Thursday 16 June 2022 hours 14:00 (UTC +01:00)
Lots from 73 to 96 of 433
  • ANGELUS DE CLAVASIO: Summa Angelica, Venezia, In Aedibus Aegidii Regazola, 1578
    Lot 74

    Summa Angelica, Venezia, In Aedibus Aegidii Regazola, 1578

    Contemporary limp vellum, with handwritten title on the spine. Slight waters stains all over the book, otherwise good copy.

  • ALPHONSUS HOIEDA DE MENDOCA: De Beneficiorum Incompatibilitate Tractatus, Venezia, Apud Ioannem Variscum, 1579
    Lot 75

    De Beneficiorum Incompatibilitate Tractatus, Venezia, Apud Ioannem Variscum, 1579


    Contemporary limp vellum with handwritten title on the spine, claws, partially disbound. Slight foxing and some water stains, otherwise good copy.

  • JOHANNES BAPTISTA ZILETTI: Volume Omnium Tractatuum Criminalium, Venezia, Apud Amtonium Bertanum, 1580
    Lot 76

    Volume Omnium Tractatuum Criminalium, Venezia, Apud Amtonium Bertanum, 1580

    Contemporary limp vellum, with handwritten title on the spine. Wormholes on the first pages. Some slight water stains on the last pages. Otherwise good copy.

  • LUIGI GRANATA: Le Opere, Venezia, Appresso Giorgio Angelieri, 1580
    Lot 77

    Le Opere, Venezia, Appresso Giorgio Angelieri, 1580

    4° , 17th century paperboard

    fair copy

  • MARTINUS DE AZPILCUETA: Relectiones (2) + Comm. De Usuris, Roma, In Aedibus Populi Romani, 1580
    Lot 78

    Relectiones (2) + Comm. De Usuris, Roma, In Aedibus Populi Romani, 1580

    Complete, three works within one volume.

    Martin de Aziculpeta Relectio non mood tenebrosi, Roma 1580; Carlo Borromeo, Commentarius de usurious resolutorius aliquot dubiorum manuals confessar, Roma 1580; Carlo Borromeo, Relectio cap. Ita quondam de iudaiez in qua de rebus ad sarracenos deferri, Roma 1580. Scattered water stains. Disbound.

    Fair copy.

  • JACOBUS DE VALENTIA: Doctissimae Explanationes  In Centum Psalmos, Venezia, Apud Zopinos Fratres, 1581
    Lot 79

    Doctissimae Explanationes In Centum Psalmos, Venezia, Apud Zopinos Fratres, 1581

    Contemporary limp vellum, with handwritten title on the spine, damaged. Water stains all over the book. The last blank page torn. Fair copy.

  • CURIA RIOMANA: Formularium Terminorum Seu Registrorum, Roma, Ex Officina Accoltiana, 1581
    Lot 80

    Formularium Terminorum Seu Registrorum, Roma, Ex Officina Accoltiana, 1581

    Contemporary limp vellum, with handwritten title on the spine. Some water stains and foxing, otherwise good copy.

  • PETRUS FOLLERIUS: Practica Criminalis Dialogica, Venezia, Apud Io. Baptista  Porta, 1582
    Lot 81

    Practica Criminalis Dialogica, Venezia, Apud Io. Baptista Porta, 1582

    4°. Contemporary vellum, partially disbound, the first three pages with corners damaged which affects part of the text. Light waterstains all over the pages. Fair copy.

  • JOANNES BAPTISTA MARCHESANI: De Sententiarum Speciebus, Roma, Apud Haeredes Antonii Bladij, 1583
    Lot 82

    De Sententiarum Speciebus, Roma, Apud Haeredes Antonii Bladij, 1583

    4°, limp vellum

    fair copy

  • JOHANNES PAULUS LANCELOTTUS: Instituitioines Iuris Canonici, Lyon, Apud Guliel. Rovillium, 1584
    Lot 83

    Instituitioines Iuris Canonici, Lyon, Apud Guliel. Rovillium, 1584

    Contemporary hard vellum, with handwritten title on the spine. Title page restored, some other minor restorations non affecting the text, slight water stains and wormholes.

