100 books : The collection of a Gentleman

100 books : The collection of a Gentleman

Friday 10 December 2021 hours 18:00 (UTC +01:00)
Lots from 73 to 96 of 100
  • [Art books]  Le Mariage basque , 1926
    Lot 73

    Only one copy of this edition recorded in worldcat

    Francis Jammes. Le Mariage basque. Illustré de huit eaux-fortes en couleurs gravées en deux planches, par Andre' Lambert. D'apres les aquarelles de Ramiro Arrue. Ornements typographiques dessines par R. Arrue. Graves sur bois par A. Lambert. Le Divan, 37, rue Bonaparte (VIe), 1926. (21 avril.)

    In-4, quarter calf green leather on boards, brown leather at spine, on coloured paper, gilt decorations and titles at spine. 145 p.

    Eight color etchings by Andre' Lambert from watercolors of Ramiro Arrue.

    The most beautiful modern illustrated book on the Basque Country, sought after for its compositions including 8 etchings in colors and depicting landscapes and customs

    Worldcat map only one copy of this edition at BNF

  • [Bibliography] Le Clerc. Le Papier, 1926
    Lot 74

    LE CLERT Louis. LE PAPIER - Le papier : recherches et notes pour servir a l'histoire du papier, principalement a Troyes et aux environs depuis le quatorzieme siecle / par Louis Le Clert ; avec preface par Henri Stein. Paris, A L'enseigne Du Pegase, (1926).

    2 vols folio, paper binding, vol I: pp. XIV, 266 , 23 plates; vol II: pp. 270-530, [54] plates.

    First edition, UNTRIMMED, of this important work on papers and watermarks, including many plates out of text. Published under the patronage of the Societe' des bibliophiles francois , in 711 copies.

  • [Bibliography] Les Livres d'Heures, 1927
    Lot 75

    Leroquais (Chanoine V.). Les Livres d'Heures - Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Paris, 1927

    3 vols, in folio, two of text and one of supplement plus a folder of tables, green cloth binding with gilt titles on leather label at spine, Vol I. pp. 86, 360; vol2 pp. 464- table. Very rare and precious Bibliography.

    The two volumes contain the description of 313 manuscripts and the description of the typical prayers contained in the book of hours. The folder contains 130 black and White tables.

  • [Art] La jeunesse du peintre El Greco, 1927.
    Lot 76

    First Edition

    Willumsen, Jens Ferdinand. La jeunesse du peintre El Greco : essai sur la transforamtion de l'artiste byzantin en peintre europeen / par J.-F. Willumsen . Paris : Cres [1927].

    2 vols folio, red quarter calf on hand colored paper, Vol I: pp. 597 , XXVI plates. Vol II: pp. 747, CVI plates.

    Jens Ferdinand Willumsen (1863-1958) was a pioneer in modern Danish art and a keen connaisseur and collector of El Greco's early work.

    Limited edition, one of 1100 copies. In two volumes. Illustrated with 106 half-tone plates and numerous text illutrations

  • [Art] Planiscig, Andrea Riccio, 1927
    Lot 77

    [First Edition]

    Planiscig, Leo. Andrea Riccio. Schroll, Wien, 1927.

    Folio, green cloth binding pp. 504.

    586 illustrations in black-and-white

    Andrea Riccio (c. 1470 – 1532) was an Italian sculptor and occasional architect, whose real name was Andrea Briosco, but is usually known by his sobriquet meaning "curly"; he is also known as Il Riccio and Andrea Crispus ("curly" in Latin). He is mainly known for small bronzes, often practical objects such as inkwells, door knockers or fire-dogs, exquisitely sculpted and decorated in a classicising Renaissance style.

  • [Poem] Valery, Charmes, 1929
    Lot 78

    First Edition

    VALERY (Paul).Charmes. Poemes de Paul Valery commentes par Alain. . Gallimard, 1929.

    4to, contempoary paper binding, pp- XXV - 247.

    First Edition of the renowned commentary of Alain of Valery Poems

    Ownership signature .Versailles, Mars 930.

  • [Travel] Excursion en Italie, 1930
    Lot 79

    First Edition

    Mistral, Frederic & Marie. Excursion en Italie / Frederic et Marie Mistral ; traduction de Charles Maurras. Paris : Les Editions du Cadran, 1930.

