Lotto 259 | RARE GIUNTINE EDITION OF SOCINI'S «RULES»Soccini, Bartolomeo.Regul(a)e, cum...

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RARE GIUNTINE EDITION OF SOCINI'S «RULES»Soccini, Bartolomeo.Regul(a)e, cum...


Soccini, Bartolomeo.Regul(a)e, cum suis ampliationibus et fallentiis, e toto jure delecte per perspicacissimum utriusque juris doctorem Do. Bartholomeum Socinum,... a Do. Benedicto Vado, forosempro, jampridem postillate et correcte, nuperrimeque et denuo emendate atque frequentibus... erroribus expurgate. Permutationum [sic] Federi. de Senis., R. l. apertissimi, L. de judi. specialissima pro judicatorio processu. Colophon: Impressum est denuo hoc opusculu[m] ... in inclyta vrbe Lugduni opera ... Martini Lescuyer, expe[n]sis vero ... D. Jacobi q. Francisci de Giuncta Flore[n]tini ac sociorum, anno Domini M.cccccxxxiij. die j. mensis Aprilis (Lyon, Giunta and Lescuyer, 1533).

8vo, 18th century stiff vellum with handwritten title at spine, ff. [16], 233.
Title-page printed in red and black, that includes a woodcut image of a lawyer (probably Bartolomeo Socini), here captioned Bar.
Fine woodcut head-letters. Gothic type.
On verso of last leaf, the two-lions device of Jacques Giunta (Baudrier VI:98, no. 1).
The edition was edited by Jean Gerlier (his name appears at leaf F8).

Rare Giuntine edition of Socini's collection of «Rules», as to say commonly accepted legal principles: each of the 445 alphabetized regulae, is followed by a list of exceptions (fallentiae) that may invalidate it.

Provenance: Handwritten baroque monogram at title-page.

References: Baudrier, VI, p. 149. OCLC 48083937 (the copy of Library of Congress).