Lot 208 | FORESTI BERGOMENSE, Giacomo Filippo (1434-1520) - Nouissime hystoriarum omnium

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Tuesday 22 September 2020 hours 15:30 (UTC +01:00)

FORESTI BERGOMENSE, Giacomo Filippo (1434-1520) - Nouissime hystoriarum omnium

FORESTI BERGOMENSE, Giacomo Filippo (1434-1520) - Nouissime hystoriarum omnium repercussiones. Venezia: Albertino Da Lessona, 1503.

Celebre edizione del Foresti, la prima a contenere a pp. 441-442 la descrizione del primo viaggio di Cristoforo Colombo. Sabin 25083: "earliest considerable recognition of that important discoverer by any general author". Nell'opera è inclusa anche la verosimilmente più antica veduta di Roma. Mortimer, I, 195: "Most of the small blocks used here by Albertino, the Tower of Babel, and the large views except for Milan are in the 1490 edition. The large view of Milan is new [..] Lipmann believes the view of Rome to be the oldest known [..] The invention of printing is recorded by Foresti under the year 1458 with a note that some believe the inventor to be Gutenberg, others Johann Fust or Nicolas Jenson. New to this edition is an account of the discovery of America under the year 1493".

Folio (300 x 210mm). (Alcuni fogli in facsimile fra cui a1-a2, a7-a8 e b2). Numerosissime vedute di città (senza ultima bianca, alcune pagine riparate e rinforzate ai margini con alcune piccole perdite al margine interno come anche le pagine seguenti fra cui a3 e meno gravemente i fogli seguenti dello stesso quaderno, b8, R3 tracce di umido al margine superiore, alcune minori riparazioni e tarli). Pergamena coeva, titolo manoscritto al dorso (alcune perdite riparate, lacci moderni, dorso con tarli). Provenienza: alcune annotazioni antiche.


FORESTI BERGOMENSE, Giacomo Filippo (1434-1520) - Nouissime hystoriarum omnium repercussiones. Venice: Albertino Da Lessona, 1503.

A renowned edition of Foresti describing for the first time Christopher Columbus' voyage at pp. 441-442. Sabin 25083: "earliest considerable recognition of that important discoverer by any general author". The work also includes possibly the earliest view of Rome; Mortimer, I, 195: "Most of the small blocks used here by Albertino, the Tower of Babel, and the large views except for Milan are in the 1490 edition. The large view of Milan is new [..] Lipmann believes the view of Rome to be the oldest known [..] The invention of printing is recorded by Foresti under the year 1458 with a note that some believe the inventor to be Gutenberg, others Johann Fust or Nicolas Jenson. New to this edition is an account of the discovery of America under the year 1493".

Folio (300 x 210mm). (Some leaves in facsimile among which a1-a2, a7-a8 and b2) Numerous views of cities and towns (without final blank, some leaves repaired and reinforced among which a3 and in a lighter manner the following leaves of the first gathering, b8, R3, some waterstaining at top margin, some other minor repairs and wormholes). Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine (some repairs, wormholes on spine, modern ties). Provenance: some early annotations.