Lot 2457 | DIXON, Denham (1786-1828) - Hugh CLAPPERTON (1788-1827) - Narrative of...

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DIXON, Denham (1786-1828) - Hugh CLAPPERTON (1788-1827) - Narrative of...

DIXON, Denham (1786-1828) - Hugh CLAPPERTON (1788-1827) - Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa,in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824. Londra: John Murray, 1826.
Interessante pubblicazione di questa spedizione ufficiale alla scoperta del Niger partendo da Tripoli. Una buona copia completa di tutte le tavole.
2 parti in un volume, 4to (271 x 215mm). Grande mappa incisa ripiegata, 37 tavole incise in rame di cui una a colori, vignette xilografiche nel testo (alcune sporadiche macchie e lievi bruniture). Pelle coeva, filetti in oro ai piatti e dorso in oro (dorso restaurato, alcuni graffi). Provenienza: S. F. Philips (ex libris).

DIXON Denham (1786-1828) - Hugh CLAPPERTON (1788-1827) - Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa,in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824. London: John Murray, 1826.
An official expedition to discover the course of the Niger from the starting point of Tripoli, rather than West Africa. Clapperton and Oudney were the original members of the party, to which Denham, who seemed to have had influential supporters, was added and given command, but whose "arrogance, malice, and contempt for his colleagues from the start soured relations between them" (ODNB).
2 parts in one volume, 4to (271 x 215mm). Large folding map and 37 engraved plates of which one coloured, woodcut illustrations (some occasional stains and light browning). Contemporary calf, gilt fillet borders and gilt spine (spine restored, some rubbing). Provenance: S.F. Philips (book label).