    4to, half red morocco binding, on colored paper, pp. 133, Engraving by Heurdier on a drawing by Valere Bernard. Printed in 336 copies.

    Provenance: Ex libris "Bruno Durand" pasted at inside board.

  • [Facsimile Vergilianus codex , 1930
    Lot 80

    Francisci Petrarcae Vergilianus codex. . Mediolani : in aedibus Hoeplianis, 1930.

    Folio, wooden boards with leather spine , cc. 3, following the facsimile of codex.

    Facsimile in color of a manuscript of Virgil Opera, with paintings by Simone Martini formerly owned by Francesco Petrarca and now in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan.

  • [Numismatic, Medals] Hill, 1930
    Lot 81

    Hill, George Francis. A corpus of Italian medals of the renaissance before Cellini. British Museum,, London, 1930.

    2 VOLUMES IN Folio, original cloth binding, pp. XVII, 371; VII, 201 plates.

    Fundamental work of numismatics consisting of a volume of text and one of tables, with 201 beautiful plates depicting more than a thousand Italian medals from 1390 to 1530.

  • [Classics, Art books] Odes D'Horace, 1939
    Lot 82

    Horatius (Horace), Quintus Flaccus. Odes D'Horace. Paris: Gonin, 1939.

    2vols, loose sheets in cream colored slipcases, ff. (8), pp. 179, (1), ff. (4), pp. 278, ff. (5) , loose as issued, illustrated by Aristide Maillol.

    The woodcuts were made in 1939, whereas the hand impressions were made in 1958.

    Set of original Woodcuts on 78 plates in red brown by A. Maillol

    Monod, 6091; Berger/Zutter, 148 b-c.; Guérin 216

  • [Art] Traite du burin, 1952
    Lot 83

    First Edition

    Flocon, Albert. Traite' du burin : illustre' par l'auteur / Albert Flocon ; preface de Gaston Bachelard. Paris : Librairie A. Blaizot, 1952.

    4to, original paper binding, pp. 104

    First edition , printed in 260 numbered copies. on Montval. Beautiful didactic work, in which Albert Flocon explains in detail the art of the engraver, admirably illustrated by engravings showing a perspective and a perfect shadow play.

  • [LOT, Italy] 4 italian art books
    Lot 84

    Solerti, Angelo. Ferrara e la corte estense nella seconda meta del secolo decimosesto / Angelo Solerti . I discorsi di Annibale Romei. Citta di Castello : S. Lapi, 1891.
    4to, pp. CXXXI, 286.

    [togheter with]

    Bertoni, Giulio. Guarino da Verona fra letterati e cortigiani a Ferrara (1429-1460) / Giulio Bertoni. Ginevra : Olschki, 1921.
    4to, pp XI, 216, [5] plates

    [togheter with]

    Bertoni, Giulio. La biblioteca estense e la coltura ferrarese ai tempi del duca Ercole 1. : 1471-1505 / Giulio Bertoni. Torino : Loescher, 1903
    4to, XI, 307

    [togheter with]

    Van Den Nest. Souvenir d'Italie. Anvers, Van Dieren, 1849.

  • [LOT, Religion ] 3 illustrated books
    Lot 85

    Passione (La) di Gesu' Cristo - ed. F.lli Bocca - Torino - 1888
    4to, pp. XXV, [6], 532. Uncut.

    [togheter with]

    Cherance', Léopold : de; Chanday, Ubald : de; Grezes, Henri : de. Saint Francois d'Assise : 1. Vie de Saint Francois : 2. Saint Francois apres sa mort / [Leopold de Cherance', Henri de Grezes, Ubald de Chanday] . Paris : E. Plon, Nourrit et C.ie, 1885
    4to, pp. XVI, 438, 35 plates

    [togheter with]

    Marchese, Vincenzo Fortunato . S. Marco, convento dei Padri Predicatori in Firenze, illustrato e inciso principalmente nei dipinti del b. Giovanni Angelico con la vita dello stesso pittore, e un sunto storico del convento medesimo / del p. Vincenzo Marchese. Firenze : Societa artistica, 1853.
    Folio, pp. III, 162, 40 plates

