Federico II - Viale Unità d’Italia 93, 70125 Bari Asta N. 2 - Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Wednesday 15 June 2016 hours 15:00 (UTC +01:00) Information Lots from 49 to 72 of 169 Show 122448Elementsgo < Page12345678 > Filter* Filter byDefault Sorting Lot number (Lowest) Lot number (Highest) Starting Price (Lowest) Starting Price (Highest) Lowest Estimate Highest Estimate Number of Bids (Lowest) Number of Bids (Highest) Bid amount (Lowest) Bid amount (Highest) SessionAll sessions Prima Sessione - dal lotto 1 al lotto 80 Seconda Sessione - dal lotto 81 al lotto 170 Filter Cancel Lot 49 Cesare Berlingeri piegatura, 2003 "Oltremare", cm 50x40x18 Autentica dell'... Estimate 4,000.00 / 5,000.00 €Starting Price 1,500.00 € Lot 50 Giuseppe Amadio olio su tela estroflessa, 2011 "Melqio", cm 70x70 F.to e... Estimate 4,000.00 / 5,000.00 €Starting Price 2,000.00 € Lot 51 Franco Angeli smalto su tela, 1987 "Primavera", cm 100x130 F.to al retro... Estimate 8,000.00 / 10,000.00 €Starting Price 4,000.00 € Lot 52 Roberto Crippa olio su tela, 1951 "Spirali", cm 60x70 F.to e datato al retro... Estimate 12,000.00 / 15,000.00 €Starting Price 7,500.00 € Lot 53 Hermann Nitsch pittura murale su juta, 1984 "La pittura dell' O.M. Theater",... Estimate 25,000.00 / 35,000.00 €Starting Price 15,000.00 € Lot 54 Jannis Kounellis catrame su carta, 1995 "Studio per installazione di sacchi",... Estimate 5,500.00 / 6,500.00 €Starting Price 4,000.00 € Lot 55 Mimmo Rotella decollage su tela, 2003 "Seven years Marilyn", cm 27,5x38 F.to... Estimate 8,000.00 / 10,000.00 €Starting Price 4,000.00 € Lot 56 Mario Giacomelli fotografia b.n. "Gabbiani", cm 20x28,5 Al retro timbro... Estimate 2,000.00 / 3,000.00 €Starting Price 1,000.00 € Lot 57 Jannis Kounellis pastelli su carta, 1999 senza titolo, cm 20x14 F.to e datato... Estimate 4,000.00 / 5,000.00 €Starting Price 1,500.00 € Lot 58 Maurizio Galimberti pigmenti su cartoncino "Ponte sogno", cm 41x32 F.to e... Estimate 500.00 / 1,000.00 €Starting Price 250.00 € Lot 59 Marino Marini acquaforte, 1971 "Geometria", cm 53,5x76,5 F.to in b a dx... Estimate 2,000.00 / 3,000.00 €Starting Price 1,000.00 € Lot 60 Zoltan Kemeny calcografia, 1963 "Composizione", cm 10,5x17 Opera firmata in b... Estimate 400.00 / 500.00 €Starting Price 200.00 € Lot 61 Gualtiero Nativi china su carta, anni '40 "Figura maschile", cm 30x24 Opera... Estimate 300.00 / 400.00 €Starting Price 100.00 € Lot 62 Mario Cives olio su compensato senza titolo, cm 28x37 F.to in b a dx Estimate 1,000.00 / 1,500.00 €Starting Price 400.00 € Lot 63 Francesco Speranza olio su compensato senza titolo, cm 35,5x47 F.to in b a dx Estimate 2,000.00 / 3,000.00 €Starting Price 1,000.00 € Lot 64 Raffaele Armenise disegno e biacca su carta senza titolo, cm 24x30 F.to in b... Estimate 500.00 / 1,000.00 €Starting Price 250.00 € Lot 65 Roberto De Robertis acquerello su carta senza titolo, cm 48x36 F.to e datato... Estimate 500.00 / 1,000.00 €Starting Price 250.00 € Lot 66 Enrico Manera tecnica mista su cartone, 1989 "Mickey Mouse", cm 100x70... Estimate 500.00 / 1,000.00 €Starting Price 200.00 € Lot 67 Claudio Parmiggiani litografia, 1975 senza titolo, cm 70x50 F.to in b a dx Al... Estimate 1,000.00 / 1,500.00 €Starting Price 500.00 € Lot 68 Ugo Nespolo acrilici su legno intarsiato, 1990 "Il salotto buono", cm 50x70... Estimate 5,000.00 / 10,000.00 €Starting Price 2,000.00 € Lot 69 Eugenio Carmi acrilici su juta, 2007 "Incontri", cm 60x60 F.to e datato in b... Estimate 3,000.00 / 5,000.00 €Starting Price 2,000.00 € Lot 70 David Salle acquerello su carta, 2002-2003 senza titolo, cm 38,5x57 F.to in b... Estimate 10,000.00 / 12,000.00 €Starting Price 4,000.00 € Lot 71 Ideo Pantaleoni olio su tela, 1955 "Costruzione costruttivista", cm 50x70... Estimate 6,000.00 / 7,000.00 €Starting Price 3,000.00 € Lot 72 Jannis Kounellis tecnica mista e collage su lamiera zincata, 1997 senza... Estimate 8,000.00 / 10,000.00 €Starting Price 4,000.00 € Lots from 49 to 72 of 169 Show 122448Elementsgo < Page12345678 >