Lotto 154 | Lovegrove Ross

Cambi Casa d'Aste - Via San Marco 22, 20121 Milano
Asta N. 618 - CTMP Design Sessione Unica
martedì 14 settembre 2021 ore 15:00 (UTC +01:00)

Lovegrove Ross

Lovegrove Ross, Oneness is based on the idea of bal- ancing single points together. These points do not touch, but they use the natural viscosity of the material to try to reach the form of limit. They con- verge but they do not really connect, which is a metaphor for the way the world is after the pandemic. These converging entities were created by hand by Murano master glassmakers with outmost detail right after the glass has been blown. Breath, vis- cosity, containment and unification of single entities trying to become close to each other: a onenes. -- Unique Shipped from Italy Item liable to VAT Prof. 30 - Alt. 60 Cm 2020