Web Auction 92 - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins and Numismatic Literature

Web Auction 92 - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins and Numismatic Literature

venerdì 2 ottobre 2020 ore 14:00 (UTC +00:00)
in Diretta
Lotti dal 217 al 240 di 3428
  • Sicily, Akragas, Hemilitron, ca. 415-406 BC. AE (g 14,00; mm 26,5; h 12). Eagle standing l. on hare, head lowered; Rv. Crab; crayfish below; six pellets around. Westermark, Coinage, 743; CNS 24-6; HGC 2, 137. Near very fine
    Lotto 220

    Sicily, Akragas, Hemilitron, ca. 415-406 BC. AE (g 14,00; mm 26,5; h 12). Eagle standing l. on hare, head lowered; Rv. Crab; crayfish below; six pellets around. Westermark, Coinage, 743; CNS 24-6; HGC 2, 137. Near very fine

  • Sicily, Akragas, Tetras, ca. 415-406 BC; AE (g 6,41; mm 21; h 9). Eagle, wings raised, standing r. on, and tearing at, dead hare; Rv. Crab; below, crawfish l. Westermark, Coinage, 836-7; CNS 54; HGC 2, 140. Good very fine
    Lotto 221

    Sicily, Akragas, Tetras, ca. 415-406 BC; AE (g 6,41; mm 21; h 9). Eagle, wings raised, standing r. on, and tearing at, dead hare; Rv. Crab; below, crawfish l. Westermark, Coinage, 836-7; CNS 54; HGC 2, 140. Good very fine

  • Sicily, Akragas, Litra, ca. 406 BC. AR (g 0,68; mm 12; h 9). AKPA, Eagle standing l. on rock outcrop, tearing at snake held in talons; Rv. Crab; A below. Westermark, Coinage, 608; HGC 2, 114. About very fine
    Lotto 222

    Sicily, Akragas, Litra, ca. 406 BC. AR (g 0,68; mm 12; h 9). AKPA, Eagle standing l. on rock outcrop, tearing at snake held in talons; Rv. Crab; A below. Westermark, Coinage, 608; HGC 2, 114. About very fine

  • Sicily, Akragas, Tetras, before 406 BC. AE (g 10,91; mm 23; h 6). AKPA, eagle flying r., holding hare with claws, Rv. AKPA, crab; below, three pellets and crayfish l.; c/m: head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, within incuse cir
    Lotto 223

    Sicily, Akragas, Tetras, before 406 BC. AE (g 10,91; mm 23; h 6). AKPA, eagle flying r., holding hare with claws, Rv. AKPA, crab; below, three pellets and crayfish l.; c/m: head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, within incuse circle. Westermark, Coinage, Period III, Series C, 838 (O20/R34); CNS 54; HGC 140. Green patina and good very fine-about extremely fine.

  • Sicily, Akragas, Hemilitron, ca. 400-380 BC. AE (g 17,09; mm 25,5; h 6). ΑΚΡΑΓΑΣ, Diademed head of river-god l.; Rv. Eagle standing l. on Ionic column, head r.; crab to l., six pellets to r. CNS 89; SNG ANS 1097-1101; HGC 2, 139.
    Lotto 224

    Sicily, Akragas, Hemilitron, ca. 400-380 BC. AE (g 17,09; mm 25,5; h 6). ΑΚΡΑΓΑΣ, Diademed head of river-god l.; Rv. Eagle standing l. on Ionic column, head r.; crab to l., six pellets to r. CNS 89; SNG ANS 1097-1101; HGC 2, 139. Green patina, about very fine

  • Sicily, Akragas. Phintias (287-279 BC). AE (g 5,57; mm 20; h 6). Laureate and beardless head of Zeus Hellanios r.; Rv. Two eagles standing l. on dead hare, one raising its head, the other tearing at hare. CNS 127; SNG ANS 1130-4;
    Lotto 225

