Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale

Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale

Friday 27 October 2017 hours 10:30 (UTC +01:00)
Lots from 145 to 168 of 176
  • Grande vaso in porcellana Famiglia Rosa su fondo giallo, con marchio apocrifo...
    Lot 5145

    Grande vaso in porcellana Famiglia Rosa su fondo giallo, con marchio apocrifo Jiaqing alla base
    Cina, inizio sec. XX
    A large yellow-ground Famille Rose vase decorated with flowering branches, with apocryphal Jiaqing mark to the base
    China, early 20th century
    (h. 48 cm.)

    A large yellow-ground Famille Rose vase decorated with flowering branches, with apocryphal Jiaqing mark to the base
    China, early 20th century
    (h. 48 cm.)

  • Vaso con coperchio in giada color celadon delicatamente inciso con...
    Lot 5146

    Vaso con coperchio in giada color celadon delicatamente inciso con decorazione floreale, con base in legno
    Cina, prima metà sec. XX
    Provenienza: Solza Gioiellieri Bergamo
    A celadon jade vase and cover with delicate incisions of flowers, with attached wood base
    China, first half 20th century
    Provenance: Solza Gioiellieri Bergamo
    (h. 18,5 cm.)

    A celadon jade vase and cover with delicate incisions of flowers, with attached wood base
    China, first half 20th century
    Provenance: Solza Gioiellieri Bergamo
    (h. 18,5 cm.)

  • Grande vaso rouleau in porcellana Famiglia Verde decorato con guerrieri in...
    Lot 5147

    Grande vaso rouleau in porcellana Famiglia Verde decorato con guerrieri in parata a cavallo
    Cina, sec. XIX
    A large Famille Verte rouleau vase decorated with scenes of warriors and horsemen engaged in parades
    China, 19th century
    (h. 75 cm.)

    A large Famille Verte rouleau vase decorated with scenes of warriors and horsemen engaged in parades
    China, 19th century
    (h. 75 cm.)

  • Coppia di vasi con coperchio in avorio scolpito con doppie anse leonine e...
    Lot 5148

    Coppia di vasi con coperchio in avorio scolpito con doppie anse leonine e anelli in sospensione, decorati con scene di paesaggio e motivi floreali, con basi in legno (difetti e mancanze)
    Cina, sec. XIX
    A pair of carved ivory vases and cover each with twin lion-head handles suspending rings, decorated with landscape scenes and floral motifs, with wood bases (losses and flaws)
    China, 19th century
    (h. 33 cm.)

    A pair of carved ivory vases and cover each with twin lion-head handles suspending rings, decorated with landscape scenes and floral motifs, with wood bases (losses and flaws)
    China, 19th century
    (h. 33 cm.)

  • Dieci dipinti raffiguranti scene leggendarie, con calligrafia, inchiostro e...
    Lot 5149

    Dieci dipinti raffiguranti scene leggendarie, con calligrafia, inchiostro e colore su seta, con cornice (difetti)
    Cina, sec. XIX
    Ten paintings of legendary scenes, with calligraphy, ink and colours on silk, framed (defects)
    China, 19th century
    (44x34 cm.)

    Ten paintings of legendary scenes, with calligraphy, ink and colours on silk, framed (defects)
    China, 19th century
    (44x34 cm.)

  • Scroll composto da dodici stampe a tema erotico, inchiostro e colore su carta...
    Lot 5150

    Scroll composto da dodici stampe a tema erotico, inchiostro e colore su carta (lievi difetti)
    Giappone, periodo Meiji (1868-1912)
    Twelve erotic-subject woodblock prints, ink and colours on paper, mounted in a scroll (minor flaws)
    Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912)
    (26x470 cm.)

    Twelve erotic-subject woodblock prints, ink and colours on paper, mounted in a scroll (minor flaws)
    Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912)
    (26x470 cm.)

  • Quattro pannelli raffiguranti dame in giardini e padiglioni con iscrizioni...
    Lot 5151

    Quattro pannelli raffiguranti dame in giardini e padiglioni con iscrizioni calligrafiche, inchiostro e colore su carta, con cornice
    Cina, sec. XIX
    Four panels depicting ladies in gardens and pavilions, with calligraphy, ink and colours on paper, framed and glazed
    China, 19th century
    (130x31.5 cm.)

