ASTA 107 - Glittica Sessione Unica
venerdì 22 aprile 2022 ore 15:00 (UTC +00:00)
A group of late roman and late byzantine gilded bronze and silver rings.<br><br>4th - 12th century A.D.
A group of late roman and late byzantine gilded bronze and silver rings.
4th - 12th century A.D.
From left to right: A bronze ring with round hoop and large oval table with two gilded crescent moon and a solar disc in the center. A bronze ring with rounded bezel and christian monogram.
A bronze ring with rounded hoop and oval bezel with engraved winged-horse (partially gilt).
A silver ring with rounded bezel and Christian monogram.
Pegasus bezel 14 x 19 mm, size 17,5 x 18,5 mm; 2 moons bezel 13 x 18 mm, size 15 x 16 mm circa; silver monogram bezel diam. 13 mm, size 17 x 19 mm; bronze monogram diam 12,5 mm, size 18 x 19 mm.