Lot 107 | Camelio Vittore di Antonio Gambello (attr.) "Andrea Gritti doge" placchetta in b

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste - Palazzo Crivelli - Via Pontaccio 12, 20121 Milano
ASTA 675: ARREDI E DIPINTI ANTICHI I TORNATA: dal lotto 1 al lotto 165 - Una selezione di beni provenienti dalla eredità della Fondazione Melissa Gabardi - Minervino
Tuesday 22 October 2024 hours 15:00 (UTC +01:00)

Camelio Vittore di Antonio Gambello (attr.) "Andrea Gritti doge" placchetta in b

Camelio Vittore di Antonio Gambello (1460 - 1539)

(attr.) "Andrea Gritti doge" placchetta in bronzo con altorilievo del doge veneziano, 1523 circa (cm 13,5x12,5) (lievi difetti)

Una placca in bronzo analoga è conservata al Victoria & Albert Museum di Londra. Si veda al link https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O148145/andrea-gritti-plaquette-camelio-vittore-gambello/

Per confronto si veda:
AA.VV. Inventory of Art Objects acquired in the Year 1864. Inventory of the Objects in the Art Division of the Museum at South Kensington, arranged According to the Dates of their Acquisition. Vol. 1. London : Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode for H.M.S.O., 1868, pag. 56
G.F.A. Hill, Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini. London: British Museum, 1920, no. 510


(attr.) " Andrea Gritti doge" bronze plaque with high-relief of the Venetian doge, 1523 approximately (cm 13,5x12,5) (slight defects)

For comparison:
AA.VV. Inventory of art objects acquired in 1864. Inventory of objects in the Art Division of the Museum in South Kensington, organized according to the dates of their acquisition. Vol. 1. London : Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode for H.M.S.O., 1868, p. 56
G.F.A. Hill, Corpus of Italian Renaissance medals before Cellini. London: British Museum, 1920, n. 510