    Four panels depicting ladies in gardens and pavilions, with calligraphy, ink and colours on paper, framed and glazed
    China, 19th century
    (130x31.5 cm.)

  • Tre pannelli dipinti raffiguranti uccelli su rocce e tra rami in fiore, con...
    Lot 5152

    Tre pannelli dipinti raffiguranti uccelli su rocce e tra rami in fiore, con cornice (difetti e mancanze)
    Cina, sec. XIX
    Three panels depicting birds perched on rocks and amongst flowering branches, framed (defects and losses)
    China, 19th century
    (159x34.5 cm.)

    Three panels depicting birds perched on rocks and amongst flowering branches, framed (defects and losses)
    China, 19th century
    (159x34.5 cm.)

  • Due bracciali in filigrana d'oro con decorazioni in corallo e turchese Cina,...
    Lot 5153

    Due bracciali in filigrana d'oro con decorazioni in corallo e turchese
    Cina, circa 1900
    Two gold filigree bracelets with coral and turquoise decorations
    China, circa 1900
    (l. 7 cm. peso/weight 58 gr. 61 gr.)

    Two gold filigree bracelets with coral and turquoise decorations
    China, circa 1900
    (l. 7 cm. peso/weight 58 gr. 61 gr.)

  • Spada con elsa in giada color celadon a guisa di montone in stile Mughal con...
    Lot 5154

    Spada con elsa in giada color celadon a guisa di montone in stile Mughal con montatura in metallo decorata con simboli Buddhisti 'bajixiang' e fodero in zigrino, in teca di vetro (restauri)
    Cina, inizio sec. XX
    A Mughal celadon jade handle, shaped as a mutton, mounted on a sword with metal case embellished with the Eight Buddhist Treasures 'bajixiang' and and shagreen, with velvet and glass case (restorations)
    China, early 20th century
    (l. 85 cm.)

    A Mughal celadon jade handle, shaped as a mutton, mounted on a sword with metal case embellished with the Eight Buddhist Treasures 'bajixiang' and and shagreen, with velvet and glass case (restorations)
    China, early 20th century
    (l. 85 cm.)

  • Campana rituale di forma arcaica in giadeite bianca e grigia con sfumature...
    Lot 5155

    Campana rituale di forma arcaica in giadeite bianca e grigia con sfumature verde mela, decorata a rilievo con motivi geometrici e bande con decorazione incisa di maschere 'taotie'
    Cina, sec. XX
    An archaistic jadeite bell, the stone of white and grey tone with apple green inclusions, decoratedin relief with geometric motifa and panles incised with 'taotie' masks
    China, 20th century
    (h. 22 cm.)

    An archaistic jadeite bell, the stone of white and grey tone with apple green inclusions, decoratedin relief with geometric motifa and panles incised with 'taotie' masks
    China, 20th century
    (h. 22 cm.)

  • Incensiere a forma di pesche sovrapposte, con coperchio decorato con...
    Lot 5156

    Incensiere a forma di pesche sovrapposte, con coperchio decorato con pipistrelli e nuvole su fondo turchese, marchio apocrifo Qianlong alla base
    Cina, sec. XX
    A peached-shaped cloisonnè-metal incense burner and cover, decorated with bats and clouds on a turquoise ground, the base with an apocryphal Qianlong mark
    China, 20th century
    (h. 22 cm.)

    A peached-shaped cloisonnè-metal incense burner and cover, decorated with bats and clouds on a turquoise ground, the base with an apocryphal Qianlong mark
    China, 20th century
    (h. 22 cm.)

  • Coppia di vasi a bottiglia decorati in rosso rame con creature fantastiche...
    Lot 5157

    Coppia di vasi a bottiglia decorati in rosso rame con creature fantastiche (pixiu e bixie), gli occhi in smalto blu
    Cina, dinastia Qing, periodo Kangxi (1662-1722)
    A pair of copper-red 'mythical beasts' bottle vases, each painted around the pear-shaped body with a lion, a pixiu and a bixie, the eyes picked out in underglaze blue
    China, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period (1662-1722)
    (h. 17 cm.)

    A pair of copper-red 'mythical beasts' bottle vases, each painted around the pear-shaped body with a lion, a pixiu and a bixie, the eyes picked out in underglaze blue
    China, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period (1662-1722)
    (h. 17 cm.)

