Lot 118 | MATTA ROBERTO SEBASTIAN ANTONIO (1911 - 2002) Dalla serie "The league of...

Capitolium Art - Via Carlo Cattaneo 55, 25121 Brescia
Wednesday 12 September 2018 hours 17:00 (UTC +01:00)

MATTA ROBERTO SEBASTIAN ANTONIO (1911 - 2002) Dalla serie "The league of...

MATTA ROBERTO SEBASTIAN ANTONIO (1911 - 2002) Dalla serie "The league of religions". 1966. Tecnica mista su carta. Cm 28,50 x 20,00. Firma in basso a destra. L'opera proviene dalla serie "The League of religions" iniziata nel 1932 in occasione della laurea di architettura dell'artista e riproposta nella seconda metà degli anni '60. E' stata fatta a Panarea e descrive la casa di famiglia dell'artista. Una delle serie originali è presente al Reina Sofia di Madrid (http://www.museoreinasofia.es/sites/default/files/salas/informacion/420_matta_eng.pdf). Un certificato di autenticità di Ramuncho Matta potrà essere emesso su richiesta del cliente. Cornice presente
MATTA ROBERTO SEBASTIAN ANTONIO (1911 - 2002) From the serie "The league of religions". 1966. Mixed media on paper. Cm 28,50 x 20,00. Signature lower right. The work came from a project (the first serie was made in 1932) that gained Matta his Architecture degree from the Catholic University of Chile. Conceived as an imaginary city, this was to be a place where delegates from all present and future religions would have to meet up to find answers to shared questions. It was inspired by the League of Nations in Geneva, where calm, collective deliberation was employed to find solutions for imminent problems that arose. The project was resumed in late sixties. This one (from 1966) was made in Panarea and it's about the artist's house in this island. An original serie from 1932 is now in Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid. (http://www.museoreinasofia.es/sites/default/files/salas/informacion/420_matta_eng.pdf) An authenticity certificate by ramuncho Matta can be issued upon request by the client. Cornice presente