  • SCIPIONE BARBUÒ SONCINO (1529-1597), GIROLAMO PORRO (1520-1604): Sommario delle vite de’ duchi di Milano, così Visconti come Sforzeschi Raccolto da diversi auttori da M. Scipion Barbuò Soncino Dottor
    Lot 84


    Sommario delle vite de’ duchi di Milano, così Visconti come Sforzeschi Raccolto da diversi auttori da M. Scipion Barbuò Soncino Dottor di legge e gentilhuomo padovano, col natural ritratto di ciascun d’essi intagliato in rame In Venezia, appresso Francesco Ziletti, 1584

    § Small folio (315 x 212), 36 pages, sign : prel 2, A-D4. Slightly later beautiful red calf binding (a bit damaged, bur very firm).Engraved title page, 9 full-page engraved illustrations. Fine copy on large paper. Gilt frame and initials S.P. on both plates.

    First edition. Engravings by Girolamo Porro. Barbò (or Barbuò) Soncino was an Italian jurist, biographer and historian and he is better known for this work, where the biographies of the first nine dukes of Milan are given, each accompanied by a portrait. The engravings, of exquisite workmanship, depict the full-length portraits of the nine dukes, each in an architectural frame with decorative elements and, at the bottom, the emblem of the person portrayed. They are the work of Gerolamo Porro, an engraver from Padua who spent most of his working life in Venice; he illustrated several works, among which Porcacchi’Funerali, the views for Porcacchi’s Isole and the maps for Ruscelli’s translation of Ptolemy. A rare and beautiful book.r
    Ref: Michael Bryan Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biographical and Critical, New edition, edited by Walter Armstrong & Robert Edmund Graves, London, George Bell & Sons, 1889, Volume II, p. 310)

  • ALBERTO BISSA: Gemme Della Lingua Volgare, Milano, Pacifico Pontio, 1585
    Lot 85

    Gemme Della Lingua Volgare, Milano, Pacifico Pontio, 1585


    Contemporary limp vellum, slightly damaged, with handwritten title on the cover. Partially disbound.

    Poor copy.

  • IACOBUS NOVELLUS: Tractatus Criminalis, Venezia, Iacobus Cornettus, 1585
    Lot 86

    Tractatus Criminalis, Venezia, Iacobus Cornettus, 1585


    Contemporary limp vellum, slightly damaged on the edges with manuscripted title on the spine and handwritten on the cover.

    Water stains, warm holes

    Tractatus Criminalis, Venezia, Iacobus Cornettus, contemporary limp vellum

    8°, contemporary limp vellum

    good copy

  • FRANCESCO PANIGAROLA: I Cento Ragionamenti Sopra La Passione, Napoli, Giacomo Carlino, 1586
    Lot 87

    I Cento Ragionamenti Sopra La Passione, Napoli, Giacomo Carlino, 1586


    Contemporary limp vellum, disbound, moderate foxing and some stains. Overall, a fair copy. Cento Ragionamenti Sopra La Passione, Napoli, Giacomo Carlino, limp vellum

    8°, limp vellum

    good copy

  • AURELIUS CORBULUS: Tractatus De Causis Ex Quibus Emphyteuta…, Venezia, Apud Dominicum De Imbertis, 1588
    Lot 88

    Tractatus De Causis Ex Quibus Emphyteuta…, Venezia, Apud Dominicum De Imbertis, 1588

    Contemporary limp vellum, with handwritten title on the spine, damaged. Water stains all over the book. The last blank page with missing corner. Otherwise goody copy.ULUS
    Tractatus De Causis Ex Quibus Emphyteuta…, Venezia, Apud Dominicum De Imbertis, contemporary limp vellum.

    4° , contemporary limp vellum.

    good copy

  • ARCHANGELUS MERCENARIUS: Dilucidationes Obscuriorum Locorum, Venezia, Apud Paulum Meiettum, 1589
    Lot 89

    Dilucidationes Obscuriorum Locorum, Venezia, Apud Paulum Meiettum, 1588


    Partially disbound, contemporary limp vellum.

    Very fragile first page, some worm holes and a water stain at the top and bottom of the pages.

