Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale

Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale

Friday 27 October 2017 hours 10:30 (UTC +01:00)
Lots from 121 to 144 of 176
  • Cavallo in giada celadon e grigio scuro scolpito in posizione accovacciata,...
    Lot 5121

    Cavallo in giada celadon e grigio scuro scolpito in posizione accovacciata, la testa poggiante sulla schiena e rivolta verso la coda
    Cina, sec. XX
    A celadon and grey jade model of a recumbent horse, the head resting on the back, towards the tail
    China, 20th century
    (l. 29 cm.)

    A celadon and grey jade model of a recumbent horse, the head resting on the back, towards the tail
    China, 20th century
    (l. 29 cm.)

  • Cinque piatti in porcellana da esportazione bianca e blu e Famiglia Rosa...
    Lot 5122

    Cinque piatti in porcellana da esportazione bianca e blu e Famiglia Rosa decorati con pesci e crostacei
    Cina, sec. XVIII
    Five export-porcelain dishes, decorated in underglaze blue and Famille Rose with fish and shellfish
    China, 18th century
    (d. 24 cm.)

    Five export-porcelain dishes, decorated in underglaze blue and Famille Rose with fish and shellfish
    China, 18th century
    (d. 24 cm.)

  • Grande scultura in avorio raffigurante guerriero, con lunga barba, armatura...
    Lot 5123

    Grande scultura in avorio raffigurante guerriero, con lunga barba, armatura ornamentale e spada sul fianco
    Cina, inizio sec. XX
    A large ivory figure of a standing bearded warrior with ornate armor and with a sword
    China, early 20th century
    (h. 91 cm.)

    A large ivory figure of a standing bearded warrior with ornate armor and with a sword
    China, early 20th century
    (h. 91 cm.)

  • Scultura in porcellana policroma raffigurante monaco con vesti ornate stante...
    Lot 5124

    Scultura in porcellana policroma raffigurante monaco con vesti ornate stante su base a forma di nuvole
    Cina, sec. XX
    A polychrome porcelain model of a monk wearing ornate robes and standing on a clous-shaped base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 53 cm.)

    A polychrome porcelain model of a monk wearing ornate robes and standing on a clous-shaped base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 53 cm.)

  • Versatoio in porcellana con coperchio, decorato con scena di banchetto negli...
    Lot 5125

    Versatoio in porcellana con coperchio, decorato con scena di banchetto negli smalti della Famiglia Rosa (difetti e restauri)
    Cina, inizio sec. XX
    A Famille Rose porcelain ewer and cover decorated with banquet scenes (losses and restorations)
    China, early 20th century
    (h. 45,5 cm.)

    A Famille Rose porcelain ewer and cover decorated with banquet scenes (losses and restorations)
    China, early 20th century
    (h. 45,5 cm.)

  • Amitayus in bronzo dorato seduto su base a doppio loto, le mani giunte in...
    Lot 5126

    Amitayus in bronzo dorato seduto su base a doppio loto, le mani giunte in dhyanamudra, il viso con espressione serena sormontato da elaborata corona
    Tibet, sec. XIX
    A gilt bronze figure of Amitayus seated on a double lotus base, the hands joined in dhyanamudra, the face with serene expression, surmounted by an elaborate crown
    Tibet, 19th century
    (h. 11 cm.)

    A gilt bronze figure of Amitayus seated on a double lotus base, the hands joined in dhyanamudra, the face with serene expression, surmounted by an elaborate crown
    Tibet, 19th century
    (h. 11 cm.)

  • Piatto in porcellana bianca e blu stile Kraak, decorato nel cavetto con...
    Lot 5127

    Piatto in porcellana bianca e blu stile Kraak, decorato nel cavetto con motivo a pannelli, al centro con gru in volo
    Cina, sec. XVII/XVIII
    A blue and white porcelain 'kraak' dish, the cavetto decorated with panels, the centre with cranes in flight
    China, 17th/18th century
    (d. 35,5 cm.)

