Lot 2501 | WEYGAND, Maxime (1867-1965) - Histoire militaire de Mohammed Aly et de ses...

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Tuesday 21 November 2017 hours 15:30 (UTC +01:00)

WEYGAND, Maxime (1867-1965) - Histoire militaire de Mohammed Aly et de ses...

WEYGAND, Maxime (1867-1965) - Histoire militaire de Mohammed Aly et de ses fils. Parigi: Imprimerie Nationale, 1936.
Biografia del fondatore della casa reale egiziana Mohammed Aly scritta dal generale francese Weygand in perfette condizioni e in brossura originale.
2 volumi, 4to (281 x 225mm). Occhielli, ritratto di sua Altezza Fouad I, Re d'Egitto, 200 (di 201) tavole e 9 mappe ripiegate (manca la tavola CXCII). Brossura originale stampata in nero, alcune carte non tagliate. (2)

WEYGAND, Maxime (1867-1965) - Histoire militaire de Mohammed Aly et de ses fils. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1936.
The biography of the founder of the Egyptian Royal house Mohammed Aly written by French Army General Weygand at the behest of King Fouad of Egypt.Chapters on his origins, war against the Mamluks (1805-11), war against the Wahabis (1811-19), conquest of Nubia and the Sudan, the army of Mohammad Aly, expedition to Crete and the Morea (1821-28), the First Syrian War (1828-1839), the Second Syrian War, Mohammad Aly in conflict with Europe, the last days of Mohammad Aly.
2 volumes, 4to (281 x 225mm). Half-titles, 200 (of 201) plates and 9 folding maps (lacking plate CXCII). Original wrappers printed in red, some leaves uncut. (2)