated with the Eight Horses of Wang Mu, with an apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
China, 20th century
(d. 31,5 cm.)