    A blue and white porcelain 'kraak' dish, the cavetto decorated with panels, the centre with cranes in flight
    China, 17th/18th century
    (d. 35,5 cm.)

  • Shaker per cocktail in argento per il mercato europeo, decorato a sbalzo con...
    Lot 5128

    Shaker per cocktail in argento per il mercato europeo, decorato a sbalzo con drago dai quattro artigli, con coperchio, marcato Guang Ji
    Hong Kong, circa 1890-1900
    A silver-export cocktail shaker decorated with dragons against a matted ground, marked Guang Ji
    Hong Kong, circa 1890-1900
    (h. 25 cm.; peso/weight 439 gr.)

    A silver-export cocktail shaker decorated with dragons against a matted ground, marked Guang Ji
    Hong Kong, circa 1890-1900
    (h. 25 cm.; peso/weight 439 gr.)

  • Piatto in porcellana bianca e blu decorato al centro con pagoda e motivi...
    Lot 5129

    Piatto in porcellana bianca e blu decorato al centro con pagoda e motivi floreali
    Cina, dinastia Ming, periodo Wanli (1573-1620)
    A blue and white porcelain dish decorated to the centre with a pagoda and floral motifs
    China, Ming dynasty, Wanli period (1573-1620)
    (d. 30 cm.)

    A blue and white porcelain dish decorated to the centre with a pagoda and floral motifs
    China, Ming dynasty, Wanli period (1573-1620)
    (d. 30 cm.)

  • Vaso in porcellana policroma, una sezione decorata con petali di loto, con...
    Lot 5130

    Vaso in porcellana policroma, una sezione decorata con petali di loto, con marchio apocrifo Chenghua alla base
    Cina, sec. XIX
    A polychrome porcelain vase, one section shaped and decorated with lotus petals, with an apocryphal Chenghua mark to the base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 32 cm.)

    A polychrome porcelain vase, one section shaped and decorated with lotus petals, with an apocryphal Chenghua mark to the base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 32 cm.)

  • Gruppo in lapislazzulo raffigurante monaco buddhista in una grotta, con...
    Lot 5131

    Gruppo in lapislazzulo raffigurante monaco buddhista in una grotta, con iscrizioni calligrafiche con dorature, con base in lapislazzulo recante marchio Guangxu a quattro caratteri
    Cina, marchio Guangxu e del periodo (1875-1908)
    A lapislazuli group depicting a luohan in a grotto by pine trees, with lines of calligraphy incised and gilted, the base with a four characters Guangxu mark
    China, Guangxu mark and of the period (1875-1908)
    (h. 20.5 cm.)

    A lapislazuli group depicting a luohan in a grotto by pine trees, with lines of calligraphy incised and gilted, the base with a four characters Guangxu mark
    China, Guangxu mark and of the period (1875-1908)
    (h. 20.5 cm.)

  • Scultura in avorio raffigurante luohan in posizione seduta accompagnato da...
    Lot 5132

    Scultura in avorio raffigurante luohan in posizione seduta accompagnato da tigre, sigillo alla base
    Cina, sec. XIX/XX
    An ivory sculpture of a luohan in seated position accompanied by a tiger, a seal to the base
    China, 19th/20th century
    (h. 16 cm.)

    An ivory sculpture of a luohan in seated position accompanied by a tiger, a seal to the base
    China, 19th/20th century
    (h. 16 cm.)

  • Piatto in gres a invetriatura celadon Longquan con decorazione incisa a...
    Lot 5133

    Piatto in gres a invetriatura celadon Longquan con decorazione incisa a motivo floreale (lievi difetti)
    Cina, sec. XIX
    A Longquan celadon dish, with incised floral decoration (slighty defects)
    China, 19th century
    (d. 37 cm.)

    A Longquan celadon dish, with incised floral decoration (slighty defects)
    China, 19th century
    (d. 37 cm.)

