Tuesday 30 November 2021 hours 15:00 (UTC +01:00)
Lots from 217 to 240 of 305
  • Miniature on ivory. Signed LAURENT. Early 20th c
    Lot 217

    Miniatura su avorio raff. ''RITRATTO DI GENTILDONNA''. Firmata LAURENT sulla destra. Inizi XX secolo. In cornice di avorio. Mis. Lung. cm. 12, Alt. cm. 14,5 ca. compresa la cornice.
    Val. 200/300

  • LUIGI MASCARONI. Pair of inlaid wooden panels
    Lot 218

    Coppia di pannelli intarsiati in legni pregiati raff. ''SCENE PASTORALI'' tratte da incisioni di Francesco Londonio. Realizzati da LUIGI MASCARONI. Firmati in basso. Periodo Luigi XVI. In cornice coeva. Mis. Lung. cm. 47.5 Alt. cm. 41 ca.
    Val. 15000/20000

  • Wooden servant. England or Scotland. Early 18th c
    Lot 219

    Servante in legno di rovere con quattro cassetti. Inghilterra o Scozia. Inizi XVIII secolo. Mis. Lung. cm. 212 Alt. cm. 86 Prof. cm. 50 ca.
    Val. 1500/2000

  • Walnut desk. Lombardy. Early 18th c
    Lot 220

    Scrittoio lastronato in noce e filettato in legno di bosso con finiture ebanizzate e gamba mossa. Lombardia. Inizi XVIII secolo. Ottime condizioni. Mis. Lung. cm. 146 Alt. cm. 83 Prof. cm. 74 ca.
    Val. 9000/11000

  • Wooden single bed and a half. Lombardy. 17th c
    Lot 221

    Letto ad una piazza e mezza in noce con dipinto sulla testata raff. ''MADONNA CON BAMBINO E SANTA''. Piedi torniti. Lombardia. Inizi XVII secolo. Mis. Lung. cm. 138 Alt. cm. 160 Prof. cm. 215 ca.
    Val. 3000/4000

  • Walnut cabinet with secrets. Lombardy. 17th c
    Lot 222

    Stipo con segreti in noce parzialmente ebanizzato con colonne laccate finta tartaruga. Lombardia. XVII secolo. Mis. Lung. cm. 70 Alt. cm. 65 Prof. cm. 31 ca.
    Val. 12000/15000

  • Two gueridons. Venice. Late 19th century
    Lot 223

    Coppia di gueridon a forma di drago in legno. Venezia. Fine XIX secolo. Mis. Alt. cm. 92 ca.
    Val. 1000/1300

  • Oil painiting on canvas applide on panel. 20th c
    Lot 224

    Dipinto ovale olio su tela applicata su tavola raff. ''CAVALIERE''. XX secolo. Mis. Lung. cm. 65 Alt. cm. 80 ca.
    Val. 1000/1400

  • Oil painting on canvas 'LADY'. 18th century
    Lot 225

    Dipinto olio su tela raff. ''RITRATTO DI NOBILDONNA''. XVIII secolo. Già rintelato e rintelaiato. Mis. Lung. cm. 69.5 Alt. cm. 80.5 ca.
    Val. 1200/1800

  • Oil painting on canvas 'MAZZINI'. 19th century
    Lot 226

    Dipinto olio su tela raff. ''RITRATTO DI MAZZINI''. XIX secolo. In cornice dorata. Mis. Lung. cm. 49.5 Alt. cm. 59.5 ca.
    Val. 800/1000

  • Bronze plate 'MADONNA WITH CHILD'. Liberty period
    Lot 227

    Placca in bronzo patinato raff. ''MADONNA CON BAMBINO''. Periodo Liberty. In cornice di velluto. Mis. Lung. cm. 21 Alt. cm. 32 ca.
    Val. 250/400

  • ATTILIO PRENDONI. Sculpture bronze. Sigend
    Lot 228

    ATTILIO PRENDONI (Milano, 1874-1942). Grande scultura in bronzo raff. ''UOMO SU CAMMELLO''. Firmata alla base. Mis. Lung. cm. 50 Alt. cm. 61 Prof. cm. 21.5 ca.
    Val. 1300/1800

  • Carrara marble sculpture. Late 19th century
    Lot 229

    Scultura in marmo bianco di Carrara raff. ''BUSTO DI DONNA CON VELO''. Fine XIX-inizi XX secolo. Mis. Alt. cm. 54 ca.
    Val. 1200/1500

  • EMILIO FIASCHI. Alabaster sculpture 'LADY'. 1897
    Lot 230

    EMILIO FIASCHI (Firenze, 1858-1941). Scultura in alabastro raff. ''BUSTO DI GENTILDONNA''. Firmato e datato 1897 sul retro. Difetti e restauri. Mis. Lung. cm. 42 Alt. cm. 75 Prof. cm. 30 ca.