    Sicily, Akragas. Phintias (287-279 BC). AE (g 5,57; mm 20; h 6). Laureate and beardless head of Zeus Hellanios r.; Rv. Two eagles standing l. on dead hare, one raising its head, the other tearing at hare. CNS 127; SNG ANS 1130-4; HGC 2, 159. Good very fine

  • Sicily, Akragas. Phintias (287-279 BC). AE (g 6,66; mm 21; h 5). Laureate and beardless head of Zeus Hellanios r.; K behind; Rv. Two eagles standing r. on dead hare, one raising its head, the other tearing at hare; Λ above. CNS 13
    Lotto 226

    Sicily, Akragas. Phintias (287-279 BC). AE (g 6,66; mm 21; h 5). Laureate and beardless head of Zeus Hellanios r.; K behind; Rv. Two eagles standing r. on dead hare, one raising its head, the other tearing at hare; Λ above. CNS 133; cf. SNG ANS 1129; HGC 2, -. Rare, very fine

  • Sicily, Akrai, ca. 2nd-1st century BC; AE (g 7,52; mm 20; h 12); Wreathed head of Kore r.; Rv. AK[PA]IΩN, Kore standing l., holding torch and sceptre. Campana 1; CNS 1; HGC 2, 180. Rare, very fine
    Lotto 227

    Sicily, Akrai, ca. 2nd-1st century BC; AE (g 7,52; mm 20; h 12); Wreathed head of Kore r.; Rv. AK[PA]IΩN, Kore standing l., holding torch and sceptre. Campana 1; CNS 1; HGC 2, 180. Rare, very fine

  • Sicily, Ameselon, Hemilitron, after 339/8 BC; AE (g 3,84; mm 16; h 6). Head of Hermes r., wearing petasos; Rv. Forepart of Pegasos r. Cammarata, "La zecca ennese," Ennarotary I (1987), pl. 3, M; Campana 3; CNS III -; SNG ANS -; HG
    Lotto 228

    Sicily, Ameselon, Hemilitron, after 339/8 BC; AE (g 3,84; mm 16; h 6). Head of Hermes r., wearing petasos; Rv. Forepart of Pegasos r. Cammarata, "La zecca ennese," Ennarotary I (1987), pl. 3, M; Campana 3; CNS III -; SNG ANS -; HGC 2, 226. Very Rare, near very fine

  • Sicily, Amestratos, late 3rd - early 2nd century BC; AE (g 4,85; mm 17; h 12); Head of Dionysos r., wearing ivy wreath; Rv. AMEΣTPATINΩN, Horseman (Leukaspis or Leukippos?) charging l., holding spear and round shield; [ΛEY] to upp
    Lotto 229

    Sicily, Amestratos, late 3rd - early 2nd century BC; AE (g 4,85; mm 17; h 12); Head of Dionysos r., wearing ivy wreath; Rv. AMEΣTPATINΩN, Horseman (Leukaspis or Leukippos?) charging l., holding spear and round shield; [ΛEY] to upper r. Campana 2; CNS 2; SNG ANS -; HGC 2, 228. Very rare, green patina, near very fine

  • Sicily, Assoros, Hemilitron(?), late 1st century BC; AE (g 9,01; mm 22; h 11); ASSORV, Laureate head of Apollo r. R/ CRYSAS, Chrysas standing l., holding kantharos and cornucopia. CNS 1; RPC I 665; HGC 2, 230. Good very fine
    Lotto 230

    Sicily, Assoros, Hemilitron(?), late 1st century BC; AE (g 9,01; mm 22; h 11); ASSORV, Laureate head of Apollo r. R/ CRYSAS, Chrysas standing l., holding kantharos and cornucopia. CNS 1; RPC I 665; HGC 2, 230. Good very fine

  • Sicily, Entella, Litra, Elymian issues, ca. 440-430 BC. AR (g 0,62; mm 11; h 12). Female figure standing l., sacrificing from phiale over altar and holding filleted temple key, Rv. ENTEΛΛA (retrograde), man-headed bull standing r.
    Lotto 231

    Sicily, Entella, Litra, Elymian issues, ca. 440-430 BC. AR (g 0,62; mm 11; h 12). Female figure standing l., sacrificing from phiale over altar and holding filleted temple key, Rv. ENTEΛΛA (retrograde), man-headed bull standing r.; in ex., fish r. Campana 1; HGC 2, 235. Cabinet tone and about extremely fine.

