Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

Wednesday 23 March 2022 hours 18:00 (UTC +01:00)
Lots from 49 to 72 of 103
  • Duane Michals
    Lot 50

    Duane Michals
    "A man dreaming in the city". Year 1969. Gelatin silver print on baryta paper. Size cm 15.5 x 22.5 cm. Duane Michals label and Allen Porter (Switzerland) Collection stamp on the back. Literature: Duane Michals, Real Dreams, Photo stories by Duane Michals, London, 1976 (ill. n.p.). Provenance: Private Collection, Switzerland; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy) - Duane Michals Studio

  • Alex Webb
    Lot 51

    Alex Webb "Haiti School Prayers, Bombardopolis". Year 1986. Color photograph. Size cm 50 x 60 ca. Ed. 4/20. Signed, titled and numbered on the back. Provenance: Alex Webb Studio; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: "Viaggio nella fotografia contemporanea", curated by Paci contemporary gallery, 2007

  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen
    Lot 52

    Arno Rafael Minkkinen
    "Stranda Norway". Year 2006. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 42 x 57 ca. Ed. 3/25. Titled and numbered on the back. Provenance: Arno Rafael Minkkinen Studio; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: "Viaggio nella fotografia contemporanea", curated by Paci contemporary gallery, 2007

  • Bert Stern
    Lot 53

    Bert Stern "Marilyn Monroe au turban". Year 1962. Gelatin silver print
    Size cm 32 x 46.5 ca. Signed lower right. Provenance: Bern Stern Studio; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: "Moda & Cinema", curated by Paci contemporary gallery, 2016

  • Bert Stern
    Lot 54

    Bert Stern "Marilyn Monroe, La dernière séance: voile rouge". Year 1962. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 44 x 37 ca. Signed lower right. Bert Stern stamp on the back. Provenance: Bern Stern Studio; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: Moda & Cinema, curated by Paci contemporary gallery, 2016

  • Bob Henriques
    Lot 55

    Bob Henriques "Marilyn Monroe". Year 1958. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 20.5 x 25.5 ca. Bob Henriques stamp on the back. Provenance: Bob Henriques Studio; Private Collection (France); Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: "Moda & Cinema" curated by Paci contemporary gallery, 2016

  • Cecilia Beaton
    Lot 56

    Cecilia Beaton "Loretta Young". Year 1930. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 25.2 x 20.4 ca. Provenance: Cecilia Beaton Studio; Private Collection (France); Paci Contemporary Gallery Brescia (Italy)

  • Bruce Davidson
    Lot 57

    Bruce Davidson "Montand/Signoret". Year 1960. Gelatin silver print

    Size cm 24 x 16 ca. Titled, dated and Bruce Davidson stamp on the back. Provenance: Bruce Davidson Studio; Private Collection (France); Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: Moda & Cinema, curated by Paci contemporary gallery (Brescia, Italy), 2016

  • Tazio Secchiaroli
    Lot 58

    Tazio Secchiaroli "Sophia Loren in “Bianco, rosso e…” di Alberto Lattuada". Year 1972. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 24 x 18 ca. Signed and titled on the back. Provenance: Tazio Secchiaroli Studio; Private Collection (France); Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: "Moda & Cinema", curated by Paci contemporary gallery (Brescia, Italy), 2016

  • Jerry Uelsmann
    Lot 59

    Jerry Uelsmann "Forgotten Heritage". Year 1969. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 34.5 x 27 ca. Signed and dated lower right. Signed, titled and dated on the back. Jerry N. Uelsmann's Portfolio label with the edition number "6/25" on the back. Provenance: Jerry Uelsmann Studio; Private Collection, France; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: "Synchronistic Moments", curated by Paci contemporary gallery (Brescia, Italy), 2011

  • Patrizia dalla Porta
    Lot 60

    Patrizia dalla Porta "Negative". Year 1981. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 94 x 150 ca. Ed. 10/20. Signed and numbered on the back. Provenance: Patrizia dalla Porta Studio; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy). Publication: "Viaggio nella fotografia contemporanea", curated by Paci contemporary gallery (Brescia, Italy), 2007

  • Ralph Gibson
    Lot 61

    Ralph Gibson

    Untitled. Year 1970. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 21 x 32 ca. Signed and Ralph Gibson stamp on the back. Provenance: Ralph Gibson Studio; Paci Contemporary Gallery, Brescia (Italy). Publication: Self Exposure - Ralph Gibson, Heni Publishing 2018

  • Ralph Gibson
    Lot 62

    Ralph Gibson Untitled. Year 1970. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 21 x 32 ca. Signed on the back. Provenance: Ralph Gibson Studio; Paci Contemporary Gallery, Brescia (Italy). Publication: Self Exposure - Ralph Gibson, Heni Publishing 2018

  • Larry Clark
    Lot 63

    Larry Clark
    Untitled from Tulsa. Year 1979. Gelatin silver print. Size cm 21 x 31 ca. Provenance: Larry Clark Studio; Private Collection, Brescia (Italy)

