Lotto 1446 | Tranquillina (Augusta, 241-244). Moesia Inferior, Istrus. AE (g 8,72; mm 25; h 2). CABINA TPANKVIΛINA, Draped bust r., wearing stephane; Rv. ICTPIHNON, Sea-eagle l., grasping dolphin with talons. Varbanov 692. Rare, good fine

Bertolami Fine Art - Riversdell Close 27, KT16 9JW Chertsey
Web Auction 92 - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins and Numismatic Literature III part - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins
domenica 4 ottobre 2020 ore 14:00 (UTC +00:00)

Tranquillina (Augusta, 241-244). Moesia Inferior, Istrus. AE (g 8,72; mm 25; h 2). CABINA TPANKVIΛINA, Draped bust r., wearing stephane; Rv. ICTPIHNON, Sea-eagle l., grasping dolphin with talons. Varbanov 692. Rare, good fine

Tranquillina (Augusta, 241-244). Moesia Inferior, Istrus. AE (g 8,72; mm 25; h 2). CABINA TPANKVIΛINA, Draped bust r., wearing stephane; Rv. ICTPIHNON, Sea-eagle l., grasping dolphin with talons. Varbanov 692. Rare, good fine