Lot 117 | SAUVAN, Jean Baptiste Balthazar (b.1780) - Picturesque Tour of the Seine from P

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Tuesday 21 January 2020 hours 15:00 (UTC +01:00)

SAUVAN, Jean Baptiste Balthazar (b.1780) - Picturesque Tour of the Seine from P

SAUVAN, Jean Baptiste Balthazar (b.1780) - Picturesque Tour of the Seine from Paris to the Sea. Londra: L. Harrison for R. Ackermann, 1821 [filigrane 1818-1820]

Prima edizione e una delle prime tirature delle tavole con filigrane datate dal 1818 al 1820. Una bella copia fresca di uno dei migliori album inglesi di vedute del XIX secolo che illustra scene lungo la Senna, tappa obbligata di ogni Grand Tour. Ottima impressione delle tavole splendidamente colorate a mano. Ackermann pubblicò l'opera in 6 parti, ognuna di 4 tavole, tra gennaio e giugno del 1821; il libro è parte delle sua serie di "Picturesque Tours" pubblicati tra il 1820 e 1828.

4to (354 x 285mm). Vignette all'acquatinta colorate a mano al frontespizio e in fine, mappa incisa in rame e 24 belle tavole all'acquatinta di Augustus Pugin e John Gendall superbamente colorate a mano (alcuni margini esterni lievemente sfregati, piccole e occasionali macchioline). Marocchino rosso coevo (re-indorsato preservando il dorso originale, angoli restaurati).

Per questo lotto è disponibile l'Attestato di Libera Circolazione.


SAUVAN, Jean Baptiste Balthazar (b.1780) - Picturesque Tour of the Seine from Paris to the Sea. Londra: L. Harrison for R. Ackermann, 1821 [filigrane 1818-1820] -

First edition. A fine and fresh copy of one of the greatest nineteenth-century English color plate books illustrating the scenery along the Seine. Brilliant impressions of the plates, superbly hand-colored. "The River Seine is well known to form a distinguished feature in the Tour of France, as it winds through and adorns the important province of Normandy, and is the great commercial Channel of the Metropolis of that Kingdom. This River reflects, in its earlier stream, the most striking views of metropolitan grandeur; and, as it proceeds, Nature has been most lavish in beautiful pictures on its banks, and presents, in its course, a succession of objects, whose landscape enrichments are connected with antiquarian circumstances peculiarly interesting to the English Traveller" (prospectus). The work was issued by Ackermann in six parts, each containing four plates, between January and June 1821. In the history of book production “there is no more attractive figure than that of Rudolph Ackermann, through whose extraordinary enterprise and spirit of adventure, aquatint was successfully applied to the illustration of books” (Prideaux, 120-23). One of Ackermann’s most lucrative projects was his remarkable Picturesque Tours, a series of seven books produced between 1820-28, among which is the present work. The plates were pulled and hand-colored in the Ackermann studio, whose reputation for producing splendid illustrated publications and disseminating fine aquatint prints spanned over two centuries.

4to (354 x 285mm). With engraved color vignette on title, unsigned aquatint vignette at foot of last page, engraved color map, and 24 fine hancoloured aquatint plates by Augustus Pugin and John Gendall (minor rubbing at margins of few leaves, few scattered spots). Contemporary red straight grained morocco (rebacked preserving old spine, corners restored).

The lot is accompanied by a export license.