Lot 152 | Nendo

Cambi Casa d'Aste - Via San Marco 22, 20121 Milano
Asta N. 618 - CTMP Design Sessione Unica
Tuesday 14 September 2021 hours 15:00 (UTC +01:00)


Nendo, Inspired by the flexibility of molten glass, its viscosity and the force of gravity, the crea- tion of Melt was a unique and complex pro- duction. Oki Sato from nendo was inspired by watching the craftspeople in WonderGlass’ workshops working with melted glass. His intention thereafter was to allow the material to direct the design process: molten glass is first poured into a square frame, where a number of craftsmen simultaneously even out the surface using iron trowels. The glass gradually cools and upon reaching a certain pliancy, it is placed onto a steel shape where it slowly sinks or stretches to create an arch, allowing the natural drape of the material to reveal its form. -- Unique Shipped from Italy Item liable to VAT 2019