Lotto 189 | A roman amethyst intaglio set in a modern gold ring with diamonds. Bust of Nereid. <br><br>1st century B.C. - 1st century A.D.

Bertolami Fine Art - Bertolami Fine Art, 1 Harewood Place 1, W1S 1BU Londra
ASTA 107 - Glittica Sessione Unica
venerdì 22 aprile 2022 ore 15:00 (UTC +00:00)

A roman amethyst intaglio set in a modern gold ring with diamonds. Bust of Nereid. <br><br>1st century B.C. - 1st century A.D.

A roman amethyst intaglio set in a modern gold ring with diamonds. Bust of Nereid.

1st century B.C. - 1st century A.D.

The young figure is turned to the left, and is characterized by a slightly open mouth, rounded chin, long and thick hair. The face, facing in profile, is characterized by delicate features mirror polished. The left shoulder is seen from behind, as in the typical movement of swimming. Use of globulo for the eye. The figure is variously interpreted as Nereid or as Leandro crossing the Dardanelles to reach the lover Ero. By some the subject is interpreted as a marine divinity or Selene. The figure expresses beauty and elegance. Attractive intense color of the stone. Cabochon both side. Slight wear marks. The stone is mounted in a modern gold ring with two diamonds.
Parallels: A. Giuliano, I cammei dalla Collezione Medicea del Museo Archeologico di Firenze, pp. 216-217; L. P. B. Stefanelli, La collezione Paoletti, vol. 1, tomo 2 n. 218, tomo 3 n. 480; Le Gemme Farnese, 1994, p. 122 n. 184 (225); G.M. A. Richter, Engraved gems. Greek, Etruscan and Roman, The Metropolitan Museum of New York, n. 150; J. Boardman, Greek gems and finger rings, n. 1003.

int diam 19 mm; intaglio 14x15 mm; 10,78 gr.