Lot 71 | Tom Wesselmann (Cincinnati 1931 - New York 2004)"Study for Bedroom Painting...

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste - Palazzo Crivelli - Via Pontaccio 12, 20121 Milano
Asta N. 424 - Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Prima Sessione - dal lotto 1 al lotto 109
Tuesday 12 June 2018 hours 15:30 (UTC +01:00)

Tom Wesselmann (Cincinnati 1931 - New York 2004)"Study for Bedroom Painting...

Tom Wesselmann (Cincinnati 1931 - New York 2004)

"Study for Bedroom Painting (Daniéle)" 1971
olio su tela
cm 20x25
Firmato e datato 71 sul bordo superiore
Firmato, titolato e datato 1971 al retro

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York
Studio Marconi, Milano
Collezione privata, Milano

Opera registrata presso la Tom Wesselmann Estate, New York, con il n.71-25


"Study for Bedroom Painting (Daniéle)" 1971
oil on canvas
cm 20x25
Signed and titled 71 on the upper edge
Signed, titled and dated 1971 on the back

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York
Studio Marconi, Milan (1974)
Private collection, Milan

The work is registered at the Tom Wesselmann Estate, New York, with no.71-25