Lot 89 | Calamaio in legno e argento, Londra 1840

Telearte - Piazzale Ammiraglio Bergamini 10, 00136 Roma
Silver Wonderland Silver Wonderland - Prima Sessione
Wednesday 30 November 2022 hours 16:00 (UTC +01:00)

Calamaio in legno e argento, Londra 1840

Realizzato durante l'epoca vittoriana dai maestri orafi Reily & Storer. Uno dei coperchi reca la seguente iscrizione: 'This Stand was made out of a Plank of the Hon..le Comp..ys Ship Bridgewater. Capt..n I.R. Manderson. Which Ship was broken up at Calcutta. After having nearly foundered at Sea in a hurricane from 4th to 6th March 1830. Lat. 20. South.Long. 90. East'. Dimensioni complessive 20x36x23.5 cm.