Lot 154 | DELLA CROCE, Giovanni Andrea (1515?-1575) - Cirugia universale, e perfetta di t

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DELLA CROCE, Giovanni Andrea (1515?-1575) - Cirugia universale, e perfetta di t

DELLA CROCE, Giovanni Andrea (1515?-1575) - Cirugia universale, e perfetta di tutte le parti pertinenti all'ottimo Chirurgo. Venezia: Niccolò Pezzana, 1661.

Copia dai buoni margini di quest'opera di fondamentale importanza per la storia della chirurgia. Contiene la prima illustrazione di un intervento neurologico, e si dedica in particolare alle ferite causate dalle armi da guerra. Garrison-Morton 4850.4: "Croce improved the instruments for trephination, and published classic woodcuts depicting the operation, including the first illustration of a neurological surgery actually taking place. The work is also important for Croce’s descriptions of cranial and cerebral diseases. In hundreds of woodcuts of instruments and procedures Croce illustrated all of the instruments used before and during his own time".

Folio (325 x 226mm). Occhiello, frontespizio entro doppio filetto e con grande marca tipografica, iniziali e fregi xilografici, numerose e interessanti illustrazioni nel testo (alcune fioriture e occasionali gore di umidità, foro di tarlo al margine superiore di alcune carte centrali). Pergamena coeva, titolo posteriormente manoscritto al dorso (sguardie moderne). La collazione differisce lievemente rispetto a quella in SBN (a8 A-2K8 2L6), nella nostra copia: a8 A-2F8, 2G10, 2H8-2L4, sebbene il numero di pagine sia uguale.


DELLA CROCE, Giovanni Andrea (1515?-1575) - Cirugia universale, e perfetta di tutte le parti pertinenti all'ottimo Chirurgo. Venice: Niccolò Pezzana, 1661.

A copy with good margin of this important work, notable especially for its emphasis on military surgery. Durling 1805; Wellcome 1669; Garrison-Morton 4850.4: "Croce improved the instruments for trephination, and published classic woodcuts depicting the operation, including the first illustration of a neurological surgery actually taking place. The work is also important for Croce’s descriptions of cranial and cerebral diseases. In hundreds of woodcuts of instruments and procedures Croce illustrated all of the instruments used before and during his own time".

Folio (325 x 226mm). Half-title, title within woodcut border and with large printer's device, initials and headpieces, numerous interesting illustrations (some spotting and occasional waterstaining, small wormtrack at top margin of some leaves in the center). Contemporary vellum, later manuscript title on spine). The collation differs slightly from the one in SBN (a8 A-2K8 2L6), being a8 A-2F8, 2G10, 2H8-2L48 in our copy, but the number of pp. is the same.