Lotto 157 | HAKEWILL, James (1778-1843) - A Picturesque Tour of Italy from Drawings made in

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HAKEWILL, James (1778-1843) - A Picturesque Tour of Italy from Drawings made in

HAKEWILL, James (1778-1843) - A Picturesque Tour of Italy from Drawings made in 1816-1817. Londra: John Murray, 1820.Folio (291 x 231mm). Frontespizio inciso e 63 tavole di John Pye, George Cooke, George Hollis, J. Landseer e altri che illustrano splendide vedute, monumenti e piantine delle bellezze italiane, con veline protettive (alcune fioriture e macchie di polvere perlopiù marginali, alcune veline staccate o mancanti). Marocchino verde con decorazioni e stemma in oro della "The society of writers to the Singet" (reindorsata preservando dorso originale, lisa ai margini e con alcuni graffi).-ENHAKEWILL, James (1778-1843) - A Picturesque Tour of Italy from Drawings made in 1816-1817. London: John Murray, 1820.Folio (291 x 231mm). Title and 63 engraved plates by John Pye, George Cooke, George Hollis, J. Landseer and others illustrating beatiful views, monuments and plans of the Italian treasures with tissue guards (some occasional spotting and soling, mainly marginal, some tissue guards detached or missing). Contemporary green straight-grain morocco gilt and with arms of "The society of writers to the Singet" (rebacked preserving original spine, extremities rubbed, some scuffing).