    Poor copyBR>Dilucidationes Obscuriorum Locorum, Venezia, Apud Paulum Meiettum, limp vellum

    4°, limp vellum

    poor copy

  • ANTONIUS PORTIUS: De Peste Libri Tres, Roma, Apud Dominicum Basam, 1589
    Lot 90

    De Peste Libri Tres, Roma, Apud Dominicum Basam, 1589
    4°, contemporary half vellum

    fair copy

  • JOANNES BERTACHINUS: Repertorium .. Prima Pars, Venezia, Societas Aquilae Renovantis, 1590
    Lot 91

    Repertorium .. Prima Pars, Venezia, Societas Aquilae Renovantis, 1590

    5 volumi

  • BALDASSARRE BENEDELLI: Tractatus De Iure Prothiomiseus, Venezia, Apud Baretium De Baretiis, 1591
    Lot 92

    Tractatus De Iure Prothiomiseus, Venezia, Apud Baretium De Baretiis, 1591

    Contemporary limp vellum, damaged and partially disbound. Water stains and foxing all over the book. Fair copy.

  • PLATINA GIOVANNI BATTISTA: Historia Di Giovanni Battista Platina … Delle Vite, Venezia, Basa E Barezzi, 1592
    Lot 93

    Historia Di Giovanni Battista Platina … Delle Vite, Venezia, Basa E Barezzi, 1592

    Original hard vellum, damaged and restored, rebound. Title page restored. Some water stains. Poor copy.

  • FLAMINIUS CHARTARIUS: Theorice Et Praxis Interrogandum Reorum, Roma, Ex Officina Vincentii Pelagalli, 1594
    Lot 94

    Theorice Et Praxis Interrogandum Reorum, Roma, Ex Officina Vincentii Pelagalli, 1594

    Partially disbound, contemporary limp vellum with clasps and some small stains of mildew on the spine. Worm holes in the B quire. A water stain on the low center and at the top of the pages.

    Nice copy.

  • ANON.: Pontifiale Romanum Clementis Viii, Roma, S.T., 1595
    Lot 95

    Pontifiale Romanum Clementis Viii, Roma, S.T., 1595


    Contemporary calf, decorated with gilded ornaments, 6-rib spine, slightly damaged. Illustrated with Francesco Villamena’s engravings. Various restorations and tears, in most parts not affecting the text. Some handwritten notes. Last blank page missing. Fair copy

  • BERNARDINO PATERNO: Explanationes In Primam.., Venezia, Francescco De Franceschi, 1596
    Lot 96

    Explanationes In Primam.., Venezia, Francescco De Franceschi, 1596

    8°, original limp vellum, partially disbound, handwritten title on the spine, moderate water stains on text, fair copy

  • MARCELLUS DONATUS: De Medica Historia, Venezia, Apud Iuntas, 1597
    Lot 97

    De Medica Historia, Venezia, Apud Iuntas, 1597

    4°, modern half vellum

Lots from 73 to 96 of 433


Inizio Asta Live

Giovedì 16 giugno 2022 dalle ore 14:00 CEST


Monaco di Baviera

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Diritti D'asta: 24%

Live Bidding Arsvalue: 3%


  • 16 June 2022 hours 14:00 WEB AUCTION 118 - LIBRI E AUTOGRAFI (1 - 436)

More information

Informazioni sulla Web Auction 118: 

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 L’asta sarà battuta il 16 giugno 2022 a partire dalle ore 14:00 CEST su https://auctions.bertolamifinearts.com/la/login.php?Lang=IT.

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Esempio: base d’asta € 1.000 – Unica offerta pre-asta € 1.500 – Aggiudicazione a € 1.000.

offerte pre asta multiple dello stesso importo su uno stesso lotto 

e in assenza di offerte di rilancio durante l’asta, il lotto sarà aggiudicato all’autore dell’offerta con data anteriore.

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Bidding increments

  • from0to100increment of5
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  • from200to500increment of20
  • from500to1000increment of50
  • from1000to2000increment of100
  • from2000to5000increment of200
  • from5000to10000increment of500
  • from10000to20000increment of1000
  • from20000to50000increment of2000
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