Asta N. 402 - Arte Orientale Sessione Unica - dal lotto 5001 al lotto 5176
venerdì 27 ottobre 2017 ore 10:30 (UTC +01:00)
Vaso biansato in porcellana Famiglia Rosa su fondo turchese, decorato con...
Vaso biansato in porcellana Famiglia Rosa su fondo turchese, decorato con fiori di loto, creature mitologiche e simboli Buddhisti di buon auspicio, marchio apocrifo Jiaqing sul fondo
Cina, sec. XX
A turquoise-ground Famille Rose vase with twin handles, decorated all over with lotus flowers and leaves, mythological creatures and auspicious Buddhist symbols, with an apocryphal Jiaqing mark to the base
China, 20th century
(h. 34 cm.)
A turquoise-ground Famille Rose vase with twin handles, decorated all over with lotus flowers and leaves, mythological creatures and auspicious Buddhist symbols, with an apocryphal Jiaqing mark to the base
China, 20th century
(h. 34 cm.)