Lotto 2444 | BARROW, Sir John (1764-1848 ) - Travels in China, containing descriptions,...

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BARROW, Sir John (1764-1848 ) - Travels in China, containing descriptions,...

BARROW, Sir John (1764-1848 ) - Travels in China, containing descriptions, observations, and comparisons, made and collected in the course of a short residence at the imperial palace of Yuen-min-yuen, and on a subsequent journey through the country from Pekin to Canton. Londra: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806.
Seconda edizione pubblicata due anni dopo la prima del 1804 con 8 tavole di cui 5 colorate a mano. Opera importante per le notizie sugli usi e costumi dei paesi attraversati dall'autore.
4to (262 x 212mm). Ritratto colorato a mano e 7 tavole incise in rame, 4 delle quali colorate a mano e 2 a doppia pagina, il testo con filigrana marchiata 1806, una tavola con inizio di filigrana "R" (occasionali fioriture). Mezza pelle coeva, tassello al dorso (lievemente graffiata). Provenienza: James Lorimer Graham (1835-1876; collezionista di libri).

BARROW, Sir John (1764-1848 ) - Travels in China, containing descriptions, observations, and comparisons, made and collected in the course of a short residence at the imperial palace of Yuen-min-yuen, and on a subsequent journey through the country from Pekin to Canton. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806.
Second edition after the first of 1804 with 8 engraved plates of which 5 handcoloured. James Lorimer Graham's copy.
4to (262 x 212mm). (Some scattered foxing.) Contemporary half calf (lightly rubbed). Barrow served as comptroller of household to Lord Macartney's embassy to China from 1792-1794. 'It will be noticed that Barrow, like William Alexander, was in the Suite of the Earl of Macartney's embassy of 1792 to the Emperor of China. The expedition provided the material for a number of interesting works on China, of which the above book, and Alexander's The Costume of China.. are notable examples' (Abbey). 'As a writer Barrow is best known for his Mutiny on the Bounty (1831) but, during his lifetime, his accounts of his travels in eastern Asia and southern Africa, published between 1801 and 1807, were better known and more influential' (Dictionary of National Biography). Abbey Travel, 531n; Cordier 2388-2389 ('Cette edition a le meme nombre de pages et de gravures que la suivante'); Lust 366 ('Second edition, as the first, but without the aquatints'). Provenance: James Lorimer Graham (book collector).