  • [LOT, Fashion ] 3 French fashion books
    Lot 86

    3 French fashion illustrated books

    Vogue (La) elegante -modeles de coiffures par Charles - Paris 1862

    [togheter with]

    Vogue (La) elegante -modeles de coiffures par Charles - Paris 1862

    [togheter with]

    Vogue (La) elegante -modeles de coiffures par Charles - Paris 1863

  • [LOT, Classics] 5 books
    Lot 87

    Lot 5 books

    Appendice all'illustrazione istorica del Boccaccio - Milano - Pirotta 1820

    [togheter with]

    Studi sulle opere latine del Boccaccio - Attilio Hortis - Trieste - Libreria Julius Dase editrice 1879

    [togheter with]

    Poesie di Giuseppe Giusti - ed. Bietti - Milano

    [togheter with]

    Servo (Il) Bortolo e il suo diritto - Ivan Cankar- Trieste - Casa ed. Parnaso

    [togheter with]

    Lettere diplomatiche di Guido Bentivoglio - Luciano Scarabelli - Torino - Cugini Pomba e Compagnia - 1852 (2 vols)

  • [LOT, Facsimile] 2 books (5 volumes)
    Lot 88

    2 ancient manuscripts facsimile

    Diebold Schilling. Luzerner Chronik , 1513, with Kommentario (2 vol) 1932

    [togheter with]

    Rene' von Anjou. Livre du cuer d'amour espris. Nationalbibliothek - Wien 1926, 3 volumes

  • [LOT, Art] 5 books
    Lot 89

    Catalogue of italian maiolica - Rachkham - Londra 1940 (2 volumi)

    [togheter with]

    Illustrated catalogue of picture of Siena - Burlington Arts Club 1905

    [togheter with]

    Hanz Holbein - di Paul Mantz - Paris 1879

    [togheter with]

    Histoire de l'art decoratif - Arsene Alexandre - H. Laurens Editeur

    [togheter with]

    Musee plantin - Anversa 1883

  • [LOT, Art] 5 books
    Lot 90

    Musee plantin - Anversa 1883

    [togheter with]

    August Rodin - \ - di Judith Cladel- Librairie National d'art et d'histoire - Bruxelles - Van Oest- 1908

    [togheter with]

    Die K.K. Hofundstaatsdruckerei - 1804 -1904- Wien

    [togheter with]

    Premier peintre du roi - Nicolas Poussin - Librairie Van Oest - Bruxelles 1914

    [togheter with]

    Catalogo della vendita all'asta delle maioliche della collezione Ducrot - Milano dicembre 1934

  • [LOT, Art] 5 books
    Lot 91

    Description des sceaux matrices de M.Donge' - Paris 1872

    [togheter with]

    Collectio vaticiniorum - Verlag Grosser - Berlino 1923

    [togheter with]

    Pieter Brugel - G. Jedlicka - Eugen Rentsch Verlag -Erlenbach Zurigo 1938

    [togheter with]

    Per il IV centenario della morte di Leonardo Da Vinci - Ist. Arti Grafiche Bergamo 1919

    [togheter with]

    Die Schweizerische Bilderchroniken - Von Josef Zemp - Zurigo 1897

  • [LOT, Art] 5 books
    Lot 92

    Castello (Il ) di Monselice - Officine Ferrari - Venezia 1940

    [togheter with]

    Dictionnaire de l'ameublement - Henry Havard - Paris - Maison Quantin- 1891 ( 4 volumi)

    [togheter with]

    Le grand siecle - Louis XIV Les arts - Les idees -Paris - Hachette 1901

    [togheter with]

    Trecento( Il ) a Trieste di Giuseppe Caprin - - ed. Schimpff 1897

    [togheter with]

    Die Konigsphantasie . - 1892

  • [LOT, Art] 5 books
    Lot 93

    Papeterie et papetiers - J. Grand- Carteret - Paris - G. Putois 1913

    [togheter with]

    Scultura (La) tedesca dal 1000 al 1700 (8 volumes) 1936

    [togheter with]

    Catherine de Medicis - Bouchot - Paris 1899

    [togheter with]

