Lotto 533 | Arte Cinese Gruppo di dieci netsuke in avorio raffiguranti animali e...

Capitolium Art - Via Carlo Cattaneo 55, 25121 Brescia
mercoledì 15 giugno 2016 ore 18:00 (UTC +01:00)

Arte Cinese Gruppo di dieci netsuke in avorio raffiguranti animali e...

Arte Cinese Gruppo di dieci netsuke in avorio raffiguranti animali e personaggi Giappone, fine XIX - XX secolo. -. Cm 5,00.
Arte Cinese A group of ten ivory netsuke depicting animals and figures Japan, late 19th - 20th century . . Cm 5,00. An ivory carving of Shojo with movable face (man/woman) with a signature at the base cm. 5 X 3,5 cm a man with a jug with a signature under the foot: 4,7 X 2,8 cm a man with carrying a sac: 4,2 X 2 cm A man with a carp with a signature at the base: 3,4 X 3 cm a crouching priest with a drum: 2,5 X 3,5 cm a seated man holding a bamboo shoot: 3,6 X 3,5 cm A man holding a large sac: 3,6 X 2 cm A travelling man with a signature at the base: 4 X 2 cm Three rats with a signature at the base: 2,5 X 3,5 cm A cobra snake bearing a signature at the base: 4 X 2,3 cm