  • Lotto composto da diciassette piatti in porcellana Swatow e tre antipastiere...
    Lot 5134

    Lotto composto da diciassette piatti in porcellana Swatow e tre antipastiere circolari ciascuna composta da nove ciotole componibili recuperati dal naufragio di Bình Thuan, con etichette originali (difetti)
    Cina, dinastia Ming (1368-1644)
    Christie's Melbourne, 1 Marzo 2004
    Seventeen Swatow dishes and three sweet meat sets from the Bình Thuan shipwreck, with original labels (defects)
    China, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
    Christie's Melbourne, March 1, 2004
    (d. max 26 cm.)

    Seventeen Swatow dishes and three sweet meat sets from the Bình Thuan shipwreck, with original labels (defects)
    China, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
    Christie's Melbourne, March 1, 2004
    (d. max 26 cm.)

  • Vaso in porcellana policroma decorato con figure in giardino e calligrafia,...
    Lot 5135

    Vaso in porcellana policroma decorato con figure in giardino e calligrafia, marchio apocrifo alla base
    Cina, sec. XX
    A polychrome porcelain vase decorated with ladies in a garden and calligraphy, with an apocryphal mark to the base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 41 cm.)

    A polychrome porcelain vase decorated with ladies in a garden and calligraphy, with an apocryphal mark to the base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 41 cm.)

  • Piccolo vaso in porcellana decorato con pannelli e scene di paesaggio, con...
    Lot 5136

    Piccolo vaso in porcellana decorato con pannelli e scene di paesaggio, con marchio apocrifo Qianlong, con base in legno
    Cina, periodo della Repubblica (1912-1949)
    A small porcelain vase decorated with panels enclosing landscape scenes, with a wood base
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    (h. 14 cm.)

    A small porcelain vase decorated with panels enclosing landscape scenes, with a wood base
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    (h. 14 cm.)

  • Jardiniere in porcellana Famiglia Rosa decorata con scena continua di figure...
    Lot 5137

    Jardiniere in porcellana Famiglia Rosa decorata con scena continua di figure bordata con motivi geometrici
    Cina, sec. XX
    A Famille Rose jardiniere decorated with a continuous scene of figures, bordered with geometric motifs
    China, 20th century
    (d. 40 cm.)

    A Famille Rose jardiniere decorated with a continuous scene of figures, bordered with geometric motifs
    China, 20th century
    (d. 40 cm.)

  • Vaso a bottiglia in porcellana Famiglia Verde decorato con figure e...
    Lot 5138

    Vaso a bottiglia in porcellana Famiglia Verde decorato con figure e padiglioni, marchio apocrifo Qianlong alla base
    Cina, sec. XIX
    A Famille Verte bottle vase decorated with figures and pavilions, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 53 cm.)

    A Famille Verte bottle vase decorated with figures and pavilions, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 53 cm.)

  • Vaso in porcellana di forma meiping decorato con motivi floreali in blu...
    Lot 5139

    Vaso in porcellana di forma meiping decorato con motivi floreali in blu sottocoperta su fondo a smalti giallo, marchio apocrifo Qianlong alla base (restauri)
    Cina, fine sec. XIX/inizio sec. XX
    A meiping porcelain vase, decorated win underglaze blue with floral motifs against a yellow-enamelled ground, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base (restorations)
    China, late XIX/early XX century
    (h. 32 cm.)

    A meiping porcelain vase, decorated win underglaze blue with floral motifs against a yellow-enamelled ground, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base (restorations)
    China, late XIX/early XX century
    (h. 32 cm.)