    Camini (I) - Fumajuoli : Venezia dall'alto - studio di G.M.Urbani de Gheltof - Venezia 1892

    [togheter with]

    Die Franzoesischen Maler des XVII Jahrhunderts - Wurzbach 1879

    Lot 94

    Catalogo vendita all'asta di manoscritti ecc. - giugno 1935 - Hoepli- Milano

    [togheter with]

    Vente aux encheres Zurich 14ottobre 1932 - Lib. Hoepli- Milano

    [togheter with]

    Livres rares et precieux - Lib. Giraud - Badin - Paris 1929

    [togheter with]

    Catalogo asta manoscritti miniati ecc. Galleria Scopinich - Milano - aprile 1927

    [togheter with]

    Ex libris italiani di J. Gelli - Hoepli editore 1930

    [togheter with]

    Inventari dei Manoscritti delle Biblioteche d'Italia - Inventario - Olschki - 1933

    Lot 95

    Bibliografia dei romanzi di cavalleria italiani - Melzi - Tosi - Milano 1865

    [togheter with]

    Storia di Girolamo Savonarola - Villari - Firenze -Le Monnier 1930 (2 vol.)

    [togheter with]

    L'Arioste et la poesie cavaleresque a Ferrare - Paris 1927

    [togheter with]

    Gli annali delle edizioni ariostee - Agnelli- Ravegnani - Zanichelli editore - Bologna 1933 (2 vol)

    [togheter with]

    Catalogue d'un amateur - Paris 1819 (2 volumi)

    Lot 96

    La collezione di miniature - Pietro Toesca - Hoepli- 1930

    [togheter with]

    History of portrait miniatures - Williamson - London 1904 (2 vol)

    [togheter with]

    Ouvre de Jehan Foucquet - Parigi 1866 - 2 volumi

    [togheter with]

    Miniature (La) francaise aux XV et XVI siecle - ed. Van Oest -1930

    [togheter with]

    Manuscrits francais a' peintures des bibliotheques d'Allemagne - Geneve- Olschki 1932

Lots from 73 to 96 of 100

100 books : The collection of a Gentleman

The collection of a French Gentleman, containing books about travel, art, history, classics, and an impressive section of bibliography and ancient catalogues.


  • 10 December 2021 hours 18:00 100 books : The collection of a gentleman (1 - 100)

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€0 - 10,000: 25.0%

€10,001 - 100,000: 22.0%

€100,001+: 19.0%

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BIBLIOPATHOS AUCTIONS is a trading name of Bibliopathos srl, viale Regina Giovanna 15, 20129 Milano, PI IT05786460963 IMPORTANT NOTICES Description and Condition of Lots Prospective buyers must satisfy themselves concerning the condition of the goods and the matters referred to in the catalogue description. On request Bibliopathos may provide condition reports. The effects of the sell directly affect the Seller and the Buyer, without the assumption of other responsibility by the Bibliopathos, in addition to those resulting from the mandate. The Auction House offers a full guarantee that all items are authentic and under the conditions described in the catalog. Many items are of an age or nature which precludes their being in perfect condition and some descriptions in the catalogue, or given by way of condition report (made either orally or in writing), make reference to damage and or restoration. We provide this information for guidance only and the absence of such a reference does not imply that an item is free from defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Collation of Books If, on collation, any NAMED items in this catalogue prove defective, in text or illustration, the purchaser may reject the lot provided he returns it within fourteen days stating the defect in writing. This however will not apply in the case of un-named items, periodicals, autograph letters, manuscripts, music, maps, atlases, prints or drawings, nor in respect of damage to bindings, stains, foxing, marginal wormholes or other defects not affecting the completeness of the text, nor in respect of lack of list of plates, inserted advertisements, cancels or subsequently published volumes, supplements, appendices or plates or error in the enumerating of the plates, nor in respect of defects mentioned in the catalogue or announced at the time of sale.

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Bidding increments

  • from0to200increment of10
  • from200to1000increment of50
  • from1000to2000increment of100
  • from2000to5000increment of200
  • from5000to10000increment of500
  • from10000to20000increment of1000
  • from20000to50000increment of2000
  • from50000to100000increment of5000
  • from100000to infiniteincrement of10000