  • Sicily, Entella, Tetradrachm, ca. 345/38-320/15 BC; AR (g 16,90; mm 26; h 3); Head of Arethusa r., wearing wreath of grain ears, triple-pendant earring, and ornate necklace with pendants; three dolphins around, Rv. Horse standing
    Lotto 232

    Sicily, Entella, Tetradrachm, ca. 345/38-320/15 BC; AR (g 16,90; mm 26; h 3); Head of Arethusa r., wearing wreath of grain ears, triple-pendant earring, and ornate necklace with pendants; three dolphins around, Rv. Horse standing r.; palm tree in background, kerykeion to r. Jenkins, Punic 89 (O31/R80); SNG Lloyd 1619–20; SNG Lockett 1039. Toned, good very fine

  • Sicily, Entella, Tetradrachm, ca. 345/38-320/15 BC. AR (g 17,19; mm 27,5; h 3). Head of Arethousa r., wearing wreath of grain ears, triple-pendant earring, and pearl necklace; four dolphins swimming around; Rv. Horse prancing r.;
    Lotto 233

    Sicily, Entella, Tetradrachm, ca. 345/38-320/15 BC. AR (g 17,19; mm 27,5; h 3). Head of Arethousa r., wearing wreath of grain ears, triple-pendant earring, and pearl necklace; four dolphins swimming around; Rv. Horse prancing r.; palm tree in background. Jenkins, Punic 132; HGC 2, 281; SNG Copenhagen 82; SNG Lloyd 1615; SNG Lockett 1038. Good very fine - near extremely fine

  • Sicily, Entella, Tetradrachm, ca. 300-289 BC. AR (g 16,51; mm 26; h 10); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin Rv. Head of horse l.; palm tree to r., ‘MMḤNT (in Punic) below. Jenkins, Punic 308; HGC 2, 293. Die-breaks, very fine
    Lotto 234

    Sicily, Entella, Tetradrachm, ca. 300-289 BC. AR (g 16,51; mm 26; h 10); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin Rv. Head of horse l.; palm tree to r., ‘MMḤNT (in Punic) below. Jenkins, Punic 308; HGC 2, 293. Die-breaks, very fine

  • Sicily, Eryx, Hexas, ca. 410-400 BC. AE (g 3,24; mm 16,5; h 3). Female head r.; Rv. Hound advancing r., head l.; annulet above and below. CNS 12; HGC 2, 313. Very fine
    Lotto 235

    Sicily, Eryx, Hexas, ca. 410-400 BC. AE (g 3,24; mm 16,5; h 3). Female head r.; Rv. Hound advancing r., head l.; annulet above and below. CNS 12; HGC 2, 313. Very fine

  • Sicily, Eryx, 4th century BC. AE (g 5,80; mm 16; h 6). Female head l.; Rv, Horse stepping l. Campana 51; CNS 19; SNG ANS -; HGC 2, 327. Green patina, near very fine
    Lotto 236

    Sicily, Eryx, 4th century BC. AE (g 5,80; mm 16; h 6). Female head l.; Rv, Horse stepping l. Campana 51; CNS 19; SNG ANS -; HGC 2, 327. Green patina, near very fine

  • Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/85-480/75 BC; AR (g 8,66; mm 21; h 9); Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead; Rv. [CE]ΛAΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group Id; HGC 2, 363. Very fine
    Lotto 237

    Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/85-480/75 BC; AR (g 8,66; mm 21; h 9); Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead; Rv. [CE]ΛAΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group Id; HGC 2, 363. Very fine

  • Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/85-480/75 BC; AR (g 8,26; mm 23; h 3); Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead; Rv. [CE]ΛAΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group Id; HGC 2, 363. Very fine
    Lotto 238

    Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/85-480/75 BC; AR (g 8,26; mm 23; h 3); Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead; Rv. [CE]ΛAΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group Id; HGC 2, 363. Very fine

  • Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/85-480/75 BC; AR (g 8,48; mm 21; h 10); Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead; Rv. CEΛAΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group Id; HGC 2, 363. Good very fine
    Lotto 239

    Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/85-480/75 BC; AR (g 8,48; mm 21; h 10); Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead; Rv. CEΛAΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group Id; HGC 2, 363. Good very fine

  • Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/485-480/475 BC. AR (g 8,48; mm 20; h 12). Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead, Rv. CΕΛΑΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group I, 38 (O27/R45). Cabinet tone and w
    Lotto 240

    Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/485-480/475 BC. AR (g 8,48; mm 20; h 12). Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead, Rv. CΕΛΑΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group I, 38 (O27/R45). Cabinet tone and well centered on obverse, minor die break on reverse, otherwise extremely fine.

  • Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490-475 BC. AR (g 8,53; mm 20; h 11). Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead, Rv. CΕΛΑΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group I, 96 (O29/R51). Cabinet tone and about ext
    Lotto 241

    Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490-475 BC. AR (g 8,53; mm 20; h 11). Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead, Rv. CΕΛΑΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group I, 96 (O29/R51). Cabinet tone and about extremely fine - extremely fine.

  • Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/485-480/475 BC. AR (g 8,69; mm 20; h 6). Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead, Rv. CΕΛΑΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group I, 99 (O30/R54). Lightly toned, mino
    Lotto 242

    Sicily, Gela, Didrachm, ca. 490/485-480/475 BC. AR (g 8,69; mm 20; h 6). Nude horseman galloping r., brandishing a spear overhead, Rv. CΕΛΑΣ, Forepart of man-headed bull r. Jenkins, Gela, Group I, 99 (O30/R54). Lightly toned, minor area of weakness on obverse, slightly off center on reverse, otherwise about extremely fine - extremely fine.

  • Sicily, Gela, Obol, ca. 480/75-475/70 BC. AR (g 0,38; mm 10). Forepart of man-headed bull r.; Rv. Wheel with four spokes. Jenkins, Gela, 198; HGC 2, 372. Near very fine
    Lotto 243

    Sicily, Gela, Obol, ca. 480/75-475/70 BC. AR (g 0,38; mm 10). Forepart of man-headed bull r.; Rv. Wheel with four spokes. Jenkins, Gela, 198; HGC 2, 372. Near very fine

Lotti dal 217 al 240 di 3428

Web Auction 92 - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins and Numismatic Literature

Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins and Numismatic Literature


  • 2 ottobre 2020 ore 14:00 I part - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins (1 - 568)
  • 3 ottobre 2020 ore 14:00 II part - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins (569 - 1095)
  • 4 ottobre 2020 ore 14:00 III part - Greek, Roman, Byzantine Coins (1096 - 1738)
  • 5 ottobre 2020 ore 14:00 IV part - Numismatic Literature (1739 - 2651)
  • 6 ottobre 2020 ore 14:00 V part - Numismatic Literature (2652 - 3431)

Condizioni di vendita

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Buyer's fees: 24%

Altre Informazioni

Auction Times

2 October 2020 from 2.00 pm BST (3.00pm CEST Italian Time) for lots 1-568

3 October 2020 from 2.00 pm BST (3.00pm CEST Italian Time) for lots 569-1095

4 October 2020 from 2.00 pm BST (3.00pm CEST Italian Time) for lots 1096-1738

5 October 2020 from 2.00 pm BST (3.00pm CEST Italian Time) for lots 1739-2651

6 October 2020 from 2.00 pm BST (3.00pm CEST Italian Time) for lots 2652-3431


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