Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale
Lot 5049 Dipinto raffigurante gruppo di antenati, inchiostro e colore su carta (lievi difetti)
Cina, sec. XX
A painting depicting a group of ancestors, ink and colours on paper (slightly defects)
China, 20th century
(172x65 cm.)
A painting depicting a group of ancestors, ink and colours on paper (slightly defects)
China, 20th century
(172x65 cm.) -
Lot 5050 Tre intagli in giada in stile arcaico di cui una campana, un cilindro ed un disco bi
Cina, sec. XX
Three archaistic jade carvings comprising a bell, a cylinder and a bi disc
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.)
Three archaistic jade carvings comprising a bell, a cylinder and a bi disc
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.) -
Lot 5051 Scatola con coperchio e vassoio in metallo smaltato a forma di pesca, con decorazione floreale dorata su fondo blu
Cina, sec. XIX
An enamelled peach-shaped box and cover with tray, decorated with gilt floral motifs on a blue ground
China, 19th century
(l. max 16 cm.)
An enamelled peach-shaped box and cover with tray, decorated with gilt floral motifs on a blue ground
China, 19th century
(l. max 16 cm.) -
Lot 5052 Jardiniere rettangolare in porcellana con decorazione millefiori su fondo dorato, marchio apocrifo Qianlong sul fondo, base in legno
Cina, sec. XX A rectangular porcelain gilt-ground 'millefleurs' jardiniere, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base, with a wood base
China, 20th century
(l. max. 24 cm.)
A rectangular porcelain gilt-ground 'millefleurs' jardiniere, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base, with a wood base
China, 20th century
(l. max. 24 cm.) -
Lot 5053 Gruppo di quattro intagli in giada in stile arcaico tra cui due fibbie
Cina, sec. XX
A group of four archaistic jade carvings, comprising two buckles
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.)
A group of four archaistic jade carvings, comprising two buckles
China, 20th century
(l. max 6 cm.) -
Lot 5054 Grande ciotola in porcellana bianca e blu decorata con uccelli tra rocce e rami in fiore
Cina, fine sec. XIX
A large blue and white porcelain bowl decorated with birds perched on rocks among flowering branches
China, late 19th century
(d. 37 cm.)
A large blue and white porcelain bowl decorated with birds perched on rocks among flowering branches
China, late 19th century
(d. 37 cm.) -
Lot 5055 Set composto da bacchette coltello in corno e osso con custodia con montatura in argento sbalzato decorata con simboli Buddhisti di buon auspicio (lievi difetti)
Cina, inizio sec. XX
A hunter set comprising a pair of chopsticks and a knife in buffalo horn and bone, the case with silver mounts decorated with auspicious Buddhist symbols (minor flaws)
China, early 20th century
(l. 32,5 cm.)
A hunter set comprising a pair of chopsticks and a knife in buffalo horn and bone, the case with silver mounts decorated with auspicious Buddhist symbols (minor flaws)
China, early 20th century -
Lot 5056 Vaso di forma arcaica hu con invetriatura color celadon e doppie anse a testa di cervo, inciso delicatamente con motivi floreali
Cina, sec. XX
A celadon-glazed vase of archaistic hu shape with twin deer-head handles, delictaly carved with floral motifs
China, 20th century (h. 27,5 cm.)
A celadon-glazed vase of archaistic hu shape with twin deer-head handles, delictaly carved with floral motifs
China, 20th century
(h. 27.5 cm) -
Lot 5057 Vaso in porcellana con invetriatura clair-de-lune con decorazione arcaica geometrica sottocoperta, marchio apocrifo Qianlong sul fondo
Cina, sec. XIX
A clair-de-lune porcelain vase with archaistic geometric decoration, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
China, 19th century
(h. 23 cm.)
A clair-de-lune porcelain vase with archaistic geometric decoration, with apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
China, 19th century
(h. 23 cm.) -
Lot 5058 Grande vaso biansato in porcellana bianca e blu decorato con motivi floreali, marchio apocrifo Yongzheng alla base (difetti, restauri e mancanze)
Cina, sec. XX
A large blue and white vase with twin tubular handles decorated with scrolling flower motifs, an apocryphal Yongzheng mark to the base (defects, restorations and losses)
China, 20th century
(h. 50 cm.)
A large blue and white vase with twin tubular handles decorated with scrolling flower motifs, an apocryphal Yongzheng mark to the base (defects, restorations and losses)
China, 20th century
(h. 50 cm.) -
Lot 5059 Scatola circolare in porcellana con decorazione millefiori su fondo nero e calligrafia, marchio apocrifo alla base
Cina, sec. XX
A black-ground millefleurs circular box and cover decorated with calligraphy line and apocryphal mark to the base
China, 20th century
(d. 22 cm.)
A black-ground millefleurs circular box and cover decorated with calligraphy line and apocryphal mark to the base
China, 20th century
(d. 22 cm.) -
Lot 5060 Vaso a bottiglia in porcellana con invetriatura sang-de-boeuf nei toni del rosso acceso
Cina, sec. XX
A sang-de-boeuf bottle vase, the glaze of vibrant red tones
China, 20th century
(h. 38 cm.)