  • Coppia di sculture in avorio raffiguranti Shoulao e Immortale femminile,...
    Lot 5158

    Coppia di sculture in avorio raffiguranti Shoulao e Immortale femminile, entrambi indossano lunghe vesti adornate da pietre semi-preziose
    Cina, sec. XX
    A pair of ivory sculpture of Shoulao and a female Immortal, each wearing long flowing robes embellished with semi-precious stones
    China, 20th century
    (h. 81 cm.)

    A pair of ivory sculpture of Shoulao and a female Immortal, each wearing long flowing robes embellished with semi-precious stones
    China, 20th century
    (h. 81 cm.)

  • Teiera con coperchio in terracotta yixing, di forma globulare leggermente...
    Lot 5159

    Teiera con coperchio in terracotta yixing, di forma globulare leggermente schiacciata, con manico arrotondato e beccuccio corto, marchio da heng
    Cina, sec. XIX
    An yixing pottery teapot and cover, of squat globular form, with rounded handle and short spout, with a da heng mark
    China, 19th century
    (l. max 21 cm.)

    An yixing pottery teapot and cover, of squat globular form, with rounded handle and short spout, with a da heng mark
    China, 19th century
    (l. max 21 cm.)

  • Rara coppia di piatti in porcellana Famiglia Rosa decorati con il motivo dei...
    Lot 5160

    Rara coppia di piatti in porcellana Famiglia Rosa decorati con il motivo dei "cento pipistrelli", dipinti all'esterno e all'interno con pipistrelli in smalti rosso ferro in volo tra nuvole verdi, rosa, azzurre e gialle, il bordo adornato da una doppia banda in rosso e dorature, marchio Guangxu a sei caratteri in rosso ferro alla base
    Cina, marchio Guangxu e del periodo (1875-1908)
    A rare pair of Famille Rose 'hundred bats' dishes, each decorated overall with a lively multitude of iron-red bats in flight amidst scattered trefoil clouds in green, blue, pink and pale yellow, all within a narrow gilt and iron-red band below the rim, each with a Guangxu six-character mark in iron red to the base
    China, Guangxu mark and of the period (1875-1908)
    (d. 34 cm.)

    A rare pair of Famille Rose 'hundred bats' dishes, each decorated overall with a lively multitude of iron-red bats in flight amidst scattered trefoil clouds in green, blue, pink and pale yellow, all within a narrow gilt and iron-red band below the rim, each with a Guangxu six-character mark in iron red to the base
    China, Guangxu mark and of the period (1875-1908)
    (d. 34 cm.)

  • Vaso in porcellana dalla forma arcaica, con doppie anse elefantine, con...
    Lot 5161

    Vaso in porcellana dalla forma arcaica, con doppie anse elefantine, con invetriatura bianca e decoro a rilievo di draghi alla ricerca della perla sacra, marchio apocrifo Qianlong sul fondo
    Cina, sec. XIX
    A white glazed pear-shaped vase, with twin elephant head handles, decorated with a moulded central roundel enclosing dragons chasing the flaming pearl, an apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 28 cm.)

    A white glazed pear-shaped vase, with twin elephant head handles, decorated with a moulded central roundel enclosing dragons chasing the flaming pearl, an apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 28 cm.)

  • Grande vaso biansato decorato in policromia con paesaggi montuosi e fluviali,...
    Lot 5162

    Grande vaso biansato decorato in policromia con paesaggi montuosi e fluviali, contornato da motivi floreali in Famiglia Rosa su fondo color rubino, marchio apocrifo Qianlong alla base
    Cina, fine sec. XIX/inizio sec. XX
    A large polychrome vase with twin handles decorated with mountain and river landscape scenes, surrounded by Famille Rose floral motifs against a ruby ground, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
    China, late 19th/early 20th century
    (h. 67 cm.)

    A large polychrome vase with twin handles decorated with mountain and river landscape scenes, surrounded by Famille Rose floral motifs against a ruby ground, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
    China, late 19th/early 20th century
    (h. 67 cm.)

  • Grande scultura in avorio raffigurante dama dalle lunghe vesti, con ramo di...
    Lot 5163

    Grande scultura in avorio raffigurante dama dalle lunghe vesti, con ramo di peonie e cesto di fiori, i capelli raccolti sormontati da elaborata decorazione, con base in legno
    Cina, sec. XIX
    A large ivory model of a standing lady, wearing long robes, carrying a flowering peony branch and a basket of flowers, the knotted hair surmounted by an elaborate headpiece, with wooden base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 70 cm.)