    Val. 3000/4000

  • L. PRINOTTO (workshop of). Wooden kneeling stool
    Lot 231

    LUIGI PRINOTTO (Bottega di) (Cissone, 1685 - Torino, 1780). Importante inginocchiatoio lastronato e intarsiato in legni vari, decorato in avorio con deposizione e putti sull'anta centrale. Piemonte. Restauri e mancanze. Mis. Lung. cm. 62 Alt. cm. 86 Prof. cm. 57 ca.
    Val. 5000/8000

  • Pair of wooden benches. Marche. 17th c
    Lot 232

    Coppia di panche in legno laccato dipinto con motivi roccailes, stemmi araldici e schienale sagomato. Marche. XVII secolo. Difetti e mancanze. Mis. Lung. cm. 155 Alt. cm. 135 Prof. cm. 38 ca.
    Val. 5000/8000

  • Wooden flap with drawers and secrets. 18th c
    Lot 233

    Ribalta lastronata in radica di noce biondo con cassetti a doppia mossa. Cassetti e segreto all'interno della calatoia. Veneto. XVIII secolo. Mis. Lung. cm. 107 Alt. cm. 104 Prof. cm. 57 ca.
    Val. 5000/8000

  • Little wooden desk. Lombardy. Louis XVI period
    Lot 234

    Scrittoietto da muro in legno lastronato e intarsiato in legni vari a motivi floreali. Lombardia. Periodo Luigi XVI. Difetti. Mis. Lung. cm. 88 Alt. cm. 78 Prof. cm. 45 ca.
    Val. 1800/3000

  • Iron trunk with nails. 17th century
    Lot 235

    Baule in legno rivestito completamente in ferro battuto e chiodato. XVII secolo. Mis. Lung. cm. 103 Alt. cm. 83 Prof. cm. 57 ca.
    Val. 3000/4000

  • Pair of painted ceramic flasks. Southern Italy
    Lot 236

    Coppia di fiasche in ceramica dipinta. Italia meridionale. XIX secolo. Difetti. Mis. Alt. cm. 23 ca.
    Val. 300/500

  • Two Cerreto's majolic treys and plates. 18th c.
    Lot 237

    Due vassoi e due piatti in maiolica di Cerreto. XVIII secolo. Lievi difetti. Mis. Piatti Diam. cm. 26 ca. Mis vassoi Larg. cm. 30, Prof. cm. 38 c a e Larg. cm. 31 e Prof. cm. 25 ca
    Val. 300/500

  • Pair of Cerreto's majolic tureen. 18th c.
    Lot 238

    Due zuppiere in maiolica di Cerreto. XVIII secolo. Difetti. Mis. Lung. cm. 27, Alt. cm. 22, Prof. cm. 22 ca Mis. Lung. cm. 22, Alt. cm. 18, Prof. cm. 17 ca.
    Val. 300/500

  • Polychrome terracotta jug. Late 19th c.
    Lot 239

    Brocca in terracotta policroma con stemmi araldici. Fine XIX secolo. Mis. Alt. cm. 37 Diam. cm. 12.5 ca.
    Val. 500/700

  • Two Cerreto's majolic treys. 18th c.
    Lot 240

    Due vassoi in maiolica di Cerreto. XVIII secolo. Difetti. Mis. Lung cm. 34, Prof. cm. 26 ca., Mis. Lung cm. 31, Prof. cm. 39 ca.

    Val. 300/500

Lots from 217 to 240 of 305


In this auction you can find a great number of wine and spirits, silverware, ancient furniture, paintings, sculptures, ceramics, porcelains, bronzes, chinese art spanning all eras and origins.

When: 30th November 2021

Single session (lots 1-305): from 3.00 pm CET

It won't be possible to take part in the auction in person.

Any statement regarding the artist, the date, the origin, the source and the condition is just an opinion and not necessarily factual.

Lots may present imperfections, and signs of wear and tear of time even in case the words "defects", "flaws" or similar in the description are missing.

Potential buyers are allowed and encouraged to visit our exhibition and/or to be accompanied by trusted experts. 

Our auction house does not provide packaging and shipping services. Nevertheless, we collaborate with shipping companies that can take care of the entire procedure, if the customer requests it.

Potential buyers are also encouraged to ask for a quote before taking part in the auction, especially the ones that live overseas.

It should be noted that it won't be possible to request condition reports and additional photographs after the adjudication of a lot.


  • 30 November 2021 hours 15:00 ANTIQUES, WINE & SPIRITS (1 - 305)



Thursday 25th and Friday 26th November - preferably by appointment

Saturday 27th - by appointment ONLY

opening hours 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

In our premises in Via Guido Cavalcanti, 8 - Milan - Italy

Payment and Shipping

We prefer wire transfer payment.

Our auction house does not provide packaging and shipping services. Nevertheless, we collaborate with shipping companies that can take care of the entire procedure, if the customer requests it.

Potential buyers, especially for those overseas, are encouraged to ask for a quote befor taking part in the auction.

More information

Any statement regarding the artist, the date, the origin, the source and the condition is just an opinion and not necessarily factual.


Lots may present imperfections, and signs of wear and tear of time even in case the words "defects", "flaws" or similar in the description are missing.


Potential buyers are allowed and encouraged to visit our exhibition and/or to be accompanied by trusted experts.

It should be noted that it won't be possible to request condition reports and additional photographs after the auction.

Bidding increments

  • from0to60increment of10
  • from60to200increment of20
  • from200to1000increment of50
  • from1000to3000increment of100
  • from3000to6000increment of200
  • from6000to50000increment of500
  • from50000to infiniteincrement of1000