A sang-de-boeuf bottle vase, the glaze of vibrant red tones
China, 20th century
(h.38 cm.) -
Lot 5061 Ciotola in porcellana policroma decorata con scene di paesaggio in medaglioni su fondo blu inciso a volute, marchio apocrifo Qianlong alla base
Cina, periodo della Repubblica (1912-1949)
A blue-ground sgraffiato bowl decorated with roundels enclosing landscape scenes, with an apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
China, Republic period (1912-1949)
(d. 16,5 cm)
A blue-ground sgraffiato bowl decorated with roundels enclosing landscape scenes, with an apocryphal Qianlong mark to the base
China, Republic period (1912-1949)
(d. 16.5 cm) -
Lot 5062 Teiera con coperchio in terracotta decorata con incisione e calligrafia (lievi difetti)
Cina, sec. XX
An yixing pottery teapot and cover decorated with incised motifs and calligraphy (minor flaws)
China, 20th century
(h. 11 cm.)
An yixing pottery teapot and cover decorated with incised motifs and calligraphy (minor flaws)
China, 20th century
(h. 11 cm.) -
Lot 5063 Vaso in giada nefrite grigia e color ruggine dalla forma arcaica scolpito con creatura mitologica alata
Cina, sec. XX
An archaistic grey and russet jade vase flanked by a winged mythical creature
China, 20th century
(h. 24 cm.)
An archaistic grey and russet jade vase flanked by a winged mythical creature
China, 20th century
(h. 24 cm.) -
Lot 5064 Pettorale per funzionario del secondo rango militare. Ricamo in seta e filo d’oro raffigurante leone dalle fauci spalancate (difetti e mancanze)
Cina, sec. XIX
A silk and gold threaded military second rank badge embroidery representing a lion (losses and flaws)
China, 19th century
(28,5x26,5 cm.)
A silk and gold threaded military second rank badge embroidery representing a lion (losses and flaws)
China, 19th century
(28,5x26,5 cm.) -
Lot 5065 Guanyin dalle mille braccia in bronzo, raffigurata seduta, nelle mani un pugnale e oggetti rituali
Cina, sec. XIX
A bronze model of a 'thousand arms' Guanyin, modelled seated, holding ritual objects and daggers in her hands
China, 19th century
(h. 25 cm.)
A bronze model of a 'thousand arms' Guanyin, modelled seated, holding ritual objects and daggers in her hands
China, 19th century
(h. 25 cm.) -
Lot 5066 Coppia di sculture in legno raffiguranti leoni buddhisti su basi rettangolari (difetti)
A pair of wood model of Buddhist lions seated on rectangular stands (defects)
(h. 32 cm.)
A pair of wood model of Buddhist lions seated on rectangular stands (defects)
(h. 32 cm.) -
Lot 5067 Pettorale per funzionario del secondo rango militare. Ricamo in seta e filo dorato raffigurante un leone dalle fauci spalancate (difetti e mancanze)
Cina, sec. XIX
A second military rank badge embroidery representing a lion (losses)
China, 19th century
(30x30 cm.)
A second military rank badge embroidery representing a lion (losses)
China, 19th century
(30x30 cm.) -
Lot 5068 Coppia di dipinti su carta di riso raffigurante coppie di mandarini in scene di interni, con cornice
Cina, metà sec. XIX
A pair of rice paper painting depicting mandarin couples in interior scenes, framed and glazed
China, half 19th century
(30X17 cm.)
A pair of rice paper painting depicting mandarin couples in interior scenes, framed and glazed
China, half 19th century
(30X17 cm.) -
Lot 5069 Tessuto ricamato con filo dorato raffigurante Shoulao con fanciullo e cervo, con cornice
Cina, sec. XX
A textile embroidered with golden thread depicting Shoulao with a boy and a deer, framed
China, 20th century
(76x57 cm.)
A textile embroidered with golden thread depicting Shoulao with a boy and a deer, framed
China, 20th century
(76x57 cm.) -
Lot 5070 Coppia di dipinti su carta di riso raffigurante coppie di mandarini in scene di interni, con cornice
Cina, metà sec. XIX
A pair of rice paper painting depicting mandarin couples in interior scenes, framed and glazed
China, half 19th century
(28X18 cm.)
A pair of rice paper painting depicting mandarin couples in interior scenes, framed and glazed
China, half 19th century
(28X18 cm.) -
Lot 5071 Dipinto raffigurante coppia di uccelli tra rami di peonia in fiore, con calligrafia e sigilli, inchiostro e colore su seta, montato su seta (lievi difetti)
Cina, sec. XX
A painting depicting a pair of birds preched on flowering peony branches, with calligraphy and seals, ink and colours on silk, mounted on silk (minor flaws)
China, 20th century
(49x24 cm.)
A painting depicting a pair of birds preched on flowering peony branches, with calligraphy and seals, ink and colours on silk, mounted on silk (minor flaws)
China, 20th century
(49x24 cm.) -
Lot 5072 Sette dipinti raffiguranti scene varie, inchiostro e colore su seta, con montatura e cornice
Cina, sec. XX
Seven paintings, ink and colours on silk, mounted and framed
China, 20th century
(cm. 25,5x36,5)
Seven paintings, ink and colours on silk, mounted and framed
China, 20th century
(cm. 25,5x36,5)