WEB AUCTION 106: Glittica

WEB AUCTION 106: Glittica

Friday 12 November 2021 hours 15:00 (UTC +00:00)
Lots from 97 to 120 of 275
  • A roman bronze ring with carnelian intaglio. Theatrical mask.
    Lot 97

    A roman bronze ring with carnelian intaglio. Theatrical mask.

    2nd - 3rd century A.D.
    Intaglio 11x13 mm ; US size ring 4 ; 9,75 grs

    Hexagonal hoop with oval bezel set with an intaglio depicting a theatrical mask. Facing left, with wide-opened mouth. The hair pulled back in a bun. Use of globular elements for nose and chin. Slight signs of wears on the surface of the stone.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman bloodstone intaglio. Bust of Helios.
    Lot 98

    A roman bloodstone intaglio. Bust of Helios.

    2nd century A.D.
    7,5x10x3 mm

    The solar god is facing left with a radiated diademe. Chip on the edge.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman carnelian intaglio. Head of Medusa.
    Lot 99

    A roman carnelian intaglio. Head of Medusa.

    2nd century A.D.
    8x10x2 mm

    The character is facing down, to the left. Behind, her wings and beneath a snake; both characteristic of this mythological character. Rare.

    U.K. private collection

  • A lot of 2 roman intaglios. Bust of Helios and hunting scene.
    Lot 100

    A lot of 2 roman intaglios. Bust of Helios and hunting scene.

    2nd - 3rd century A.D.
    8x11x4 mm ; 14x19x5 mm

    The lot consists of: an intaglio depicting a bust of radiated Helios, facing left; a large intaglio depicting a hunting scene, with a knight on horseback armed with a spear chasing a deer, followed by a dog. Wear marks.

    U.K. private collection

  • A late roman red jasper intaglio. Male portrait.
    Lot 101

    A late roman red jasper intaglio. Male portrait.

    3rd century A.D.
    12x13x3 mm

    The male figure is facing left and characterized by very stylized features, his hair surmounted by a rounded hat. Probably eastern atelier.

    U.K. private collection

  • An eastern roman red jasper intaglio. Female portrait.
    Lot 102

    An eastern roman red jasper intaglio. Female portrait.

    3rd century A.D.
    10x13x3 mm

    The female figure is facing left, her hair marked by thin engraved ligns are pulled back in a bun and adorned with a diadema.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman nicolo intaglio. Male head.
    Lot 103

    A roman nicolo intaglio. Male head.

    2nd - 3rd century A.D.
    10,5x12x2 mm

    The male character's face is turned to the left, and has a thick beard. The work is not finished. Rare example of carving in progress, where traces of engraving tools are visible. Attractive color of the stone.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman late republican agate intaglio. Actor with mask.
    Lot 104

    A roman late republican agate intaglio. Actor with mask.

    1st century B.C. - 1st century A.D.
    11x12x3 mm

    The young face, turned to the left, has on his head (still partially worn over his face) the mask of an old character. The composition can be referred to the gryllos typology, without excluding a certain apotropaic component.

    U.K. private collection

  • A sasanian rock crystal intaglio. Male portrait.
    Lot 105

    A sasanian rock crystal intaglio. Male portrait..

    3rd-4th century A.D.
    10x12x15 mm

    Facing left, the male figure is characterized by a strong features with proeminent nose, large almond-shaped eye, a beard framing the face. Hair composed of long locks letting uncovered the ear with an earring. He wears a large necklace on a necked bust. The anatomical features and the style are referrable to the sasanian portraiture.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman nicolo intaglio. Fortuna Tyche.
    Lot 106

    A roman nicolo intaglio. Fortuna Tyche.

    2nd century A.D.
    8x10x3 mm

    The goddess is standing facing right with her attributes. Groundline. Slight wear marks on the surface of the stone.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman nicolo intaglio. Satyr.
    Lot 107

    A roman nicolo intaglio. Satyr.

    2nd century A.D.
    10x11x3 mm

    The young faun proceeds to the right, holding a bunch of grapes in his left hand and the pedum in his right. Groundline. Lack on the top edge.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman nicolo intaglio. Offerer.
    Lot 108

    A roman nicolo intaglio. Offerer.

    2nd century A.D.
    9x11x3 mm

    The male character is standing facing left, his right knee bent, with crossed legs. He holds a patera (?) in his right hand meanwhile the left holds a stick. In front, a bunch of grapes. Groundline.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman nicolo intaglio. Faun.
    Lot 109

    A roman nicolo intaglio. Faun.

    2nd-3rd century A.D.
    9x11x2,5 mm

    The character advances to the right, holding a bunch of grapes and the pedum. Short groundline. Slight wear marks.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman nicolo gnostic intaglio. Pantheistic deity.
    Lot 110

    A roman nicolo gnostic intaglio. Pantheistic deity.

    2nd century A.D.
    12x16x3 mm

    The naked divinity is presented standing in contrapposto against a column and surrounded by snakes. Behind, a caduceus. His hair pulled back in a bun and surmonter by the modius. Groundline. Behind a crescent moon. This syncretic divinity is referrable to egypto-roman lunar cults and the tradition of assimilation — in this case with the gods Mercury and Thot. Interesting example of colored stone in ancient roman time. Very rare.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman banded agate intaglio set in a postclassical gold ring. Venus.
    Lot 111

    A roman banded agate intaglio set in a postclassical gold ring. Venus.

    1st century B.C. - 1st century A.D.
    Intaglio 7x9 mm ; US ring size 6 ; 5,12 grs

    Hoop rounded without and flatte within, the oval bezel set with intaglio depicting Venus standing near a column and showing her back, her head turned to the right. Her left arm extended, she hold a globe or an helmet (?). Groundline.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman silver pendant set with a carnelian intaglio. Priestress.
    Lot 112

    A roman silver pendant set with a carnelian intaglio. Priestress.

