Lot 181 | RUEFF, Jacob (1500-1558) - De conceptu et generatione hominis: De matrice et ei

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RUEFF, Jacob (1500-1558) - De conceptu et generatione hominis: De matrice et ei

RUEFF, Jacob (1500-1558) - De conceptu et generatione hominis: De matrice et eius partibus, nec non de conditione infantis in utero, et gravidarum cura et officio. Francoforte: Sigismund Feyrabend for Georg Corvinus, 1580.

La prima edizione illustrata da Jost Amman pubblicata simultaneamente in tedesco. "Nell'opera sono illustrate le prime dettagliate figure anatomiche di ostetrica" (Garrison and Morton). Jacob Rueff, medico di Zurigo, era responsabile dell'apprendimento delle ostetriche del cantone. Discepolo di Rösslin, completò nel 1554 la prima edizione dell'opera che divenne da subito il manuale di ostetricia più diffuso del Rinascimento. L'edizione illustrata da Jost Amman è ricordata come uno dei più celebri libri illustrati di medicina del XVI secolo. L'opera non è infatti solo indirizzata a ostetriche e donne incinte, ma anche a medici e studiosi di medicina generale. Hagelin, The Byrth of Mankynde, pp 18-23.

4to (196 x 150mm). Vignetta xilografica raffigurante un parto al frontespizio, grande xilografia con stemma araldico in apertura del testo, numerose illustrazioni, alcune a piena pagina, iniziali e fregi xilografici (L1 in facsimile, minimi restauri al margine del frontespizio e alla carta finale, alcune macchie di polvere, alcune bruniture, qualche piccolo strappetto marginale). Pergamena coeva, titolo manoscritto al dorso (lievi macchie e piccole perdite). Provenienza: nota di possesso anticamente cancellata al frontespizio e due iniziali - Rappaport (etichetta libraio).


RUEFF, Jacob (1500-1558) - De conceptu et generatione hominis: De matrice et eius partibus, nec non de conditione infantis in utero, et gravidarum cura et officio. Frankfurt: Sigismund Feyrabend for Georg Corvinus, 1580.

First edition illustrated by Jost Amman, improving the first edition of 1554. The work was also published simultaneously in German under the title "Hebammen Buch of Rueff’s celebrated manual of obstetrics". It “contains the first true anatomical pictures in an obstetrics book” (Garrison and Morton). “Jacob Rueff, city physician of Zurich, was responsible for the instruction and examination of the midwives of the canton. He followed the example of Rösslin and in 1554 completed his popular guide for midwives, which next to Rösslin’s Rosengarten became the most important obstetrical work of the Renaissance period, and with Jost Amman’s fine woodcuts it is ranked as one of the most famous illustrated medical books of the sixteenth century.. The book is addressed not only to midwives, pregnant women and women in childbed but also to physicians and to the world of scholars in general. Rueff besought the burgomaster to send copies to all midwives and nurses in the canton and they were obliged to have an appropriate section of it read aloud ‘by a well-read woman’, if possible during the first stage of labour at any confinement they attended.. Most of the illustrations in this 1580 edition are the same as in the first of 1554 but are considerably improved as they were all redrawn by Amman, who was one of the most important collaborators at Feyerabend’s press in Frankfurt.. His own splendid woodcuts (none of which are signed) added to the 1580 edition of Rueff.. give a good idea of sixteenth century obstetric practices endowed with a homely charm”. Hagelin, The Byrth of Mankynde, pp 18-23.

4to (196 x 150mm). Large woodcut illustration of a birth scene on title, large armorial woodcut on a2, numerous woodcuts in the text, several full-page, initials and headpieces (L1 in facsimile, minor restorations to title margins and final leaf, some staining and browning, few minor marginal tears). Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine (light staining and chipping). Provenance: erased ownership note on title and two initials.