Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale Sessione Unica - dal lotto 5001 al lotto 5176
Friday 27 October 2017 hours 10:30 (UTC +01:00)
Vaso a balaustro in argento sbalzato decorato con drago, dettagli in smalti...
Vaso a balaustro in argento sbalzato decorato con drago, dettagli in smalti policromi
Cina, sec. XX
A silver baluster vase decorated with a dragon, with details highlighted in coloured enamels
China, 20th century
(h. 22 cm.; peso/weight 563 gr.)
A silver baluster vase decorated with a dragon, with details highlighted in coloured enamels
China, 20th century
(h. 22 cm.; weight 563 gr.)