  • Vaso biansato in porcellana Famiglia Rosa su fondo turchese, decorato con...
    Lot 5140

    Vaso biansato in porcellana Famiglia Rosa su fondo turchese, decorato con fiori di loto, creature mitologiche e simboli Buddhisti di buon auspicio, marchio apocrifo Jiaqing sul fondo
    Cina, sec. XX
    A turquoise-ground Famille Rose vase with twin handles, decorated all over with lotus flowers and leaves, mythological creatures and auspicious Buddhist symbols, with an apocryphal Jiaqing mark to the base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 34 cm.)

    A turquoise-ground Famille Rose vase with twin handles, decorated all over with lotus flowers and leaves, mythological creatures and auspicious Buddhist symbols, with an apocryphal Jiaqing mark to the base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 34 cm.)

  • Placca in porcellana dalla forma rettangolare decorata con ramo di pruno in...
    Lot 5141

    Placca in porcellana dalla forma rettangolare decorata con ramo di pruno in fiore, calligrafia e sigillo dell'artista Tian Hexian
    Cina, periodo della Repubblica (1912-1949)
    An enamelled porcelain plaque, of rectangular form, depicting a flowering prunus branch, calligraphy and artist's seal
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    (41,5x26,5 cm.)

    An enamelled porcelain plaque, of rectangular form, depicting a flowering prunus branch, calligraphy and artist's seal
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    (41.5x26.5 cm.)

  • Placca in porcellana dalla forma rettangolare, dipinta in policromia con...
    Lot 5142

    Placca in porcellana dalla forma rettangolare, dipinta in policromia con paesaggio montano, fiume e pescatori su barche, calligrafia e sigillo dell'artista Wang Yeting
    Cina, periodo della Repubblica (1912-1949)
    An enamelled porcelain plaque, of rectangular form, depicting a mountain and river landscape with fishermen on boats, with calligraphy and seal reading Wang Yeting
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    (30x48 cm.)

    An enamelled porcelain plaque, of rectangular form, depicting a mountain and river landscape with fishermen on boats, with calligraphy and seal reading Wang Yeting
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    (30x48 cm.)

  • Coppia di vasi a bottiglia in porcellana a smalti policromi decorati con dame...
    Lot 5143

    Coppia di vasi a bottiglia in porcellana a smalti policromi decorati con dame in un interno tra oggetti preziosi, marchio apocrifo Qianlong in rosso ferro alla base
    Cina, periodo della Repubblica (1911-1949)
    A pair of mirror-image porcelain bottle vases enamelled with two ladies in an interior with scholar objects, with an apocryphal Qianlong mark in iron red to the base
    China, Republic period (1911-1949)
    (h. 22,5 cm.)

    A pair of mirror-image porcelain bottle vases enamelled with two ladies in an interior with scholar objects, with an apocryphal Qianlong mark in iron red to the base
    China, Republic period (1911-1949)
    (h. 22.5 cm.)

  • Coppia di vasi in porcellana con doppie anse a guisa di chilong, decorati in...
    Lot 5144

    Coppia di vasi in porcellana con doppie anse a guisa di chilong, decorati in smalti policromi con dame su zattera su fondo bianco inciso a volute, marchio apocrifo Jiaqing sul fondo
    Cina, periodo della Repubblica (1912-1949)
    Provenienza: etichetta Collezione C. Cuneo - Torino alla base
    A pair of bottle vases with twin chilong handles, each enamelled with ladies on a raft against a white sgraffiato ground, with apocryphal Jiaqing mark to base
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    Provenance: Collection label C. Cuneo - Torino at the base
    (h. 33,5 cm)

    A pair of bottle vases with twin chilong handles, each enamelled with ladies on a raft against a white sgraffiato ground, with apocryphal Jiaqing mark to base
    China, Republic period (1912-1949)
    Provenance: Collection label C. Cuneo - Torino at the base
    (h. 33.5 cm)

Lots from 121 to 144 of 176

Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale

20, 21, 22 ottobre 2017
(10/13 - 14.30/18.30)


  • 27 October 2017 hours 10:30 Sessione Unica - dal lotto 5001 al lotto 5176 (5001 - 5176)