Lot 114 | PETITOT, Ennemond Alexandre (1727-1801) BOSSI, Benigno (1727-1800?) - Suite des

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PETITOT, Ennemond Alexandre (1727-1801) BOSSI, Benigno (1727-1800?) - Suite des

PETITOT, Ennemond Alexandre (1727-1801) BOSSI, Benigno (1727-1800?) - Suite des Vases Tiree du Cabinet de Son Excellence Monsieur du Tillot Marquis de Felino. Milano: Joachin Bettalli, [1790].

Prima edizione, terza impressione (titolata "Suite Des Vases" e stampata a Milano), di questa importante opera. Buona copia su carta forte con ottima impressione delle splendide acqueforti. "[The work] stands out for both beauty and imagination among the numerous sets of ornamental prints published during the eighteenth century" (William Cole).

Folio (442 x 307mm). Frontespizio calligrafico, secondo frontespizio illustrato e 31 tavole a piena pagina incise all'acquaforte, compresa una tavole di dedica al Marchese di Felino, come nelle altre copie stampate a Milano non vi sono le dediche non illustrate (margini del primo frontespizio fioriti, alcune altre più lievi fioriture ai margini). Mezza pelle blu posteriore su tela blu titolata in oro (sguardie moderne, lievi difetti). La maggior parte delle copie vendute in asta è descritta come stampata a Parma da Bossi, mentre questa copia è stampata presumibilmente nello stesso anno a Milano. William Cole, "The States of Petitot and Bossi's Suite de Vases," in: Print Quarterly, X, 1993, pp. 156-60: impressione 3.E.


PETITOT, Ennemond Alexandre (1727-1801) BOSSI, Benigno (1727-1800?) - Suite des Vases Tiree du Cabinet de Son Excellence Monsieur du Tillot Marquis de Felino. Milan: Joachin Bettalli, [1790].

First edition, third state (entitled "Suite Des Vases and printed in Milan) illustrating an exceptional series of neo-classical vases after original designs by French architect and designer Petitot. Born in Lyons in 1727, Petitot studied architecture with Soufflot and by 1753 had moved to the francophile court of Parma at the request of the Marquis de Felino, to whom this work is dedicated, and become architect to the Duke. The engraver Bossi was also born in 1727, studied at Nuremberg and Dresden and lived in Parma from 1760. Complete sets (in any state) of Petitot's Suite des Vases are rare.

Folio (442 x 307mm). Engraved calligraphic title-page, engraved allegorical title and 31 numbered aquatint plates including a dedication plate to the Marquis of Felino (margins of calligraphic title spotted, other leaves with lighter spotting). Later half blue sheep decorated in gilt (modern endpapers and light rubbing). The majority of copies appeared on the market are described as printed in Parma by Bossi, but this one was presumably printed in the same year in Milan. William Cole, "The States of Petitot and Bossi's Suite de Vases," in: Print Quarterly, X, 1993, pp. 156-60: impression 3.E.