    2nd - 3rd century A.D.
    9x19x4 mm (pendant) ; 10x13x3 mm ; 2,2 grs

    The female character is standing facing left, holding an offering plate in her right hand. She wears a long peplos, her hair pulled back in a bun with bands. Groundline. The mounting is composed of a silver plaque holding the intaglio, and a larger plaque with engraved ligns on the edge. On top, a silver gilded spherical bead pierced lenghtwise for suspension use. On the back, traces of oxydation and deposit.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman chalcedony intaglio. Warrior.
    Lot 113

    A roman chalcedony intaglio. Warrior.

    1st century B.C. - 1st century A.D.
    9x14x2 mm

    The naked male figure is standing facing right. He wears a corinthian crested helmet and a cloak on his shoulders. His left arm bent, his hand holding a spear.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman nicolo agate intaglio. Warrior.
    Lot 114

    A roman nicolo agate intaglio. Warrior.

    2nd-3rd century A.D.
    12x17x4 mm

    The figure is facing left is wearing a cloak, holding the spear with his right hand, the helmet with his left. Groundline. Nice size and tone of the stone.

    U.K. private collection

  • A large roman italic chalcedony intaglio. Dionysos with mask.
    Lot 115

    A large roman italic chalcedony intaglio. Dionysos with mask.

    2nd-1st century B.C.
    13x21x3 mm

    The young god is elegantly leaning against a column, in the act of contemplating a theatrical mask. Behind his shoulders, the thyrsus. His body is partially naked (only the legs are draped) and has a well-engraved musculature with delicate anatomical volumes. Numerous details are rendered with globular elements. Groundline. The elegant depiction is inspired by hellenistic models. Attractive size and color of the stone. Slight wear marks.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman chalcedony intaglio. Serapis enthroned with Cerberus.
    Lot 116

    A roman chalcedony intaglio. Serapis enthroned with Cerberus.

    2nd-3rd century A.D.
    9,5x12,5x3 mm

    Representation of Serapis enthroned with Cerberus. The gem likely portrays the cult statue Serapis from Alexandria, attributed to 3rd century B.C sculptor, Bryaxis. The god is depicted seated, turned to the right, his right hand holding a long stick (or scepter). He wears the modius and a long chiton. In front of him, a star. At his feet the three-headed dog. This subject is also referred to Ade in the inferos. Groundline.
    See the Statue of Serapis with Cerberus 59.148.38 Liverpool Museum.
    U.K. private collection

  • A roman green chalcedony intaglio. Dancing Maenad.
    Lot 117

    A roman green chalcedony intaglio. Dancing Maenad.

    2nd century A.D.
    8,5x11,5x3,5 mm

    The figure is standing in movement and facing left, wearing the panther skin. Behind her, a thyrsus. The stone is chipped.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman green chalcedony intaglio. Biga.
    Lot 118

    A roman green chalcedony intaglio. Biga.

    1st - 2nd century A.D.
    5x7,5x1,5 mm

    The male figure is ridding a biga facing left and whipping the horses. Groundline. Wear marks on the surface of the stone. Nice vivid color with dark inclusions.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman peridote intaglio. Naked woman on a Kline.
    Lot 119

    A roman peridote intaglio. Naked woman on a Kline.

    1st - 2nd century A.D.
    7x9x3 mm

    The naked woman is reclined on a kline, her head facing right. Left arm and lower part of he relis raised up. Use of drill in the execution. Wear marks.

    U.K. private collection

  • A roman amethyst intaglio.Mythological  scene.
    Lot 120

    A roman amethyst intaglio.Mythological scene.

    2nd century A.D.
    16x18x7 mm

    Venus standing against a column facing left and holding an helmet in his right hand. In from tof him, Mercury, between a goat. Wear marks.

    U.K. private collection

Lots from 97 to 120 of 275

WEB AUCTION 106: Glittica

Inizio Asta Live

12 novembre 2021 alle 15:00 GMT (London Time)



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Diritti D'asta: 24%


  • 12 November 2021 hours 15:00 WEB AUCTION 106: Glittica (1 - 275)

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maximum period of ten (10) days after the date of the auction.


Bertolami Fine Arts LTD Shipping Department can advise buyers on exporting and shipping property. You

can contact the Customer service on the number that you see in our website.

The entire shipment costs are to be paid for by the buyer. Additionally, a form to provide shipping

instructions is attached to the buyer’s invoice. Your shipper will include a quote for transit insurance. All

shipments should be unpacked and checked on delivery and any discrepancies notified to the transit insurer

or shipper immediately.

Prospective purchasers are advised that several countries prohibit the importation of property containing

materials from endangered species, including but not limited to coral, ivory and tortoiseshell. Accordingly,

prospective purchasers should familiarize themselves with relevant customs regulations prior to bidding if

they intend to import this lot into another country.


Besides the responsibilities and obligations of sellers and Bertolami Fine Arts LTD above, neither sellers nor

Bertolami Fine Arts LTD shall be held responsible for any error in the description of the lots or in their

estimates for the sale and for any omissions that may result in losses or damage to property or assets to the



Were we to obtain any personal information about you, we would only use it in accordance with the terms of

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Bidding increments

  • from0to100increment of5
  • from100to200increment of10
  • from200to500increment of20
  • from500to1000increment of50
  • from1000to2000increment of100
  • from2000to5000increment of200
  • from5000to10000increment of500
  • from10000to20000increment of1000
  • from20000to50000increment of2000
  • from50000to infiniteincrement of5000