    A large ivory model of a standing lady, wearing long robes, carrying a flowering peony branch and a basket of flowers, the knotted hair surmounted by an elaborate headpiece, with wooden base
    China, 19th century
    (h. 70 cm.)

  • Guanyin in avorio raffigurata stante con vesti ornate e gioielli, un drago ai...
    Lot 5164

    Guanyin in avorio raffigurata stante con vesti ornate e gioielli, un drago ai suoi piedi, base in legno
    Cina, sec. XX
    An ivory model of a standing Guanyin, wearing ornate robes and jewelry, a dragon coiling at her feet, wood base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 54 cm.)

    An ivory model of a standing Guanyin, wearing ornate robes and jewelry, a dragon coiling at her feet, wood base
    China, 20th century
    (h. 54 cm.)

  • Grande vaso in porcellana decorato in policromia con scena continua di...
    Lot 5165

    Grande vaso in porcellana decorato in policromia con scena continua di Immortali e animali fantastici in un paesaggio, il collo decorato nei toni Famiglia Rosa con simboli beneauguranti su fondo rosa, marchio apocrifo Qianlong alla base
    Cina, fine sec. XIX/inizio sec. XX
    A large vase enamelled with a continuous scene of Immortals and mythical creature in a landscape, the neck decorate in Famille Rose with auspicious symbols against a pink-ground
    China, late 19th/early 20th century
    (h. 74 cm.)

    A large vase enamelled with a continuous scene of Immortals and mythical creature in a landscape, the neck decorate in Famille Rose with auspicious symbols against a pink-ground
    China, late 19th/early 20th century
    (h. 74 cm.)

  • Grande gruppo in avorio scolpito con dama, bufalo e fanciullo tra rami in...
    Lot 5166

    Grande gruppo in avorio scolpito con dama, bufalo e fanciullo tra rami in fiore su base rocciosa (lievi difetti)
    Cina, sec. XX
    A large ivory group depicting a lady, a boy and buffalo standing on a rock base amongst flowering branches (slightly defects)
    China, 20th century
    (h. 35 cm.)

    A large ivory group depicting a lady, a boy and buffalo standing on a rock base amongst flowering branches (slightly defects)
    China, 20th century
    (h. 35 cm.)

  • Mobile in legno con placche in lacca, madreperla e pietre dure decorato con...
    Lot 5167

    Mobile in legno con placche in lacca, madreperla e pietre dure decorato con uccelli, fiori su fondo color oro (difetti e mancanze)
    Giappone, inizio sec. XX
    A wood cabinet decorated with plaques with inset mother-of-pearl and semi-precious stones, each with birds and flowers against a gilt ground (flaws and losses)
    Japan, early 20th century (122x195x35 cm.)

    A wood cabinet decorated with plaques with inset mother-of-pearl and semi-precious stones, each with birds and flowers against a gilt ground (flaws and losses)
    Japan, early 20th century (122x195x35 cm.)

  • Scultura in bronzo dorato raffigurante Guhya Manjusri, divinità dai...
    Lot 5168

    Scultura in bronzo dorato raffigurante Guhya Manjusri, divinità dai quattro volti e dalle sei braccia, seduta in dhyanasana su base con petali di loto, le vesti drappeggianti rivelano il torso, adornato con numerosi gioielli e oggetti sacri, sulla parte anteriore della base, marchio Qianlong a sette caratteri in cartiglio rettangolare
    A gilt bronze model of Guhya Manjusri, the four-headed and six-armed figure heavily cast seated in dhyanasana on a lotus base, the draping robes opening to reveal the body adorned with numerous dangling jewellery and attributes, the front of the base with a seven-character Qianlong mark within a cartouche
    (h. 29 cm.)

    A gilt bronze model of Guhya Manjusri, the four-headed and six-armed figure heavily cast seated in dhyanasana on a lotus base, the draping robes opening to reveal the body adorned with numerous dangling jewellery and attributes, the front of the base with a seven-character Qianlong mark within a cartouche

    (h. 29 cm.)

Lots from 145 to 168 of 176

Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale

20, 21, 22 ottobre 2017
(10/13 - 14.30/18.30)


  • 27 October 2017 hours 10:30 Sessione Unica - dal lotto 5001 al lotto 5176 (5001 - 5176)