  • Umberto Mastroianni
    Lot 64

    Umberto Mastroianni "Arcitenens". Year 1980. Engraved white cardboard. Size 50x43 cm. Signed lower right. The work belongs to a cycle realized by Mastroianni in 1980: an engraved cartoon for each zodiac sign. This is among the most beautiful and it represents the sign of sagittarius (Arcitenens - Archer). Exhibitions: "Umberto Mastroianni", curated by Floriano De Santi, Palazzo dei Capitani del Popolo (Ascoli Piceno, Italy), September 27 - October 31 2006; "Omaggio a Umberto Mastroianni", curated by Floriano de Santi, Museo d'Arte Moderna Vittoria Colonna, Pescara, March 6-30 2010; "Umberto Mastroianni", curated by Floriano de Santi, Museo d'Arte Moderna at Palazzo Mizbachov, Bratislava, May 6 - June 15 2008. Publications: "Umberto Mastroianni", curated by Floriano de Santi, Museo "Arte On" Edition, Castal Lama (Ascoli Piceno, Italy), 2006, p.47. The artwork is accompanied by the certificate of authenticity released by Archivio Umberto Mastroianni, curated by Floriano de Santi, Brescia (Italy). Frame of the artist. Provenance: Private Collection, Rome (Italy)

  • Aung Kyaw Htet
    Lot 65

    Aung Kyaw Htet "Novice in blue". Year 2011. Oil on canvas. Size 115x85 cm. Signed lower right. Provenance: Thavibu Gallery, Bangkok (Thailand); Private Collection, Italy

  • Cristofano dell’Altissimo
    Lot 66

    Cristofano dell’Altissimo "Romolo re di Roma", olio su tavola, 61 x 47 cm, XVI secolo
    L’opera è accompagnata dall’expertise dello storico dell’arte Marco Tanzi. Provenienza: Collezione privata, Firenze

    "Romolo King of Rome". Oil on canvas . Size61x47 cm. XVI century. Expertise of Art Historian Marco Tanzi. Provenance: Private Collection, Firenze (Italy)

  • Baccio Lomi Gentileschi
    Lot 67

    Baccio Lomi Gentileschi "Ritratto di nobildonna", olio su tavola, 56x46 cm, XVI secolo. L’opera è accompagnata dall’expertise dello storico dell’arte Pierluigi Carofano. L’opera è pubblicata nel catalogo e nella brochure della mostra intitolata Volti rinascimentali presso la Galleria Arbat Fine Art. Provenienza: Collezione privata, Firenze

    "Portrait of a Noblewoman". Oil on panel. Size 56x46 cm. XVI century. Expertise of Art Historian Pierluigi Carofano. The painting is published on the catalog and on the brochure of the exhibition Volti Rinascimentali at the Arbat Fine Art Gallery. Provenance: Private Collection, Firenze (Italy)

  • Evaristo Baschenis
    Lot 68

    Evaristo Baschenis "Composizione di strumenti musicali", olio su tela, 93x132 cm, anni 60 del 1600. L’opera è accompagnata dall’expertise dello storico dell’arte Mauro Lucco. Provenienza: Collezione privata, Firenze

    "Composition of the Musical Instruments". Oil on canvas. Size 93x132 cm. Year: 60’s of 1600. Expertise of Art Historian Mauro Lucco. Provenance: Private Collection, Firenze (Italy)

  • Flemish School
    Lot 69

    Flemish School "Ritratto di giovane uomo", olio su tavola, pittura a doppia faccia, 39x28,5 cm, XVI secolo. Sull’opera è iscritta la data “1513”. L’opera è pubblicata nel catalogo e nella brochure della mostra intitolata Volti rinascimentali presso la Galleria Arbat Fine Art. Provenienza: Collezione privata, Firenze

    "Portrait of a Young man". Oil on panel, double-sided painting. Size 39x28,5 cm. XVI century. On the painting is written the date “1513”. The painting is published on the catalog and on the brochure of the exhibition Volti Rinascimentali at the Arbat Fine Art Gallery. Provenance: Private Collection, Firenze (Italy)

  • Florentine School
    Lot 70

    Florentine School "San Francesco", inizio XVII secolo, olio su tela (reintelata), 93x77 cm. Provenienza: Collezione privata, Firenze

    "San Francesco". Begin of XVII century. Oil on canvas (dubbed). Size 93x77 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, Firenze (Italy)

  • Achille Perilli
    Lot 71

    Achille Perilli "Le strutture del superfluo", 1999, cm40x40, tecnica mista su tela. L’opera è firmata, accompagnata dall’autentica ed è iscritta con il numero 65 nel catalogo generale dell’artista, pubblicata nel catalogo generale a pagina 325. È stata esposta alla mostra Achille Perilli a Portogruaro ed è presente nel catalogo illustrato a colori della mostra. Provenienza: collezione privata, Firenze

    "The structures of the superfluous". Year 1999. Size 40x40 cm. Mixed media on canvas. Signed and dated lower left. Signed, titled and dated on the back. The artwork is accompanied by the certificate of authenticity and it is registered with the number 65 in the general catalog of the artist, published on page 325. It was exhibited at the Achille Perilli exhibition in Portogruaro and is present in the color illustrated catalog of the exhibition. Provenance: private collection, Firenze (Italy)

  • Tano Festa
    Lot 72

    Tano Festa "From the Series of Angels". Year 1981. Acrylic on canvas. Size 70x50 cm. Signed, titled and dated January 25, 1981 on the back. The artwork is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity on photography issued by Studio Soligo - Archiving of Works Tano Festa, Rome, with the n. 81750/1283. Provenance: Private collection, Firenze (Italy)

  • Marcello Scuffi
    Lot 73

    Marcello Scuffi "Still Life with Watermelon". Oil on canvas. Size 50x40 cm. Year 1986. Signed lower left. Signed, titled and dated on the back.The work is accompanied by the certificate of authenticity on photo by the artist's brother. Provenance: Private Collection, Firenze (Italy)

Lots from 49 to 72 of 103

Arte Moderna e Contemporanea


  • 23 March 2022 hours 18:00 Sessione Unica (1 - 104)

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